Alex Jones apologizes for Pizzagate - Someone's getting sued

50  2017-03-25 by crookedmile


OR is a false flag operation? A lawsuit implies that he was close to the truth. What better way to back your shit up then to strongly hint that you've been sued?

What will that bitcoin-shilling faggot David Semen make of this?

So is Pizza fun again? I dont want to be thinking about naked children when I eat it anymore.



So put some toppings on.

dis guys guhd

I didn't believe it before but now I do.

It could still be that the pedos are just know Alefantis and they only use his place for meetings and he's not involved with their activities. Even in the conspiracy theories he wasn't the focus, he just owns that fucking place. If he's innocent and just been around the bad guys, he's legally justified to sue Alex Jones for bringing him up in that context. He shouldn't be a bitch when the worst people on the planet are hanging out around him, but he's legally allowed to be.

I randomly realized today that the explaination for Alex Jones is about exactly the same as the rapper Riff Raff

What you got against jodyhighroller?

I think they are both great

Fuck I'm old. No Heathcliff reference.

I always wanted to fuck Heathcliffe's hot ass cat girlfriend. Is that odd?

The Butterscotch Boss with that Versace water distillation device to block xenoestrogens.

One would hope the crazy Ron Paul/Alex Jones crowd would finally learn its lesson but... nah. I'll give it 5 months until another figure with some tenuous connection to a State official is thrown under the bus and accused of pedophilia, satanic blood sacrifices, or whatever the new half thought out conspiracy concerns.



your right because there have never been pedos in top positions of government

Pedophilia occurs in governments throughout the world, often done openly depending on which country you're in, but the largest and most influential government on the planet magically has its hands clean of all of that. There's nobody that has any links to this shit? Really?

You are a moron.

Nothing will be replacing pizzagate. It isn't a conspiracy theory, it's THE conspiracy. And it's designed to fool most of the plebs like you into thinking it's all nonsense.

Somebody ought to leave cheese sauce in this dude's map, see if he'll believe it then

Don't lump Ron Paul in with Alex Jones, what the fuck is wrong with you

Who gives a shit. Fuck you and fuck your fag thread.

I'd imagine some people as there have been multiple Alex Jones threads on this sub which were upvoted due to their content, hence the popularity. As for this thread's sexuality, it's indeterminate of sex. As a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols, it's doubtful that it would be attracted to any human gender.

Your phone cut out.

No it didn't. You're just not very good at this.


Ew. You think there's a this? There isn't. You're just someone who posts gay political shit in the wrong place, and I'm letting you know.

Next tell us about why firebrand youtuber Nadip Peshjam has a problem with the big pesticide diarrhea scandal happening in Calcutta. I can't wait.

What in the holy fuck are you babbling about? You're giving autism a bad name.

In the first paragraph I addressed in very plain words why you suck. In the second, I made fun of you by satirizing the topic of your thread. Neither were remotely cryptic if you have even a passing familiarity with the language.


Here's the thing, "plain words" isn't even a thing. You're just trying to sound intelligent. Also, learn how to construct a proper paragraph with proper sentences. In the end, you've lost. This thread is already on the front page because people "give a shit". You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.

Here you go: "Who gives a shit. "

That kind of language is simply uncalled for. Where are the mods?

Thanks for reminding me to put another fake dead guy on my ignore list.

Lists are for faggots so of course you have one. Faggot.

Put me on it too while youre at it. Whiney fag

This place has really gone to the dogs, pardon my French!

Jesus Christ, this is the first time someones thought to sue this guy?

It's basically impossible to prove slander/libel in this country, because you have to show actual damages. That basically means that anything goes, unless the speech is demonstrably harmful in a material way which can be proven in a court of law -- a nearly impossible standard. And rightly so, otherwise our courts would be clogged with people suing each other over hurt feelings.

In this case, Alefantis likely had a uniquely provable claim when that guy showed up with the rifle and claimed he was there to 'investigate Pizzagate'. My guess is that InfoWars showed up in his browser history quite a bit and/or he mentioned Alex Jones by name when he was interviewed by the cops.

Now, Alex Jones fans will likely say that the guy with the rifle was a false flag deliberately sent to discredit Alex Jones by giving Alefantis grounds for a lawsuit and force him to renounce Pizzagate, but that's a whole other story entirely.

