Ants periscope is just sad.

46  2017-03-25 by Dennyislife


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Why embarrass him any further?

I'm sure Big A is probably a nice guy... but I'd probably kill myself if I had to hang out with him on a Friday night.

This is the best quality of friend tranth can do, most people will go to his house once or twice but the only ones coming back regular are people like Big A and his leech brother, both on his payroll.

Easy now

I'll rape you in the tub you faggot.

Big A is a hard working dude that supports himself. You'd think he'd be the kind of friend Ant would want.

Hardly working more like it!

He's not a nice guy. He bullies /ourguy/ Bobo and murders prostitutes in his spare time.

Bobo is a piece of shit.

Shut up cunt, its Bobo time

knock it off, spade!

You're right, Bobo

When you put it like that...

The authorities should probably question him about his possible involvement with all the murdered prostitutes found in Gilgo Beach. He might be the Long Island serial killer. If it's not Big A, odds are it's someone connected to the compound, one of those creep is guilty.

Fred from Brooklyn

He ... murders prostitutes in his spare time

That don't make you a bad person.

That part about Bobo is just speculation.

He looks like a morbidly obese Tim Allen in that still.

Who would enjoy watching that as entertainment?

What was his quote about how they laugh at us at his mansion?

Where they hang out in his windowless basement with mother shucker, bro joe and Big A

Without that O&A money the compound went from a high school girl playboy mansion to a david lynch movie real quick

The karaoke scene in The Cable Guy

I still don't understand why it's a "compound". Just one house and a fenced in backyard? That describes most of suburbia.

I didn't know anyone still used periscope. All the kids today are big into younow and facebook live.

Isn't what Live From the Compound is like too? A periscope of a fat tongued Big A performing in front of more expensive cameras?

Big A is smart. He knows with a face like his, he will never be attractive, so why bother getting into shape?

If Saul Goodman gained 500lbs then lost 100lbs. you'd get Big A.

He has his ass on backwards.

Is this what being a millionaire is like