Weekly SJW "Comedian"...

1  2017-03-29 by TangerineReam


A young James Brown with a wig doing stand-up in NY, learning about life and LULZ. We can relate, right group?

*Have fun, just DON'T go over the line, like JOCKTOBER: RANDY AND ALANA style. Among other things, we don't need the sub shutting down... *


  • Here's her talking about a lack of women in color in sketch writing, which is really a thinly veiled attempt to free up spots for advancement in her OWN career later on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NnkatcRvqc&t=82s&ab_channel=BarryMitchellt#=01m16s

  • Here's her improv group Affirmative Action! She was part of the group of clucking broads that played the feminist blah blah blah showcase at Brooklyn Museum last week. I know you guys are fans of indignant comedy and improv, so i figured I'd give you a little treat:




Sign of intellectual pretension:


how so

Because it's modern usage its near exclusively by AV club movie reviewers talking bechtdal tests and the heshe of the week on orange is the new black.

Its a layman's way of asking to expound upon a topic...

Comedians don't have to be objective, but there's more than 21 people in that clip, you'd think she'd do better than Opie numbers on the likes.

She thought this joke was so good that she made it into a Standup Shot thing. Put on your laughing hats and get ready to slap your knees:


Boy that made me cringe right up into my asshole. That's not a quote. Thats a "joke" that may get a tepid laugh or two at most.

It's the exclamation point at the end that really makes my soul ejaculate tears of sorrow at how lame the joke is.

For my money, 'the black woman' in America engenders the most amount of negative stereotypes of any race, sex, etc. On several levels, they're just the most pain in the ass group of people in the entire union.

Black female comics are worse than anyone else. There's a collective feeling that if you don't laugh at their jokes, it's because you're being discriminatory, so people go out of their way to laugh at things they say to show how accepting they are. I see it constantly. There's this big fat black broad I see at all the open mics now, she has huge door knocker earrings and goes up just to "riff." She says absolutely nothing, basically talks about her pussy or fuckin', and how "she doesn't have any jokes, she just wanted to get up n talk to yaw."

But people will laugh at "outrageous" shit she says, because it's this "you GO, girl!" sassy black broad bullshit. I wish I could remember her name, I'd gladly blow up her spot. Has there EVER been an universally accepted funny (a la Joan Rivers) black woman?

Throw her info my way when you can, we'll put her on blast

There's another broad named I'll just say "Felicia," I don't want to blow her up because I like her and she's always been cool to me. But she's another overweight (of course) black female comic who 75% of her jokes (at least she writes jokes, I'll give her that much) is about how Trump is racist, whitey is racist, the entire planet Earf is here to beset the black race with problems. Nothing is ever ever EVER their fault or their responsibility, it's just everyone out to get black people. It's fucking exhausting and it's so emblematic of black culture in general today, and we'll get nowhere because we're never allowed to bring this up. (Except in the O&A Sub Reddit)

Ms Pat? Yammenika?

that dykey black security guard from wayans bros.

This post should have more upvotes, gang

The black suntan bit could've been funny