GAMERS OF THIS SUB: Look at this fucking unacceptable pile of shit...

17  2017-03-27 by TangerineReam


This is not a mirror.

It would be if I was Manveer Heir

I'm playing it now. I can't belive how hard those Canadian failures skull fucked this franchise.

They should all be locked in the trunk of a car thats driving off a cliff

They should be "trunked" with pit bulls.

I love a good t pose.

Even if all the technical shit was fixed it'd still be bad because of tumblr fan fic style writing.

It's what happens when you let a trans strong arm you in the writing rooms. True story.

And they downvoted Breath of the Wild OUT OF SPITE because they didnt make a female Link, meanwhile the game is a thing of beauty. But they still upvoted ME:A because "it's still effective, despite the story issues, the bugs, the designs and animations, and the misogynist haters".

Breath of the wild is the best game I've played in about a decade.

I guess this is what happens to a game studio when they replace all of their missing talent with lesbian dance theory majors.

According to one dev on that faggoty KIA sub: it was largely due to forced consolidation of labor, with longer work hours, little advancement, and finishing tasks that were completely out of you job title

AKA what happens to every developer once EA takes over.

The reason all the women in this game look like Dreamworks cartoon characters while the men look like real people is the same reason why the game technically sucks really fucking bad. BioWare Edmonton and Montreal are both nothing but women and "allies" and not all of them were hired because of being good at their jobs.

Anti-GG'rs did more ruin gaming than they claim GG'rs did

Fucking grown men playing alien robot space games, how embarrassing. If you're were a real man you'd be watching NASCAR or chopping wood in your free time.

The Witcher series comes to mind when I think of what is kind of the antithesis of the Mass Effect/Dragon Age series. Save the first titles in each... they were pretty damn good.