Brian Gilgore's Brain the Brink listening thread - ep. Let's Talk about 1984

4  2017-03-26 by Old_Man_Dummy


Kinda sounds bonnie mcfarlane (nasally mocking voices) and pew die pie at times (when mocking trump)


"Fuck me, being a celebrity... in these times"

/u/Guinness525 coined the term "sublebrity".

Lol who was I referring to?

Me unfortunately.

Ooh! Link?

tss you said it in cytube

Ohh, you smart aleck!

Get a loom, you two.


Gilgore is aware of where Bam Magera grew up

in PA somewhere right?

Non-ironically says he judges communities by there pizza dough.


Brian Gilgore sounds exactly as fat as he is and it's unsurprising that he shit his pants.

I'm the center of attention because of gravity.

Do you have a job? Maybe cut it out with the spoon making and put in some applications.

How much of a fat fuck do I have to be to be whittling food utensils in my free time?

Make me a medium wooden dildo with that soft wood you were bragging about?

Is this that fat faggot u/spinuch?

I clicked the link so he will think he got a new listener.

But I didn't listen.

My sponsors that have never paid me will be pleased. I should stop coming here.

I should stop coming here.

I second this motion.

Post a picture of your Hershey nipples for your Grandpa, Brian.


"Welcome to Brain on the Brink, this is Brian Gilgore."

I'll definitely be listening later today.

This is wonderful.

Did he really say that?

That's about 40% of all he says. He thinks it makes him interesting.

Your username is mocking a moderator of a forum. Nothing about you is interesting.

I touched a nerve :)

I say piece of shit all the time but how dare you say it's because I think it makes me seem interesting. I say it because I'm an idiot with a limited vocabulary.


Jeez bud why don't you try a little harder to seem interesting

Hes telling the truth people: He is an idiot with a limited vocabulary.

Im actually impressed you said 'vocabulary' and not 'word list in head'.

A bright light in a dark rapey alley.

Do you have a girlfriend?

Its better to light a candle than curse Spin for being a worthless broadcaster

Your username is a misspelling of a common leafy green. His says the n-word, he wins this round.

You just ignoring the space edge part? Just like how you purposely take things out of context in my podcast and quote them like an SJW blogger?

Bickering with redditors is beneath you


Did he really say that?

Has Brian paid his respects to a certain someone who died recently?

yo hit me up td

I know you're almost there, but he didn't mean you.

I meant me

I meant me

I just asked him to hit me up on some unrelated shit

My phone FAWKIN broke. Getting a new one in the mail soon. My number should be the same. Are you willing to say nigger in your act?

Nah, he gave deadcats the scorch treatment.

I lasted 40 seconds

30 seconds longer than Brian's last cheeseburger

" that's a fat joke, people! "

Who are quoting?

Brian sounds like he's on something

"Not a diet" is answer #1

Remember when you posted your podcast and I was the only person that wasn't trashing it? Me neither.

I don't give a shit if you did, you 19 minute motherfucker.

A NINETEEN minute podcast? What a fucking jerk off. Be a man. Do an hour. I do a 90 minute fucking show, solo. You can say my podcast stinks, but at least I have dedication. Faggot.


30 seconds longer than Brian's last cheeseburger

A bright light in a dark rapey alley.

"Not a diet" is answer #1

Remember when you posted your podcast and I was the only person that wasn't trashing it? Me neither.