ME: Where we at with Bob Dylan accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature?

6  2017-03-29 by NihilistKnight

ME: I think Don Delillo got fawkin' robbed. He's been writing since he was fawkin' 18 and those haters in Sweden gave it to Bob Dylan. You fawkin' believe this? Underworld was fawkin' incredible. I haven't read it, but that's why I hear. Sherrod, you ever read any Don Delillo?


Dassatesto n I aint in school, fuckeenn..

You wanna try that one again, sport?


Sherrod: "Fuck Don Delillo, money. Why it gotta be White Noise, why can't it be Black Noise?"

ME: HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON! We're getting a calling from Snowy in Michigan. Says he wants to talk about Mao II. SNOW-AY you're on the line! Whatcha got on Mao II?

Pynchon should have won but Europeans don't like him for some reason.

They hate Americans. The first American who they gave a prize to a decades was a fuck you to Novelists.

ME: I'm all in with Philop Roth to be completely honest with you but he stopped taking our calls so fuck him. We did right by you, Phil. Typical Jehhh...

They gave their Peace Price to Obama, who was something like four weeks into office, later they gave one to the European Union, which is essentially a collection of unelected technocrats writing laws and controlling the finances of it's member states (aka fascism).

Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmerman so that about sums it up for me.