This is just mean. Bobby shows up when u search fat cenobite in google

9  2017-03-29 by dra_kul88


Did you seriously take a picture of your monitor with your phone? How old are you?

34 but mentally 14

I knew how to take a fucking screenshot when I was 14.

"Im not a smart man"

Ive never seen any of the hellraiser movies but they dont seem like they could possibly make any kinda sense

It's an interesting series of movies, I like them. favorites are 2,4, and 6 I think. Clive barker makes weird horror movies

Oh yeah they look great, but is it actually something that makes sense?

There is a box that people search out because they are bored with the regular pleasures of life and want something more. Those searching for it don't know the risks, some people get tricked into using it. The box opens up a door to hell allowing the cenobites to come and show u the pleasures they bring. #1 and 2 go together, 2 starts off right after one ends. #4 shows a bit of the history in 3 stories.

Why is the link in the title?

Fucked up on the post

I keep coming back to this post. It's a masterpiece.

Lol ty