This is goin great

34  2017-03-25 by littlepeteferguson



Who's the guy with Lady Di?

Captain Queeg.

I want to pull Artie's stupid hair until he starts crying tears of pure heroin.

He looks like a confused italian grandma.

"By the way, ma, you got a knife I can borrow?"

"Ma, its a sin"

The huff?

If he was not being fired from HBO and it was for that Judd Apatow show I could understand. I remember both him and AntH would always say that if any guy said they look like shit they were fags. Forget about looking like shit, this man looks like death.

wha happun?



holy shit he looks like a fucking ghost

Give him 12 hours


that guy has a justin bieber hoodie on


Why do you know this?

for some reason it's a trend in streetwear and I buy counterfeit clothing from time to time

I wish this asshole would get his shit together.

Get a fucking god damn haircut or just die already

I don't think it's either/or but I agree, that hair is atrocious.

Mos def not making it out of 2017. Rip

At least he looks like he dropped a few pounds..."Hooked on Heroin worked for Me!"

That fat fuck just needs to off himself already. Stop dragging it out

I'd say you should kill yourself instead, but I'm gonna hold out and hope you die being buttfucked to death by a rabid pack of ruthless niggers.

Aww poor baby is TRIGGERED

Eww with the Reddit political buzz words

You're both awful.

Looks like Lady DI

On his Fri podcast he opened up a little about his heroin usage. Really compelling stuff. I swear he's still funny as ever too. He doesn't sound finished. If being fucked up gets him to where he needs to be comedy wise, maybe it's not the worst thing.

It doesn't matter if he wants to die or not, if he keeps using he will. He's morbidly obese and probably has a bad liver, so even if he did get sober I wouldn't bet money on him seeing 2020.

Artie looks like a fat witch

Is he wearing moccasins?


Looks like Artie uses the right side of his nose to snort, its basically collapsed into his face.

It takes one to know one, but yes - i was thinking the same thing. Shit (coke not h) deviated my septum good.

Tan Mom is aging more gracefully than Artie.

Artie will probably be dead in 4 years and it kinda bums me out.

Artie will probably be dead in 4 years months

Every newest selfie with Artie has a 97% chance of being on /r/lastimages/


Artie retweet this

Isn't he supposed to be a good judge of comedy?

Wow the Crypt Keeper has gotten fat

Oh, you poor, unfortunate man. Let’s get you out of those clothes immediately, and we’ll do whatever we can about the smell.


I'd say you should kill yourself instead, but I'm gonna hold out and hope you die being buttfucked to death by a rabid pack of ruthless niggers.