Greedy Von DeCarlo after Patrice Benefit

43  2017-03-29 by unclepaul84



I'm curious why someone with a large amount of cash would choose 50's over 100's. Either because the number of bills is exactly twice as many, therefore making your amount of money look larger (quantity over quality) or the fact that many corner stores do not accept $100 bills.

I've had the bank ask me if I mind taking a cash withdrawal in smaller denominations because they're low on hundreds. I took out $9k once to buy a car and they could only give it to me in 20s.

Because while Benjamin Franklin was an active campaigner for Abolition at the end of his life, it was U.S. Grant who both headed the Union Army that freed the slaves, but also reconstruction, and crushed the first version of the KKK.

When you only have $178 in your account you can't get enough 100's to pull this off, three 50's and 28 singles will do it though!

She looks like she might be hot.

Tsss reah maybe she should open a rindow ror sumpthin

How? She's black.

BBBW I think.

Is anyone familiar with the term "Nigger wad", or is it just me? Which is usually a large bill wrapped around several smaller bills to appear as though your entire collection of cash is comprised of large denominations.

I am now, and I thank you for it, sir. I have now gladly absorbed it into my verbal lexicon.

You end up with 15 1's and a couple of 5's somehow, but if you wrap a 100 dollar bill around it, you're a "baller"... Nigga you got $125, but it looks like a bunch of money, and that's the important thing.

Haha they really are silly! :P

Niggers are like if you gave a hamster a beer and

you can do the same thing, by buying a big house, but its on a postage sized plot of land, and its built of cheap materials, is next to the highway, and has a dinosaur in the yard.

You're right. That's what's happening in the picture. You can tell because the 50s are colored and have a different border design. I bet those are fucking singles mostly


Those are clearly 20's or lower in the middle. Look at the one with a little bit of green sticking out. 50's and 100's don't have that small of borders or that design.

Based upon that photo, I would say: 50, 50, 50, 20, 111111111111111, 50... Bitch has maybe $300

even if its all 50s, thats still only like 2Gs, in other words, a rent check most people pay every month. Why get excited about that???

Is rent really that high in places besides NYC and California? You can rent a 4 bed 2 bath home for 750 where I'm from. My mortgage on my 3 bed 1.5 bath is 462 a month.

That's terrible for you, I'm sorry. Podunk motherfucker. "Is rent really that high???", Google it for Houston, you dumb fuck.

Obviously giant cities rent is high but I meant are mother fuckers living somewhere the size of green bay or Syracuse paying 2 GS in rent

Any discount in rent is so you can afford a gun to end your life.

Yeah, I'm not even picking on you, but that is ridiculously cheap. Which means you live where no one wants to. Also, where is this place, and can I get a job at the general store?

Greater Cleveland area. I like where I live just for the cost. It lets me travel out of country a lot. This summer when my job is on shut down I'm thinking of either going to Costa Rica or Brazil.

Oh god, so you live in one of the worst parts of America. NY and California suck in their own way, but at least they look nice. Then you aspire to travel to third world shit-holes like Brazil, where the best case scenario is you run into an ex-pat weirdo like Knickers, anything else just involves rape/robbery/extortion

I didnt think there were any chinamen in Brazil.

Knickers lives in a corrugated-tin roof shack in the Amazon delta and forces naive young village boys to blow him. He's the only guy within 100 miles with an N64 and a 26" TV

Life of Riley

I'm never not going to laugh at this description.

Ohio has some nice looking parts. And I've been to places like NYC and Europe but 3rd world countries are the best. In NYC all I could think about was how much money I was spending. In Cambodia all I could think was is it even possible to spend 100 bucks today here.

NY and California are both beautiful states, outside of the cities... My only experience in Ohio is passing through it to get somewhere nicer. I didn't even choose to stop for gas, let alone sightseeing.

I always heard the same think called a Jewish bankroll.

As our greatest modern philosopher Redman once said:

"Hoes wit it, but never gave a fuck befo', I'm frontin' a hundred on top, and ones below."

The guineas do that too. Make sure they pull out all their cash to show off in front of you.

Is there term that describes the spending habits of African Americans ?


nah, that ain't it


Anthony cumia rich?

Lower socioeconomic rich


That's lacist.

You're sayin' it wrong!

" Stop doing Bond rong! "

James Bond, what is this guy? Lookin' at birds? Google it, you ignorant piece o' garbage.

"Dat can't be true, I eat da coochie."


nouveau riche

I promise that barbarian can't even count that stack

Look at those fuckin breakfast sausage / goose turd fingers.

What is it with black women and hideous fingernails. Fucking talons with disease hiding in nail beds. That demographic has the worst taste in everything.