O&Alcoholics MegaThread

15  2017-03-24 by crookedmile

I understand there's going to be plenty of "suck it up faggot" and "die of aids" (I presume some yucksters will throw that in the comments and upvote that to the top. Well done faggots!), but I know some of you might have drinking problems. I'm an alcoholic trying to get sober. I drank for the first time since Sunday, a pint of vodka and a six pack. Told myself I wasn't going to (I've done that dozens of times vomiting while shivering on the bathroom floor), but I didn't sleep at all during those days due to cold sweats and I knew I had to knock myself out. Shit was brutal. I barely slept tonight passing out. Trying to quit, is this normal? Fucking booze cost me a long term relationship and several six figure jobs, but I can't quit it. Runs in my family. Any advice other than dine on a bullet or something something Schumer is a land whale? I already subscribe to the sober sub, was hoping one of you degenerates might give a proper perspective. sniff


Heres what i do. I don't buy or drink too much booze.

Try it.

You snuck in with the Flanders angle. I'll allow it.

Start smoking weed man! Seriously it'll at least help you get some sleep.

He can't even handle a drink. If he smokes some pot he'll be sucking cock on the street corner in no time.

What.. um... what street corner will this be?

You don't have to buy a lot when you use an enema to consume it.

In short, yep it's normal. Sleep takes a while to return and it sounds like you're gonna need a medical detox so you don't seize up or worse. If that's not an option detox on Klonopin for a couple weeks, one mg as needed about 3-4 x a day, then decrease to 2 after the first week and gradually decrease from there. I've been sober since Mid-October and I feel much better now but I had to go through some shit, especially the first couple weeks. Good luck man

For the Klonopin, did you go to a physician or try some Canadian shit? I ask because I'm a consultant now and pay for my own insurance which fucking sucks.

Well, you can go to a doc but he'll probably recommend you for detox rather than just giving you the meds to take on your own. I'd see if a friend could hook you up, all you'll need is like 25-30 if that's doable. But with the symptoms you're experiencing I wouldn't quit cold because you could die from that shit

I'm probably going to ride the lighting with some Canadian shit. I know a few dudes that run a site I can reach out to. Hoping I don't seize up. You've been sober for like 6 months, how's that?

No you should be good if you have benzos or you could just slowly taper your drinking but it's probably more difficult to do that way. I'm not gonna say being sober is all rainbows but I definitely don't miss puking in the morning and being so fucking irritated and bloated all the time. I don't really miss it at all.

Drunks can't taper down. I've known some that tried and they just kept drinking like usual.

Yeah, it wouldn't work for me either but I've known some that pulled it off. Better off with benzos

Went through Canada, had to clear a call with a person from the site who said it's coming from China and will be sent under furniture. hahaha I'm going to die.

Hook me up with the site. A nigga needs some valiums

Just go to the doctor, you fucking idiot. You can't buy prescription drugs in or from Canada without a prescription any more than you can in America. You are being scammed.

if klonopin isn't available, any benzo will do, but klonopin has a longer half-life than most.

"Xanax is the shit." - Anthony Cumia

"Here, take a Xanax" - Patton Oswalt

+1 on using benzos to help but be careful not to trade one addiction for another. Benzos are sneaky and you can get dependant on those easily which are also hell to get off. GL fam.

By the time you figure out how to buy it online or get to your doctor's appointment, you'll already be out of it.

... or dead.

Meh there are worse problems to have. Suck it up and figure it out.

Eh, you're probably right, but I lost a 9yr relationship, 109k a year job, my apartment, my car, all my things and my dog. I'm not sure I actually have worse problems. My gas bill was twice as high this month for no reason, so I guess there's that.

Your life sounds like a country song.

That post should be all the motivation you need to quit. Accept that it's going to be hell at first and take the hit.

He obviously likes drinking more than all those things so your advice is to stop something he enjoys doing and embrace pain in order to do things he enjoys doing less?

He doesn't like drinking anymore that's why he wants to quit, he's addicted.

You're asking us for motivation when you've got more than enough already. It's up to you how you wanna use it.

I'll camp with you this summer, we can hunt for chupacabras


Great site, not an AA haven. Just people who have gone through it/are going through it and helping each other out.

I enjoyed the hell out of my 20+ years of drinking too much, but then I got into my 40's and knew I needed to change to become healthier, a better spouse, a better friend, and a better employee. It's worth it to change and not everyone has to be like Norton and lecture about it. It's not easy at first but the benefits are great. And unlike Jimmy, I'm not worried about being "triggered" by being around alcohol, it's just not part of my life anymore and I'm ok with it.

I sub to that as well. What's crazy to me is people post threads like "I haven't had a drink in a day" and get upvoted, but in the end I understand it.

"This Naked Mind" was what really helped me. Demystified alcohol and thoroughly explains how it affects your body and especially your brain. Since quitting I'm not as irritable, and more energy. My biggest fear was the worry that I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself as much without it, I realized I was wrong.

My biggest fear is anxiety. So I moved from the middle of Chicago to rural Wisconsin in a small house overlooking the woods. Still have it unfortunately.

The anxiety will get better, takes a good 10 days for the alcohol to be completely out of your system. I used to drink nightly to "decompress" about work or my personal life. Best gift of sobriety is that instead of medicating the worry away each night it forced me to deal with the issues head-on. Is it easy now? No, still have some bad days like anyone else. But, I'm much better able to deal with it and find solutions. They say you'll never regret a morning that you didn't drink the day before, it's very true.

