Flutesy is "modelling" again

58  2017-03-28 by barlowqt


I dont see the problem with this op

The only model in history without a shot in profile.


I'd like to fuck her while role playing I'm an SS Officer and she was a Jew saved from the concentration camp to be in the joy division of Jew fucking. If she doesn't let me fuck her ass she's going on a train to Auschwitz.

Would you get her sexy striped pajamas, or would you go authentic dirty/tattered rags?

Tattered rags baby.

and of course you'd have to yank her head back with the tail of her Tichel

Reminds me of something an acquaintance once said: "Women- can't live with them, can't dress them up in Nazi uniforms and beat them with zucchini."

lol so randum xD

Potato lolol

She'll definitely choose the Holiday Camp dude. Don't think it's going to happen.

Feel like Auscwitz gets so much attention when it comes to concentration camps, remember, Dachua put up some pretty respectable numbers.

But Slayer never wrote a song about them.

ME: The reich really likes the direction of the camp! Check out the fawkin numbahs!!!

You have parallel thinking with Max Mosley, the ex-FIA racing boss.



Jesus Christ

She needs to turn 180° and stick that fat ass out

I wanna take a deep whiff. Get to the bottom of exactly what flutesys butt smells like once and for all.

I predict it smells good. Well bad, but in a good way.

i wanna see her turtle a log then suck it back in

what the fuck

I'm not going to click that only because I don't want to find out that's something I actually enjoy.

Read that as real cat girls and clicked accidentally.

Jk I was fully aware. I eat women's poo

I hate to be vulgar but I would enjoy parking my johnson in her bottom.


That's right, she's the one with that nice dunk

nice body, pretty face. Just that fucking giant nose throws it off

Nothing like a giant schnozz on a pretty girl. You just know it took years to grow into and people gave her shit for it, so she's not too completely full of herself.

you know sometimes I like a slightly bigger nose on a girl if it works, but her macaw beak combined with the fetal alcohol syndrome eyes kills it for me.

she looks more like a bird than Dee

Flutesy? More like floozy

ShE's A wOmAn

aF lOwAr



tss tss She should be called Glutsey or sumthin cuz she got a FAT FAWKIN ASSSSSSSSS!

ShUd Ep. YoUr BeEn VaRy RuDe LyLe, U lEt Me FeNiSh.

Flutsey? More like tootsie.. 'cause she farts or somethin... I donno.. I'm jus riffin...

Looks like any Romanian on chaturbate

She reminds me of this gorgeous young woman who I made vomit in her shoes for a nickel.

You shoulda give hera dorra you skinfrint

how's ESL class coming along?

Rhy you ask you want make fun of me too rike all lacist?

12 please, no MSG

Msg vely good for rou make tall rike the Lock.


I would love to show her my well in the basement.

Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?

He said, "I can smell your nose."

What's her Instagram?

God bless.

There's not much there, just one or two pics that show her ass.

Would you enjoy squeezing her ample bottom?

how do these kind of photographers keep getting work?

Model mayhem.com for amateur photographers and short girls that like to take their clothes off

She has 1 very good feature and chooses not to show it, fuck her.

She needs a proper breast augmentation.

Great pose WTF is she in mid - Macarena?

Someone has duped this poor woman but I dont care because she is terrible on ESDS. Voice like a foghorn.

I want to sniff her butt




hoo dat?

Show us your beak, ho

She looks like the bitch from Antz (the movie)

A very sexy ant indeed.

This is the most regular human on the planet. Why do people fawn over her?

One step closer to doing porn.

And to think somewhere right now an intoxicated East Side Dave is jerking off to this image

she looks like Silera (from the old rf.net)

The photographer took hundreds of photos, and this was the best one.

isnt she a coal burner?

Why is this average Frigidaire not showing her only worthwhile asset?

Yeccch ....


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A cha cha cha

Fairy tales..can come true..

Looks good to me, and I totally would.

My penis is so confused right now. My body registers this is a female in her prime years of procreation, who has a passing resemblance to a young Jane Seymour, large almond brown eyes, an attractive physique, wide birthing hips, and the knowledge they form a hidden but nearly perfect bottom.. yet her breasts seem to recede into her body, she couldn't be standing any more unnaturally, I could siesta in her schnoz shade, she's probably slept with ESD and definitely with someone at TACN, and her body just doesn't seem proportional.

I give her a 9 on the Patrice scale: a gorgeous ugly chick.

ME: Fuck Jane Seymour!

The ass alone is worth it. And this is a girl who's going to stay in this shape for a long time. Girls with huge asses and breasts (not necessarily both) are paranoid of the bottom falling out with their bodies, with fat being collected elsewhere. Skinny girls with nothing going on can let themselves go without going over the line. ACTUAL curvy women (not curvy fat women) are paranoid about going from an HOURGLASS to a BELL. So -unless they have issues with depression and ADHD- they're a bit more vigilant


She forgot to put on her tits

She looks like a woman from 1960 Russia


This picture only works because she's looking straight at the camera. Turn that head more than 45 degrees to the side and her Adrien Brody nose would suck the sexuality out of the picture in one giant inhale. You'd have to cut a hole in the brown paper bag for that schnoz to make it fit.

Yes, she has the face of a toucan but if you wouldn't at least fuck her, you're gay.

Decent 6.5... dat ass a 8 doe

This young lady better have a penis.

She is the DEFINITION of a butterface.

She's a backpage girl, I'm guessing from the Wisconsin area.

I would take her out to a fine hamburger dinner before placing my penis in her mouth.

I grew up in a Mexican ghetto.. She's a 5 at best.

stick to being a big fish in a small pond, hun

They did a great job shopping out the bite marks.

I used to crack wise but she's hot, the Azerbaijani nose and "youngest daughter of 22 person immigrant household" look only enhances it.

That gotta go.

If your in to mom bods, shes a solid 7

But Slayer never wrote a song about them.

ME: The reich really likes the direction of the camp! Check out the fawkin numbahs!!!