I think someone walked into the pizza store brandishing a you remember that? There are the damages there, mental damages (hard to prove) Loss of income for the pizza shoppe. Libel laws are pretty different country to country so I can't speak for D.C. / Texas but in QLD, Australia there could be case.

I think someone walked into the pizza store brandishing a you remember that?

it was mentioned explicitly in the post you fucking spaz.

Hmm.... I thought the guy that showed up at the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria with an AR-15 was merely an Info Wars correspondent doing investigative journalism into the pizzagate allegations. The more you know!

He mainly talks about people too busy to sue him. Like I really doubt Obama gave a shit what some guy in Texas was saying about him on the internet. I think Hillary was the first politician to mention him. But the pizza shop owner has time to care, plus money for lawyers since he's pretty well connected (by procuring children for powerful Democrats.)

Being sued up the ace for sure for sure

Jesus, I've never seen Alex do a full back pedal, what a year

a year for putting things right and finally getting things done, i say!

Remember when Alex Jones would talk about conspiracies like 9/11?????? He spent many years constantly saying that the "New World Order" have a plan that's been in the works for ages to eventually commit mass killing and drastically reduce the Earth's population. He even called this the "endgame" and made a movie with the same title. Fastforward to now, the same guy who used to call Rudy Giuliani an evil psychopath that knew about 9/11 in advance now shill for the exact same guy. AJ spent years shoring up the "conspiracy crowd" and is truly the most famous person who talks about conspiracies so that when "they" really want to start doing the big parts of their plan (that AJ talked about non-stop right up until he started worshipping Trump) they've got all the people that would normally suspect them now on their side.

So now we have a president who obviously loves Israel and Russia. Two countries that I think most would agree are not at all opposed to false-flag attacks. There's already a lot talk amongst people who normally wouldnt talk about conspiracies that it feels like a false-flag is coming. Now that AJ can drive the narrative of the conspiracy community it's time to call anything that's anti-Trump a conspiracy instead of talking about the shit he's always talked about. A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

Not to mention AJ's going from constant warning about the incoming police state and constant criticisms of incidences of police wrongdoing to now being totally pro police and attacking people who criticize them. I'm all for supporting police in a certain way but something is up with that although it could just be him jumping on the anti-BLM bandwagon. Also his previous constant warning about the military industrial complex and support of ron paul for being non-interventionist to now supporting war-mongering and military spending. Also him always bitching that people are treating Obama like a messiah and and then him now basically worshipping Trump almost literally. Again: A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

Is this copy/pasta? I'm sure I read this before.

He posts it in every thread/

Ye its his own copy pasta. Dude has a man crush on the simple water filter merchant.

Good one fag. I hate Alex Jones and he is indeed a snake-oil salesman. You're a dickless asscunt so go ahead and make out with a running lawn-mower.

I find it hard to believe slefantis there wants to be in court proving he isn't a pedophile. Just a hunch.

Clearly something happened but I think it's beyond threatening a lawsuit.

Because being a pedophile is good for business

Elefantis could easily take $5 million from Alex Jones without this retraction. It's about the money because Elefantis doesn't have to prove he isn't a pedophile but rather just that Alex Jones defamed him. Alex Jones only defenses are to (a) provide actual proof Elfantis is a pedophile or (b) claim he was a journalist reporting on a story. He obviously has no proof and he has to give a retraction so he can maintain he functions as a journalist.

he seems to be getting bigger every month since around last August.

For the past decade I put him in the Joe Rogan "Intellectuals for potheads with a semester in Community College" category, until recently. Can't even describe it, somehow his injection of truths in the whirlwind of comedy, obvious crackpot theories and Holy Roller southern preacher overacting are in perfect sync with the Trump method of public discourse. All the MSM have been mentioning him by name recently. He seems less write-off ridiculous and more capable of significant popular opinion influence.

This really is the right moment for Alex Jones. And he is trying to be more reasonable lately, because he recognizes his opportunity to get bigger than he ever thought possible when he was just a crackpot YouTube conspiracy theorist talking about 9/11 and reptilians.

Comments turned-off ....

and it's his first video to hit the trending page and if you look at the trending page it looks curated

They've put other videos of his on there before

You honestly don't think the youtube trending page is anything other than a liberal advertisement?

