In mildly interesting news, Cale Hartmann (alleged beth stelling rapist/abuser who was publicly outted by Sam Morril and has since been shunned from comedy) brought Gavin with him to a club where Sam was performing to try and confront him

16  2017-03-29 by duranfarbissina



So Gavin and his boys are on "adderall" for the night, trying not to be gay, and Luis J. Gomez, u/PRrattlesnake , is the voice of reason yet again. 🇵🇷 🐍>🇨🇦👨‍❤️‍👨

Cale Hartmann? Beth Stelling?

Who the fuck are these people?

Liar whore liar whore!

you know it!

So he only hit her in the legs? Idk is that what rape looks like?


Phil's son. The murder really fucked him up so now he just rapes bitches.

I swear to God I thought it said "best-selling rapist"

You lost me.


Fuck Gavin

he sucks... his "i love confrontation because I'm scottish" persona is so tiresome and forced... an all around fag

He's also a pussy who hides behind his alt-right pro-first amendment image when really it's just him advocating free speech when it matters only to himself. It's so douchey how he fancies himself a badass even though he looks like if a muppet fucked an Urban Outfitters. So glad Vice kicked that asshole to the curb

"...though he looks like if a muppet fucked an Urban Outfitters"

Fucking hysterical!

Yeah, but you've got to admit, the Proud Boys are cool.


Venerate the entrepreneur.

What about the housewife?!?!?! I forgot what it is, do you venerate her or get drunk and drive your car off a cliff with her in it?

He would be more threatening if he stopped dressing like a steampunk gondola operator with a nefarious scheme.

How does one go on an "attempted killing spree"?

gavin talks about soft libruls so much that he doesn't realize his fake tough guy shit only works in those circles. imagine the proudboys running up on people outside of moist LA/NYC areas.

Where are these moist areas located? I'm asking for a friend...

I'll let you know once I finally scrounge up the $300 to check them out.

So you want him to go to states where they voted for Trump and think they're going to want to kick his ass?

i reckon gavin and a guy named kale going after people on either side wouldn't go well outside aspiring comedian and actor enclaves.

What do they have to go to the worst ghetto in Detroit to prove themselves? Is that when you will finally respect their toughness?

Didn't Gavin do a show where he actually took part in a gang initiation fight...? Hasn't he, since Trump's election, attended several events where he encountered violent opposition - and was actually maced at one of them...?

Not as tough as you - or the rest of us badasses on this forum - though, right?

"Didn't Gavin do a show where he actually took part in a gang initiation fight"

You're kidding right?.............

Gomez is being a bit of a faggot here. Sounds like a minor incident.

"I can't associate with you!" LOL. Fuck me.

It's almost as if he's not a real ass dude at all.

I dont blame him. Its fear.

Fake ass dude?

Puerto Rican Rattlefake?

Luis J Phomez?

Grown-ass man? We kickin' G.A.M.E., fellas.

Luis actually is making sense for the first time I've seen. Why would he go be on Gavin's show (for free) after Gavin was part of a group who showed up at a club where Luis does gigs (and gets paid) and the group got kicked out because they were threatening somebody who Luis actually is friends with. Why the fuck should Luis have some obligation to associate with a guy he isn't even friends with who is causing problems with one of his actual friends at one of the clubs where he makes his living? Don't hang out with people you don't want to hang out with. That's easy to figure out. Luis didn't cancel Gavin from coming on his show after he was already booked or something.. he's choosing not to do Gavin's show because he doesn't want to.

I heard Gavin's take on it. Hartmann went into the club. Gavin followed. Luis got upset. Said he and other comedians will be reluctant to go on his show again. Gavin said he didn't give a shit because comedians are terrible guests. That's about all there is to it.

There is something really gay about the comedian community. Gomez is usually good at calling it out. I almost forgot that he's just like the rest of them. "You did a thing other comedians didn't approve of. I can't be seen with you, maaaahn"

You skipped the part where he wanted to bash the guy, you skipped the part where he got kicked out by the club owners. Completely dishonest recapping.

Luis got kicked out? Or Gavin?

I had not heard that part. I haven't carried out a full investigation myself. Nevertheless, this changes nothing. I would want to bash this dude too.

Or it could be summarized as "Luis sides with his friend over guy he isn't friends with" which is normal.

