Sammy Hyde has some real cojones

47  2017-03-27 by duranfarbissina


wtf i love racism now!

That's hilarious.

He's a white boy & he trains BJJ, deal with it.

I didn't realize 6 years was such an immense length of time?


If you read any MDE comment section people just love to type "charls".

OH yeah

I've said this before in another thread: I just chose this age randomly. I'm his age. I chose 1979, as in Death From Above 1979

And he towered over those nerds so they could have meant it and then thought better of it.

I think it's an inevitability at this point. The fucker is worse than Ant about race shit on Twitter and his latest YouTube videos are just his ramblings.

Sam Hyde's a good boy.

he did jiu jitsu.

To a degree. You can even see it in the "fucking get out" video, he was begging for the female comic to hit him so he could claim self defense. He's absolutely that dude.