It is, they can never go one day without putting one of the shit late night shows videos about trump, as if everyone cares what Samantha Bee or John Oliver have to say

Or Seth Myers. Who the fuck watches any of those shows? There are so many youtube channels with literally 15 times the subscribers that never seem to get a trending video.

Yet one of these dog shit night shows videos with 6,000 views will be trending every day.

It is, they can never go one day without putting one of the shit late night shows videos about trump, as if everyone cares what Samantha Bee or John Oliver have to say

Always good to see a conspiritard check in!

hope you're right

I highly doubt that, and if it was it wasn't to the benefit of Infowars.

Cuck #SAD

They threatened to kill him if he didn't make pizzagate go away. I WAS A NAVY SEEEAL...

Is there a child sex dungeon being run out of a pizza place in Washington? No, definitely not.

Was Podesta and company speaking in code on some of those emails? Absolutely fucking yes. Are Alefantis and his friends extremely creepy and did they make incomprehensibly weird social media posts? Oh yes they most certainly did.

This may not be a pedo sex trafficking ring, but that doesn't mean these aren't deeply weird people who get up to some shady shit in their off time. Rich gays are not exactly known for conventional sex practices.

Lol, you are nuts


A salient point, Stinks.


There's no code in those emails you sick fuck.

Shit is weirdly stated throughout those emails dimbfuck.

Take a few thousand of anyone's emails and I'll make up a "code".

$65,000 worth of hotdogs and pizza doesn't sound fishy to you?

No, not at all. Have you seen my pizza handkerchief with a map on it? I need scissors! 61!


It doesn't mean it was nefarious. It just means they knew they were using potentially monitored communications and spoke euphemistically, which makes sense as most of those messages were sent over corporate email and everyone knows corporate email can be read at will by administrators and is archived indefinitely.

But you cannot look at some of those messages and honestly believe they weren't using phraseology designed to obfuscate the actual meaning of the conversation. "Play dominoes on walnut sauce"? "I found a handkerchief with a pizza-related map"? Come on. Those are nonsense phrases.

Now, I'm not saying the theories that built up around the coded language are true, but I'm not really surprised that conspiracy minded people have latched onto it either. Very powerful, aloof, somewhat creepy people speaking in code over email? Of course the conspiracies are going to go wild. But just because the crazy conspiracies exist doesn't mean they weren't trying to conceal something.

I disagree. If I looked at all your emails with your friends I'd be able to to show "code language" where there was none. "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza related)..." Hmm. I'm guessing the realtor found a handkerchief that had a design on it that related to pizza. Not so crazy for a wealthy Italian American to have a fancy silk accessory with Italian themed designs.

I don't know about the walnut sauce one because you made it up.

No you wouldn't. Some of it could be worded weirdly because of old people using the internet but it becomes suspicious when more than one person is yalking like this. Im not saying it lines up with the F.B.I.'s known slang in human trafficking but it doesnt come off as a normal person.

Plus, your argument falls apart when we are talking about numerous individuals not just one person. It's fucking weird and what's weirder are dudes like you comoletely defending something Im sure youve never looked into.

Oh and it's more than just the emails that come off as weird shit normal people have zero interest in, especially publicly.

I have looked into it. It's nothing. Smoke and mirrors. Well, it's not nothing--it's a litmus test for narcissism and stupidity. Numerous individuals, over thousands of emails all mentioning children and pizza, and using odd phrases... must be a pedophile ring.
You fucking clown.

Dude did you know your mom does ASS TO MOUTH?

I must have jizzed in her asshole like 10 times last night and then she sucked me off right after I reamed her asshole for a good while.


Take it back to TheDonald, faggot.


That decrepit bitch loves the stud dick.

I'm making America great again with every facial of freedom "ropes" I shoot across your mom's face.


Fuck your Kek.

Way to completely brush aside the rest of what I said, holier than though dipshit. I said their communications are weirdly stated. The topics they bring up are weird as fuck.

When you add the same people smiling in a picture next to a Dahmer victim's statue. Hanging out at a place with pedophilia art on the wall and bands playing at this place where their tranny voiced lead singer is making jokes about their obscure sexual preferences (John Podesta). Plus, a video of child screaming bloody murder behind a blurred glass with lights similar to the ones that band used when performing and a grown man yelling torturous shit at said child, the grown man sounding very like Podesta and you dont think all that comes together as fucking suspicious?