I think both points of view are completely understandable. But I maintain Luis is being a bit of a fag here.

Would you want to associate with Gavin and those mongoloid proud boys? I wouldn't


No matter how gay the proud boys are, if they start beating up comedians they should have our full support.

I like Gavin but this stupid Proudboys shit is going to ruin him even further.

Oh yeah. If he and his faggot posse beat down Sam Morill I'd lessen my hate for them. But those guys are either scrawny or fat so they aren't going to jump anybody.

Certainly not if Sam faggily hides behind the closest friend in proximity while frantically pointing at Hartmann, begging the bouncer to get rid of him.

Just tell your jokes and go away. Were comedians always such faggots?

Yes. Kenny Bruce played the Knockout Game with Jackie Mason.


Has every dumb twat comedian in nyc been raped?

One day...

A lot of shitty comedians realized that you don't need credits to move up in the business; all you have to do to get a foot in the door is proclaim your victimhood on social media.

Only the white ones.Sherrod comment. ......

Everytime I start to feel bad about what happened to Cale Hartmann, I remember that he's a really unfunny improv performer and I stop caring. Cale fucking stinks on Gavin's show.


I hate Sam Morrill's face and voice. I think I'm siding with the rapist.

I want to see a boxing match between Luis and Gavin. Luis make it happen.

Sam Morris is a fucking faggot

Gavin is such a fucking queer.

Comedians fucking stink.

Sam seems like a super annoying ass who needs subtle attention and Beth DESERVED those bruises

Meh. Fuck Gavin. He's a shitty Canadian who pretends to be an American with Scottish ancestry. Urgh.

Do you think Cale was going to rape Sam?

So Cale went there to pinch Sam's thighs a bunch?

  • Sam Morril publicly accused someone of being a rapist.
  • The person Sam named has never been charged with sexual assault and, to my knowledge, has never been questioned by law enforcement about sexual assault allegations.
  • The alleged rape victim has never filed a police report or filed a civil lawsuit against the person that Sam Morril publicly named as a rapist.

While I certainly think the more intelligent strategy would be to file a lawsuit against Sam Morril for defamation, I can understand why someone falsely accused of rape by Sam Morril would want to hurt him.

Not saying that Sam knows everything, but if your girlfriend told you she was raped, you'd probably believe her, and be mad at the guy she said did it.

True. If the guy was completely innocent he'd be suing Sam for defamation instead of threatening him at some club. But Sam doesn't get a free pass either because it's not okay to publicly label someone as a rapist if they haven't been questioned as a suspect in a sexual assault.

Lol you're so fucking dumb

Hi luis!!!

Stelling wouldn't be headlining the Crapshoot Festival without the assault; nor Tig without the cancer.... sheesh... chicks aren't funny. period. see?

Hey guys. Didn't see this thread before. Taking any questions. AMA.

It's almost as if he's not a real ass dude at all.

Where are these moist areas located? I'm asking for a friend...

I dont blame him. Its fear.

Luis actually is making sense for the first time I've seen. Why would he go be on Gavin's show (for free) after Gavin was part of a group who showed up at a club where Luis does gigs (and gets paid) and the group got kicked out because they were threatening somebody who Luis actually is friends with. Why the fuck should Luis have some obligation to associate with a guy he isn't even friends with who is causing problems with one of his actual friends at one of the clubs where he makes his living? Don't hang out with people you don't want to hang out with. That's easy to figure out. Luis didn't cancel Gavin from coming on his show after he was already booked or something.. he's choosing not to do Gavin's show because he doesn't want to.

Fake ass dude?

So you want him to go to states where they voted for Trump and think they're going to want to kick his ass?

What do they have to go to the worst ghetto in Detroit to prove themselves? Is that when you will finally respect their toughness?

Luis got kicked out? Or Gavin?

Didn't Gavin do a show where he actually took part in a gang initiation fight...? Hasn't he, since Trump's election, attended several events where he encountered violent opposition - and was actually maced at one of them...?

Not as tough as you - or the rest of us badasses on this forum - though, right?

Would you want to associate with Gavin and those mongoloid proud boys? I wouldn't

I had not heard that part. I haven't carried out a full investigation myself. Nevertheless, this changes nothing. I would want to bash this dude too.