Every time I read an article shitting on Chappelle's specials, I think, yup, that's why Trump won.

43  2017-03-29 by antchya


No it's gotta be because of all those nazi, xenophobic, transphobic redneck KKK fascist alt-right trolls that crawled out from under their double-wides to vote for Trump.

Everything beyond that comment stinks, including this one.

Do ya?

He certainly does!

I assume you mean articles trashing him for being a "anti-transmorphysexual cis-gender schill"... I watched both his specials, I chuckled a few times, he's not my favorite comedian, but he has a good stage presence and he has done a lot of funny/cutting-edge shit over the years that has earned him almost universal respect. He even pointed out in his special before a gay joke "I'm an ally, why are you getting mad at me?"... That's how they are though, you either 100% tow the Liberal line or you're a bigot/homophobe. Most of us here are probably 75% liberal with our beliefs, but it's that other 25% that keeps us out of the club. I hate to paraphrase Sam Harris again, but "When you're standing on the north pole and you take a step in any direction you are heading south... They've created a Left-pole and one step off of it, you're right-wing"

"I'm an ally, why are you getting mad at me?"

If a non-nigger said that before making a joke about a nigger and used the work nigger in his act, Do you think Dave would be fine with it?

"I'm an ally, why are you getting mad at me? Seriously though, don't nigger babies look like someone just took a giant shit?"

u mad, tranny?

I'm not a tranny but but my friend U/stinkskc is... Sadly it's not going well for him, he paid that quack doctor to give him Fix-A-Flat fake-titties and his left nipple exploded

I'm sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers go out to stinks

I'm gonna set up a Gofundme for Stinks to get his nipple tattooed back on and for Knickers to stop being Asian... I'll set the target goal at $50k, although it may cost a little more

I'll donate as long as removing knickers chineseness comes before stinks titty issues

Well, we're also afraid to admit that in black-thug culture, the whole "I aint down with that gay shit nigga" concept is alive and well... Where as the average straight/white male doesn't give a fuck about gay dudes (some small cocked insecure rednecks still get bothered). No it's muslim and black men who hate gays, that doesn't fit the agenda to admit though.

some small cocked insecure rednecks still get bothered

but every Negro that hates gays is a small cocked insecure coon right?

I mean its odd that we treat white homophobes and black ones so differently, even you seem to not want to insult homophobic niggers. And let's face it every spade that says they hate gays probably loves sucking cock. Ice Cube, Dr.Dre, Suge Knight. All cocksuckers

I'm not even sure what you're getting at, what point are you trying to make? My point was "homophobia" amongst white men is way less common NOW than it is amongst other cultures the left loves to coddle. Yes, I made a joke about who I feel is still "afraid of the gay", you can say "That's gross" about homosexuality, but if 2 consenting adult dudes want to fuck, who cares?

His point is he wants you to see that he's not afraid of using offensive words 😱😱😱

He's bringing a lil' edge to the conversation. Naughty words are fun to say.

you can say "That's gross" about homosexuality, but if 2 consenting adult dudes want to fuck, who cares?

apprently Negros and Spics and Muslims and Asians and basically non-whites in general.

But people only mock white homophobes for some odd reason, when they are actually "woke" and just have the same views as your average POC

I've analysed the cultural data at a gay bar several times before (strictly scientific purposes)... Hispanics probably are the most likely to be gay, followed by blacks per capita... Maybe it's just the fact that white gays don't need to go to bars for random dicks that give them money, my research is incomplete

You clearly need to do more research.

The "left" is not a group of same minded people. We don't all "coddle" other cultures as you say. Also, it wasn't Muslim groups that fought for Prop 8 tooth and nail. It was Mormons, with support from most Republicans. It wasn't Republicans going to the Supreme Court to fight for gay marriage rights.

It's funny how this never gets mentioned. If these people weren't so disingenuous, they'd have it out bad for black culture.

Black people won't do anything about it though. That's the difference. They won't actively harm gays, maybe some teasing.

I definitely think it's more than teasing within their community, though.

Are you aware of how the super black Caribbean community treats gays? Its kind of like teasing, but more like setting them on fire, then producing number 1 hit songs about it.

Its a great quote by Sam "The Boy" Harris.

Chappelle's problem is that he relies on his blackness too much, which ultimately has betrayed him in the past. In fact, one of the reasons why he got stressed and left Chapelle show, was over how white people laughed a little too hard at the black jokes or the sketches that had the word "nigger" every 5 seconds. As great a comedian as he is; his blackness is a crutch. Problem is, as most of these black comedians are going to find out, its like taking your Dave and Busters card to a T.G.I. Friday: It's not going to work, no matter how hard you try. That's why they should've come out in the past en masse, as COMEDIANS, to defend White comics that tell Black jokes, or Latino comics making Native American jokes, etc. Comedians are -to some degree- ALWAYS working against the audience, and when they try to start shit like they're doing with Dave, comedians need to get in the trenches and support their fellow comics, regardless of personal differences with said comic. Because this authoritarian PC media culture, fueled by fallacies and nepotism, is coming for EVERYONE.