Please, explain that shit off or just keep reading MSM's instant defaming of this as legitimate evidence. If that's the case, you're the stupid one here for trusting their opinions and stories. In the very least, you're ignorantly blind or defending some very possibly demonizing shit for what reason? To make it look like you're smarting than others?

All the pizzagate coverage by David Seaman and Alex Jones are being done on the fly and you must take that shit with a grain of salt. People that instantly buy into that shit are just as ignorant as ones that believe Buzzfeed as a legitimate newsource. But, that video really topped ot off for me. Everything before that I brushed off as weirdly coincidental. Then, 474 people arrrsted in California under human trafficking charges and there have been a few other cases of arrests in other states before and after that. So, it's not beyond possible.

Well stated.

I don't know why people are so quick to dismiss it. I can understand because a guy like Alex Jones is kind of crazy.

But people who truly have an open mind have to ask themselves this: is the idea of very prominent public figures being involved in a sex pedophile ring that far-fetched? We live in a very crazy world.

Oh fuck off.

Right after you.


It's flaunted in your face with every piece of legislation. They mostly vote in the favor of their backers. It is has been shown time and time they're corrupt and aren't above backdoor deals. Are you just trying to show everyone how intelligent you are that you're above all of this? Ive gave every alternative to you not just being a douchebag so take your pick.

What legislation are you talking about? This seems more like a general indictment of the government than anything specific. So, politicians are corrupt. Great point.

Man, you are fucking thick, unable to string together more than one statement to form an overall idea. Stip trying to pick apart what I say like this is a fucking debate. You've already showm how willing you are to state your knowledge on the subject you think you're an expert on.

Look man, if you need sources on the government shown to be corrupt, you shouldn't converse on the subject. Because I like backing my opinions up I'll just deal with the most recent ridiculous circumstance. You probably havent heard of this because well, we all can see how you like to talk out of your prolapsed dick-mitt on subjects youre barely familiar with, but there's a repeal of law on telecommunications (ISP) privacy sharing that passed in the past few days that deals with all of your internet activity being able to be shared and/or sold to whomever by yoir ISP. All of the representatives who voted in favor are backed by ISP companies. Bought and paid for.

Theres an open history of these things that Im not going to go completely through because If you're an even slightly infromed American you would know this shit. I think you must be completely devoid of coming up with your own opinions. So, you go with what a seemingly informed person's opiniom tells you. Good day and fuck off my wide thumbs are tired.

Wow that was rude. Hey dummy, I agreed with you that politicians are corrupt. Can't you read?

Then fuck off asking me to detail more amd calling it a general statement. Sorry I explained my thinking. Something you seem to not go through before you openly spray shit at the world with barely opinions.

What are barely opinions? Actually, never mind, this is boring. Sorry for wasting your time.

I haven't seen the video. What's the context?

Hasn't watched the video nor made an attempt to educate himself before offering his opinion on the topic.

Yup. Take what this guy says seriously. He's very well informed.

I haven't seen one video. Got me


That's what I've been waiting for. To get you. Fuck dude, now I can go to sleep peacefully knowing I won a Reddit argument with some dude on the internet.

Have a good day intellectually inferior internet person.

Okay kidfucker.

Dude don't be a sore loser.

You lost the argument. Just carry on. :)

I lost the argument? Why, because I hadn't seen one probably fake video? Okay.

"I haven't seen one video. Got me"

You admitted that I got you. Therefore I won!

Carry on dude.

I've seen it now. Doesn't convince me. When I looked into this story a few months ago, this video wasn't out.
But if you need to "win" go ahead and win. Carry on winning, you winning winner you. Oh people are going to grow so tired of your winning. Oh how much you win, it's like every time a child is molested, you win a little more. Win on, winner.

Let me bask in my glory of winning an argument on Reddit.

I have proved my intellectual superiority.


Bask away, winner, bask away.

So much #winning and so much #basking. I literally can't handle it.


To be fair it's pretty obscure as far as pizzagate shit and fairly new.

