I'm fucking pissed

0  2017-03-26 by not_copomash

I was listening to that asshole on Redbar and he was slamming on Jimmy's special. He said it wasn't funny. I hope Jimmy didn't hear that but he's probably busy banging hot celebrity chasing models to notice. But it fucking pissed me off. I might fucking go mess with that asshole myself after my work out.


What is your post supposed to be? A joke? Satire? Of What?

He doesn't really work out.

Just reporting bro. Take it for that

Are you a character? A real person? An advanced Markov chain bot?

He's a retard.

I am so sick of that word u/GovSchwarzenegger take em down a peg

No one gives a shit about what happens on redbar

I agree but I listened and just was pissed.

Why would you waste your life listening to that shit?

That's a fair question. Just looking for references to my favorite comedians and it came up.

The Masher has really turned a corner on his opinion of Jimmy. It all started when he got on the kratom.

ME: thank you for your commitment to the kratom bit.

I think you need a chill pill, sir.

Yeah you probably should. Your post is nonsensical and sucks.

Thanks Brah

Hella nice dude yeah go pump iron and then go pump that redbars asshole fuck yeah

Might check out Rogans show later for some supplement info as well.

Is it a chest and tri's day?

I don't get ya brah.