Sherrod got caught masturbating in front of girls outside their windows

0  2017-03-28 by ScorzeMan


It needs to be said that he would have gotten away with it if he had killed those girls, exemplifying the rare occurrence where a spade has screwed up his life by not committing enough crimes.

"Knock it off, Spade!"

He can close his mouth. Not Sherrod.


where the white women at?

I have some half nig cousins that all weigh about no joke 450 pounds. Their dad is a fat crackhead that is legally blind. He has been caught masturbating in public like 25 times. About 2 years ago he was caught masturbating in the hallway of the college his daughter(my cousin) was attending. They all knew it was her dad and she cried.

I had a good laugh when that happened.