Joe is really trying to pimp himself out there huh?

8  2017-03-29 by Justyna_A


brother joe is really talented. just realized there are some rotgut songs on spotify, i know what i'm listening to today.

Wow, that idiot didn't even tune his guitar right.

Lefty strat strung right-handed probably confused him.

Singing with gum in his mouth? Hope he chokes on it.

In between child spit, Joe uses gum a child chewed as a substitute.

Where in the fuck did the child spit thing come from?

I need to know.

Childs spat in his mouth and he gained the reputation for like child saliva.

I wonder why the comments are disabled.

That was, uhhh, better than I expected. Basic club band looking line up but if this waqs at a dive or some shit house I was going to get drunk and they had them I wouldn't be mad...Until I found out it was Brother Joe

Why the hell would someone cover this if you can't fucking nail it? Otherwise, it's sacrilege. Comments say he added tracks too. I thought Dawn's husband did a better job on the bass. Poor bastard....his dick is probably skinned like a carrot from Dawn's horseteeth.

Dawn's husband, A.K.A. Fat Opie.

Idiot didn't even upload the video to YouTube properly so it wouldn't have black bands in the video. What an idiot.


Oh, look, it's over 500K upvotes:

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

That needs to be a t-shirt

"Audio Recorded Live to Video. Track for tambourine and Acoustic Guitar ONLY."

So the guitar on the video we're hearing is 100% punched, mixed, and mastered. That's why:

  • the drums in the intro are so off, drummer was matching Joe's original guitar track that was later overdubbed

  • his lips are off with the lyrics.

  • every effect pedal pops in so violently

  • there's this fucking amazing video cut/edit as he tries to hit the wah-wah

  • these two mystery notes are magically played at the end of the song, despite Joe not actually playing them because he's too busy trying to pull off a decent vibrato bend with his canoli fingers

  • and finally I know this is a faked guitar track because NO guitarist would pull vibrato bends WHILE USING A FUCKING TREMOLO PEDAL.. THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT IT DOES

No doubt this is Joe singing because he's out of breath after eight syllables. To those saying the guitar is better than you expected, it's because he undoubtedly recorded this over multiple takes in a sound studio. There's too many audio giveaways to assert otherwise.

damn sir! are you columbo? damn

damn sir! are you columbo? damn