I agree with you, but have you ever heard that one Sherrod Small joke that sums it all up? https://youtu.be/L104LViQeIw?t=4s

Interesting that they depicted Sherrod "could be any race" Small as a black cartoon character.

What I've noticed is that with black people in general, they think white people are obsessed with black people the same way black people are obsessed with white people. Every Black guy thinks he is a white people mind reader, especially guys like Patrice.

That story of a white guy laughing a little too hard at some references, that's a perfect example. I bet it was just a metaphor or even a lie to cover his real reason, but it sounds like a paranoid delusion that a white employee with a black boss laughed a little too hard at a joke so he assumed this would be used as a white scheme to hate black people so he destroyed the whole fucking operation.

Neal Brennan said it really happened on Jay Mohr's show.

In fairness to Dave, there certainly are a good number of white people who are obsessed with black people to a hilarious extent. Just look at Ant.

Dave's father is an African American studies professor, so he really never had a chance not to be race obsessed. Especially since he converted to Islam after he had his first nervous breakdown when Half Baked bombed.

But his race stuff is funny. And while he overreacted to the guy laughing at him in blackface, he's hardly a "white people need to be more guilty" type. Like when he pissed off black comics with the Michael Richards joke about how he was angrier at the hecklers than Richards.

You don't put quotations around something you are paraphrasing, you brain dead buffoon. You are not smart. Your intellectualizing of politics makes me hate you more than Sam Harris. It's you the left that are intolerable! No we're not, it's you guys on the right who won't budge! The left/right paradigm is a rudimentary system of classifying political positions which only serves to give people a side to champion.

Your phone crapped out bro... You really did trail off in the middle there bro, ok I'm stupid for using poor punctuation, guess I'm wrong!

My shirt is not as cool as that but you miss the point. Centre is still a part of the left/right paradigm.


"Betcha think you got me cornered, well guess what nerd? IM A CENTRIST. You heard me right. People who hold serious convictions or beliefs are FUCKING LOSERS"

"When you're standing on the north pole and you take a step in any direction you are heading south... They've created a Left-pole and one step off of it, you're right-wing"

It's their most overused and most powerful weapon: labeling. I've even seen it on this faggot sub, probably because the rest of reddit leaks into here sometimes.

If you don't believe everything they believe, you're "alt right" "nazi" "conservative" whatever labels they revile the most. And, many times, a person hears that and scrambles to defend themselves. And, even more worryingly, in the future, they act MORE progressive/etc to try to stop those accusations from coming their way again.

It's a disgusting tactic, and I hope the faggot who argued with me for FOUR DAYS on here, last week, by calling me "dumb" (I am) and "a retard" (again, guilty as charged, but pretty darned ableist too! LOL) is reading this:

"Hey faggot, you didn't call me anything that hasn't been said before, on my birth certificate/etc, but how bout refuting what I said. Prove me wrong instead of doing literally the exact same thing I was shitting on your kind for, you goofy reddit Big Bang Theory quoting unfunny reddit FAGGOT.

"Hey, faggot. The edge on your weapon is dulling. Celebrities and giant corporations are using that same tactic now. Sony did it with Ghostbusters. Amy Schumer did it with her awful special. And now Bioware is doing it with the new awful Mass Effect game. "ALT RIGHT/RACIST/SEXIST TROLLS TRY TO STOP NEW whatever fucking product they're trying to sell. Advertising is using your shit and people will see right through it. Faggot"

"Hey faggot, maybe if you actually acted like you gave a shit about people, and not just obviously pretending to give a shit about trans/nonwhite/whatever fucking cause du jour you have this week, they might buy into leftism again. If leftism was still about helping people, and not this progressive social marxist divisionist bullshit."

Michigan went Bernie and then for Trump, because they wanted someone who actually seemed to give a good god damn about them, not YAAAS QUEEN SLAYYAYAYYAYA

Fucking LOOK AT THIS SHIT: http://www.gq.com/story/dave-chappelle-netflix-standup

Dave Chappelle Didn’t Change with the Times—and That’s the Problem

That's not a reasonable thing to even SAY and it comes off like a demand. Do these faggots even listen to themselves? I'm writing all this dumb shit, I know, but I'm writing this for free while I drink shitty Foldger's before work, these people are being paid and they just say retarded fucking GARBAGE.

Don't they know that the standards they want will choke everyone? Don't they know that these same standards won't stop racism/sexism/etc and if anything only make more of it?

