Poor guy :(

3  2017-03-24 by unclepaul84


Poor handsome pussy-crushing Chris Pratt. I'll shed a tear for him today.

His bank account and level of celebrity preclude me from ever feeling sorry for him. You're Star Lord, asshole, and you get Anna Farris to give you blowjobs on the regular. Quit bitching.

shes not even that hot

She's hot enough, and still hotter than the last woman I was with.

Everyone here can say that

He was obviously kidding.

Reddit fags think this guy is so cool

I wonder if faggot fan boy ERock wants him to sign one of his toys.

Jurassic World was utter SHIT! Any of you who paid to see that deserve to be killed. Now they're making a second, probably third fourth and fifth. Why not? Making new, creative movies is difficult. Having a "cinematic universe" means you can tell the same story with the same characters again and again and the RUBES will keep watching

He was fucking around.

He's probably being facetious considering the fact that his post deviated into a total non-sequitur

Its a fucking joke that page 6 (and you) took seriously