Here ya go The context of the release was anonymous on twitter. I cant remember the exact details vlbut it was from a couole months ago. The video itself doesnt really need context and doesmt have any. Anytime a child is screaming like that you shouldnt be taunting the fucker. My nephew throws loud tantrums (nowhere near the extent of this) and you feel bad for him. You dont feel like taunting him. The kid sounds at least 4 or older. You cant chalk this up to acting either because that would be child abuse either way.

Are you convinced that it's Podesta in the video? I'm not.

Mostly, I am. Two things: His voice sounds extremely close if not identical and the lights are the same as the vand he's connected to. There's other stuff about it looking like the back room and comparing it. Also, a comparison to the music playing in the background and the band. There are too many things matching uo closely to just brush it off. Do you agree that this is something that would be even abuse to stage? That alone leans me towards this being a real vindictive event. I'm not saying it'sstrong enough to be indictment worthy evidence but I think it's strong enough to be looked into by proper channels. If yii dont think there's something wrong happening in that video then I dont know what the fuck to tell you.

Of course. Whoever did or staged this is surely a sick bastard and a criminal.

You're literally doing the exact same thing the conspiracy theorists are doing except in the opposite direction; you're taking something clearly questionable and making things up to fit a narrative.

Fact is that those emails contained language that was pretty obviously coded. Neither you nor I know what they actually meant. Your speculation is no better than Alex Jones'.

And the walnut sauce was mentioned several times in strange contexts, but you're right it wasn't mentioned with dominoes. The actual line was "Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

Please do explain that one in ANY other context other than pure euphemism.

I'm even not saying they're doing anything illegal, it's just obvious that they're speaking in code to each other.

I sincerely don't think the language was "clearly coded". The Podestas usually sent this guy pasta and sauces for Christmas. That year, though, they sent him cheese. I would assume that he plays dominoes with them around the holidays, or did once, so he's saying "do you think this will help my dominoes game".
That's the context.

I spread my nut cheese on yo mom's every Christmas.

Yo mom likes my walNUT sauce! ;)

Yeah like cheese = young boys

Did I say that dipshit? I never said it lones perfectly or even lines up at all, but if you take the emails and the weird shit those same people are around in public it starts looking extremely fishy, way past merely odd.

Look at their insta pics. And other communications with those same people. Theyre just fucking weirdos. Its literally the same as a witch hunt haha

The IG pics are the least evident to me. The problem with pizzagate is a lot of time was spent on innocuous shit that cant really be linked as evidence of anything but odd. Whats weird is threat of legal action from Alefantis as of late to the peiple I stated earlier covering it. Its mostly died down yo the coverage it got originally and that was immediately shut diwn by MSM. So, why go to the troubke of bringing it back up? Im thinking that dude may not have actual ties and most likely nothing is going on in a regular basis at that establishment. He may be oblivious to the strange ties of his associates or knows and is taking action to look innocent.

Having read every piece of the pizzagate "evidence" it's clear you have to be a complete retard to believe what you just wrote.

are kids involved? no, does anything else matter? mind your own business

Was Podesta and company speaking in code on some of those emails? Absolutely fucking yes. Are Alefantis and his friends extremely creepy and did they make incomprehensibly weird social media posts? Oh yes they most certainly did.

answering yes to those two questions should launch an investigation regardless.

I like how he always goes back to the point that they weren't the only ones reporting those things

Infowars hardly even reported on it. That's what proved to me they were gatekeepers/limited hangout. PG should have been IW wet dream come true, but they barely covered it.

I think they realized the Comet Pizza thing was pretty flimsy and it's all anyone was talking about. I mean the idea that there are child predators in the government lines up exactly with the shit he likes, but then it became "and it's all going down at this shitty pizza restaurant, that's the key" it seemed really odd.

seeing that ass grovel was enjoyable

The globalists are going to Butt fuck him in court.

Alex had already renounced the Comet Ping Pong angle of Pizzagate on his JRE appearance.

Were cumming for ALL of you Globalist, Vampiric, Kiddy-diddling scum!!!

This is Alex breaking kayfabe. Threaten his bankroll and suddenly the story is totally bullshit.

this chick i know tried to get me to talk about pizzagate but it sounded too ridiculous to me, to even read up on. i dropped little nuggets because parts of it are probably true but it was outlandish.

Ob boy, he's screwed.

