Dave Smith is Live-Streaming His Podcast With Guest Richard B. Spencer At 6 pm ET 10 GMT.

1  2017-03-24 by EncinoEscobar


Never listen to Dave's Podcast and this is who gives a shit news but...I got nothing.

who's this?

That picture looks like when a dead actor gets CGI'd into a movie.

There's no reason a man should ever use "filters." The fruit.

The little nerdy guy from legion of skanks.

Not a fan of Spencer but he is going to humiliate Dave when he brings up his open borders peace and love faggotry.

He's not a left libertarian and acknowledges that private property will act as de facto borders in in a stateless society.

Idk man, I don't see anything wrong with what that says. Maybe I'm just and "an-cuck"

He delusionally believes that blacks and women can understand libertarian philosophy, and he thinks that leaving the borders open and ending welfare will somehow happen.

C'mon man, even in The Bell Curve it says there are outliers amongst the niggers. A few of them can participate in free markets.

He makes a good point that it's better to advocate for less spending and state action (end welfare) than to advocate for more spending and state action (build wall) even if the results will be favorable... I get the demographic issue, seriously.. but I think it'd be effort better spent on actually getting whites to reproduce and getting more people to believe in libertarian ideals is a better way than creating MORE state programs that require theft to finance

What difference does it make if a few get involved? For the vast majority all the government has to do is provide them with scraps and they'll vote for them.

There's no pragmatic way of ending welfare. No politician is going to run on that platform and they would never win if they did.

Libertarianism will never be successful because it doesn't offer free stuff and denial of responsibility.

They already talked on Gavin's show and they were pretty friendly and Dave agreed with some of the stuff he said

That's why I hate libertarians. They live in a fantasy world just like the new wave Communists. They also have zero understanding of case by case scenarios. Everyone of the policies has to be blanket statements or they won't accept it.

Jew vs Nazi challenge?

(((Spencer))) is also a kike.

So who won?

What difference does it make if a few get involved? For the vast majority all the government has to do is provide them with scraps and they'll vote for them.

There's no pragmatic way of ending welfare. No politician is going to run on that platform and they would never win if they did.

Libertarianism will never be successful because it doesn't offer free stuff and denial of responsibility.