Star Trek

8  2017-03-25 by Guinness666



Beam me up scotty 2 hotty

Look at that fucking chicken tendie eating space-monkey

crew on the ends, 2 aliens in the middle

I wish they were all wearing red shirts.


I wonder how xpacs asshole is doing?

Yo, Khan, we got two words for ya!

join the paaaaawtie, grab a haaaawtie...

Star Dreck.

Anthony could pass for a Klingon with the way his face looks

Sam's face makes me livid with rage. I would like to punch him right in that cum kissing mouth of his.

Jimmy's in such good shape and looks so happy. I guess when you have so many celebrity friends life is pretty sweet.

Sam has Carl Slingblade's hairline. Look at the back behind the ears.