Wife-beating Drunk Bill O’Reilly Makes Fun of Black Congresswoman's Hair

2  2017-03-28 by crookedmile


Pretty fucked up of them to use the term "black"

I agree, I hate that word in that context.

Don't forget that Bill says he needs a vibrator in his ass when he jerks off.

dont plug Mediaite! Also that woman is legit retarded.

He should be fired for disrespecting James Brown.

This shit is getting insane. When a white person insults a black person, it isn't automatically racist. She fucking has a James brown haircut. It's a humorous observation.

Speaking of hair, this reminds me of the time O'Reilly dragged his wife down the stairs by her hair in front of their children. Now thaaaaaaats alpha.

she's a nappy headed ... erm wait a minute