Fuck, how did we get here, how the fuck did we get here?

You can be liberal and vote for liberals if you like without being PC. Fuck a queer LGBT nigger faggot if they have a problem with words in comedy. Vote for universal healthcare backing politicians if it suits you anyway. The PC police are hardly supported and are just the loud voice you choose to focus on. Spend your time finding your own news and you won't hear shit from the PC police. If you write off liberals because of the PC police, you are the reason the PC police exist; because there are a lot of people without the critical thinking capabilities to realize that a party is much more about the overall morals and message than a few in the vocal minority. And if you voted for Trump because you want people to be able to say nigger faggot all they want, then you have some introspection to do if that's what pushed you over the line. You were never really a progressive or a liberal. You can be a liberal and still say these things, I am and I do.

And if you voted for Trump because you want people to be able to say nigger faggot

Not at all. For me personally to vote for Trump it only takes so many articles, blogs, and tweets about how great if would be if all white men were exterminated. SJWs and the far-Left cost Hillary the election. Not sure how else to say it

I haven't seen anything saying white men should be exterminated. You seem to be focusing on things only happening on a very few instances. I would think the racism and fear that comes from the right would scare you more. People are actually dying from it.

on the other hand, its nice to think blacks are going to see those articles and realize the whites are going to attack them for their homophobic and anti-trans bullshit.

Patrice Oneal, Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy are the patron saints of /r/TheRedPill because of their misogyny.

I can't wait for SJWs to start going after blacks and latinos the way they go after whites. it will make those people come to the right side of the aisle

They'll never go after blacks and latinos because they need their "oppression" struggle in order to stay relevant

What else would they whine about, transmorphic ladyman cisnormatives? Who will be left to give a shit?

They need the votes, nigga. Hispanics are ten years away from being the majority in Texas and California.

"blacks are going to see those articles."

Ha ha. No.

yeah you're right, but if i was a hundred millionaire all i would do is just make ads and run them on BET and during basketball games.

Patrice Oneal, Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy are the patron saints of /r/TheRedPill because of their misogyny.

You say this like it's a status most people want to achieve.

"More like Donald 'Gump', amirite?!?!?… …see, cuz he's mentally disabled folks!…but bless those people who deal with that struggle every day…they're my hero…they're the true president!…Also, speaking of heroes, let's here it for the troops…it's also not okay to hit women while we're at it…Well that's my time here at Over The 8 open mic. Time for me to go back to my dog walking job where I make a difference. Hit me up on Tumblr @ neverforgetyourdreamss. Thanks everyone!"

Ugh, I fucking hate comedy

It's not comedy. It's the modern comedian.

Just look at the recent rash of rape witchhunts, podcast wars, dissecting "the art of comedy". Comedians are self-important twats.

Not all of them

The ones who aren't sure don't speak up anymore. Or maybe I just follow the wrong ones. If Rebecca from "The Creek and the Cave" won't fuck or book you anymore and that somehow hurts your career, you were probably a nobody to start with.

Trump won? Must be some kind of Nazi uprising. Never mind the fact that he was running against the worst candidate of all time.

.... But, but-- you know she is a woman right? Strong and brave!!?

The line about (paraphrasing) gay dudes sounding like cats if they could talk is worth all of the flak. Chappelle's specials seemed like they were taped ten years ago before the pc nonsense went into overdrive. The pendulum is finally starting to swing back in the other direction.

Even tho he talked about trans and gay people, it was from a they are oppressed angle, and it was in comparison to black people. If Dave Chappelle was white, it would have been a bigger backlash. and the special was mostly liberal and had a black have it tough message, a lot of people liked it because it re-enforced their beliefs. I just though it was ok.

I bet that's not actually why Trump won.

Trump won due to the arrogance and elitism of the left. Their entitlement has shown since, and is remarkably hilarious.

I think Trump won because Hilary didn't campaign in Michigan.

some small cocked insecure rednecks still get bothered

but every Negro that hates gays is a small cocked insecure coon right?

I mean its odd that we treat white homophobes and black ones so differently, even you seem to not want to insult homophobic niggers. And let's face it every spade that says they hate gays probably loves sucking cock. Ice Cube, Dr.Dre, Suge Knight. All cocksuckers

It's funny how this never gets mentioned. If these people weren't so disingenuous, they'd have it out bad for black culture.

I'm not even sure what you're getting at, what point are you trying to make? My point was "homophobia" amongst white men is way less common NOW than it is amongst other cultures the left loves to coddle. Yes, I made a joke about who I feel is still "afraid of the gay", you can say "That's gross" about homosexuality, but if 2 consenting adult dudes want to fuck, who cares?

Black people won't do anything about it though. That's the difference. They won't actively harm gays, maybe some teasing.