Something big must be happening at 4PM-CT. It's not like Alex to make such grandiose statements

17  2017-03-26 by Ant_Sucks


It's actually a lot like him to do that.

Oh, you

The apology video was a false flag operation



the biggest revelation yet is that pizzagate was entirely made up to keep autistics focused on other things besides the bullshit actually going on

Well it's not exactly unprecedented. There were at least two proven pedophile rings in the UK government involving both high ranking politicians and celebrities, and in the US Bill Clinton signed the Adoption and Safe Families act which created the human trafficking market within child protective services.


a former Prime Minister in the UK, a former Speaker of the House, Terry Bean (Obama fundraiser), Anthony Weiner......

Then there's the Wikileaks revelation that Dubya fired a bunch of lawyers to kill an investigation into a pedo ring that was being run out of a fancy DC hotel, the fact that Hillary's State Department killed a pedo investigation of an ambassador, and Bill Clinton took 26 trips on the Lolita Express.

Then there's that story Anderson Cooper did a few years ago, about the 5,200 Pentagon employees.

Oh, and some woman named Laura Silsby was caught trying to steal 33 kids in Haiti, and Huma forwarded updates on the case to Hillary, and Bill Clinton intervened on Silsby's co-conspiritors' behalf.

At this point, it's practically a given that the upper echelons of political power are riddled with pedos.

Don't forget that people are offering $25,000 to anyone that can disprove any of the information relating to pizzagate.

I hear that everyone you dislike politically also eats babies. Retard.

If you have proof, either collect the money for keep babbling out of your faggot cocksuckin' lips, ya piece ah gaaawbitch

The Aaahprell Falls jokes are coming early this year, apparently.

Anthony loves extra hotdogs on his pizza

In order to get out of the lawsuit, he will just say "I was just joking". It works every time.

Trumps hair is held in place with black men's jizz. I saw some pretty convincing arguments about it.