Uncle Paul, TSA Agent

11  2017-03-28 by crookedmile


Shuuuree. There's a DYNAMITE stick in there!! I KNOW it! They always lyin'.

Why's everybody getting so ANGRY? I was just tryin' to stop the terrorists, he looked like the underpants bomber

We're not getting the TSA guy's side of the story, which is only fair. Maybe that child was being a little slut?

What a fucking creep. That said, if the mother was so concerned about how the boy was traumatized by this, doesn't sharing the video with the world only make that worse?

Well, if the guy really is that big of a fucking creep (and clearly he is), who's to say he hasn't done this in the past or will continue to do so in the future. With 6mil views so far, this dude's probably already been shitcanned. If she would have just brought it to the TSA's attention, they'd probably just reprimand the guy.

That's a fair point.

What, a big fucking creep for a standard patdown? I'm more pissed of at the mom "They held me for an hour".. because you were bitching your head off for 55 minutes. I'm sure the kid is WAY more traumatized by his mother's behavior.

This didn't look to me like a standard pat down. More of a run down. And after almost letting the kid go, he went back for seconds and rubbed around his waist for the third time.

Looked to me like a tune-up and lube job.

But why did the mom have to show their kid's face? Or why couldn't she just record the video and show management and bluff about sharing it?

What she did was blow up an event at the expense of her kid. Yes, it sucks they missed their flight and I hate the TSA, but it's your kid. This will of course affect his social life now.

TSA guy should be fired, but the mom is a stupid cunt.

So that it doesn't happen to other children? To give people an accurate image of just how insane this procedure is? Just reading about it didn't give me the physical repulsion of actually seeing it.


Fucking crumb creep*

you think everyone he knows seeing a video of the kid getting his peckah played with by an old man will potentially ruin his social life

That ugly kid isn't even worth a diddling.

Sign me up for that man's job!

"Your not allowed to bring a dirty peckkkka on the air-o plain. Im gonna have to clean it with my mouth."

They found a device on the retard but it was a dud boooooo

I hate the TSA and it's obviously just a program for jobs. But, I hate it when parents use their kids as political tools like the video in the article.


More like, Mom/Dad was hysterical and the kid freaked as a result.

I really hate parents that record these kind of videos. If you think it is so inappropriate stop letting them rub all over your fucking kids as you sit and record and take a bus.

Not even sure I understand this one. I didn't see him fondle his cock or anything what's the big deal?

Yeah, ya gotta get way up in neah, he might be hiding explosives in his taint.

We're are just doing a job...it's a different world out there these days ya know. His waistband is very snug around his tummy...it just needs a little inspection.