Oh geez im sewed

I've read the retraction documents, folks...

There's a person, there's a person stranded!

This is fucked. Those faggots really do have some strongarm influence...

Well I didn't buy into pizza gate before, but now I'm all in.



We should bully the fuck out of him for this.

The last thing Alefantis, Podesta and co want is to drag the case into the light of the courts. They won't even answer questions about it unless it's preplanned/scripted because they're terrified of being put on the spot about it. There's another reason for this besides a lawsuit. Maybe he was threatened or maybe he's just a shill piece of garbage. Note the timing of this too, #missingDCgirls is getting a lot of attention on twitter etc (though google it and look who the top 3 culprits discrediting this are, Buzzfeed, BBC and CNN, arguably the 3 most complicit outlets of all time!), and the fact that there is a protest/march planned on the 25th in DC...

Alex Jones flew too close to the sun. Those who attempt to expose the depravity of Clinton and her cabal of sexual deviants end up (a) dead or (b) ruined.

AJ's livelihood depends on all this alleged, hinky shit going on behind the scenes of everything. It certainly compromises his objectivity. There might be kernels of truth to the ideas or ideologies he pushes, but they're valueless because you have to embrace him as fundamentally full of shit to appreciate him as an entertainer.

The day before the pizzagate protest in Washington?

Just a coincidence.


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It's still real to me damnitt.

I don't know much about Pizzagate, but I stumbled upon David Seaman's twitter page. He's a journalist who is all in with the Pizzagate. I just remember him from going on Joe Rogan's podcast to talk about bitcoin. Seemed like a normal, rational person. Now the guy spends his life trying to prove Pizzagate is true. The 5 minute video 'proving' it was beyond retarded.

Pizzagate is obviously real however this David Seaman character seems like a con artist. I'm not discounting what he's saying but he appears to have a shady past and may be latching on to this case for his own gain.

I see what he's really saying between the lines. We burn down Comet Ping Pong.

Good. That pizzagate shit was both deeply retarded and obviously reckless lying on the part of Jones and many others.

It's been a rough couple of days for that side of the political spectrum

At this rate, Anthony's boss will be forced to move into The Compound with him.

I'm sure some some bigger players with deeper pockets and an agenda (probably political) are helping Alefantis and using him as a tactic to get rid of Infowars. Similar to how Peter Thiel used Hulk Hogan as an intermediary to eradicate Gawker.

LOL "we disassociated ourselves in December 2016" , yeah and Alex ranted about it on JRE in february of 2017 , minute 21 or so...

Alex is in deep shit. "Fake News" became a thing the day after Comet Ping Pong was first mentioned on the news. The people in charge are pedophiles and they need to shut it down hard or the whole system will go up in flames.

A big problem with this is that Alex will point the finger at sites like 4chan, 8chan, twitter and reddit who did the most investigation into this and they could end up being liable. Alex didn't hardly say boo but he is a giant target (or insider) and this could be used to destroy a lot more than Info Wars.

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PIZZAGATE PEDOGATE Demonstration on March 25, 2017 +3 - The day before the pizzagate protest in Washington? Just a coincidence.
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Joe Rogan Experience #911 - Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo +1 - LOL "we disassociated ourselves in December 2016" , yeah and Alex ranted about it on JRE in february of 2017 , minute 21 or so...

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Probably Trump told him he had to do this. Jones barely even brought up anything regarding Pizzagate.


Ew. You think there's a this? There isn't. You're just someone who posts gay political shit in the wrong place, and I'm letting you know.

Next tell us about why firebrand youtuber Nadip Peshjam has a problem with the big pesticide diarrhea scandal happening in Calcutta. I can't wait.

I think they realized the Comet Pizza thing was pretty flimsy and it's all anyone was talking about. I mean the idea that there are child predators in the government lines up exactly with the shit he likes, but then it became "and it's all going down at this shitty pizza restaurant, that's the key" it seemed really odd.

Pizzagate is obviously real however this David Seaman character seems like a con artist. I'm not discounting what he's saying but he appears to have a shady past and may be latching on to this case for his own gain.


That's what I've been waiting for. To get you. Fuck dude, now I can go to sleep peacefully knowing I won a Reddit argument with some dude on the internet.

Have a good day intellectually inferior internet person.

Bask away, winner, bask away.