I'm trying to work 2 jobs to renovate my house, so shit is overwhelming. Like I said, I went 4 days without a drink with even beer in my fridge until last night. I'm pretty sure I can beat this motherfucker and enjoy the occasional cocktail but the past few months it's a bottle every other day. For a sub of cocksuckers you give good advice. Do any of you sober guys drink occasionally? My friends are bar rats

I tried the "occasional" drink but it led to me justifying in my mind why I could the next night, then the next, and then all of a sudden I was on a Cal Ripken streak again. That cycle took about two years and then I ended up reading the book and saying to myself "If I never have another I'll be ok and won't miss it." In the last 6 months I had two nights where I caved and had some, but then the next day I was reminded why I quit. I don't like the person I am when I drink. Not a dick, but found myself texting old girlfriends, watching dumb movies, talking too loud, and getting into stupid arguments with my wife because I was irritable and guilt-ridden.

May not want to hear this, but you may end up dropping some of those friends as you move forward. You'll see some of them in a different light, not because you look down on them for drinking, but because you find you have less in common than your buzzed mind realized. You'll get better ones.

Dude, that's the kind of thinking that will lead you right back to losing jobs, cars, girlfriends, etc. Honestly look at what alcohol is led to in your life and there's no way you can rationalize having it in your life in any capacity. I think of it as something I'm allergic to and I know that might be cliche but it works because it reminds me that while other people can handle it, I can't. It just doesn't work for me in any way anymore. Maybe you feel the same way.

I think one of the reasons I drink so much is that I'm so damn functional. No DUIs, haven't lost any relationships, or jobs, etc. Once got pulled over by a cop, leaving a bar, and he didn't even give me a breathalyzer. He DID ask to smell what I was drinking, luckily he didn't notice the vodka in it.

IMHO, I keep it hidden pretty well. But I also think this is very dangerous; if you're the type of person that can have eight drinks every night and still hold down two jobs, it's going to take a physical toll. The main issue for me is that I'm just getting fat as fuck. I've gradually put on thirty five pounds in the last four years. My skin looks terrible too. I'm starting to look a lot like Steve Bannon.

For the first time in about twenty years, I took three days off drinking this week. Here's some things I noticed:

5) I always thought I was a 'happy' drunk, but I noticed that shit seems to annoy me a lot more when I'm drinking. Facebook in particular. I just thought this was 'normal.' I realized that when I'm sober, I don't feel the need to call everyone out on the stupid shit they say online.

4) My energy levels are off-the-charts when I'm sober. This was kinda shocking, I found myself staying up to three or four in the morning. My normal days are very Gavin-esque, I'm normally the dude that falls asleep on the couch at midnight with the TV blaring watching some movie I've seen twenty times before. (My kids just LOVE that, believe me.)

3) Here's a weird one: I thought I'd be LESS outgoing if I was sober. But I noticed that when I'm drinking, I make a conscious effort not to say ANYTHING. (Again, I'm a totally functional drunk, and I've come up with all these coping mechanisms not to give away my state. One of them is that I simply don't talk.) So I have this Jeckyl and Hide thing going on, where I'm an abusive dick on the Internet when I'm boozing, but I don't actually talk to people verbally. (For fear of giving away that I'm boozing.)

2) I'm incredibly averse to take any kind of anti-depressants. I've dated tons of crazy girls who were on them, and it always seemed to lower their IQ by twenty points and make them numb. But being sober for a few days made me think that booze is doing something very similar to me. I really thought it was making me more personable, but I'm thinking it's the opposite.

1) The biggest issue, without a doubt, was wondering what the fuck happened the night before. I'd always thought that 'blackout drunk' was an all-or-nothing thing. I'd had one blackout years ago where I literally got hit on the head and lost the entire night. And I thought that's how blackouts work; you lose the entire night, it's gone. But being sober for three days made me realize that I'm losing bits and pieces of the night before. That REALLY REALLY sucks because I'm frequently doing work stuff at night. I can't afford to forget half of what I'm working on, but it appears that I've been operating in a semi-blacked out state a lot. (No, I don't drink AT work, but it's fairly normal for me to do a couple hours of work at night. By 10pm I'm usually on my third or fourth cocktail.)


This is accurate. I used to drink very heavily but I scaled it back in recent years. I wanted to see if I could condition myself to be happy with just a couple a week without having to avoid it completely because I have a "disease." One thing I noticed is I am an incredibly angry drunk. I notice it coming on now, like some faggy Hulk finding a grievance with the smallest shit.

Here's the problem with being that guy long-term, even if you can handle it: people just assume you're an angry bastard who doesn't want to do anything. Locked inside that piece of garbage is a person who actually enjoys doing things and talking to people. I genuinely enjoy being sober and waking up early. As I get older, hangovers are a nightmare for me. Depending on the amount they can last 36 hours. Then you think "well I'll just have a couple drinks when I wake up" like you're Captain Moderation all of a sudden and here we go now you're daydrinking.

What got me was I was picking fights with my friends. You get into what I can best describe is a Patrice O'Neal mode where you think you're being cool by calling people on their shit, but then you remember "oh yeah Patrice was an outcast his whole career and started to change near the end." Nobody wants to be around the "here's your problem" man. Social media is the worst, just going on these tears and saying people's dumb posts were dumb. I mean all liquor does is reveal more of yourself, but me just knowing I'm a bitter fuck doesn't make my life better.


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2) I'm incredibly averse to take any kind of anti-depressants. I've dated tons of crazy girls who were on them, and it always seemed to lower their IQ by twenty points and make them numb.

Have you ever tried them? The crazy thing to me is that they're even on the market considering the enormous spectrum of personal reactions to them. I've known people who turn numb like you're describing, but also people for whom they've helped immensely. Then there's people like me who they don't seem to have any affect on. Been on them for two years and feel exactly the same as before them.

And of course, all of this is dependent on which one you're on, too. I'm on Celexa and have no side effects and feel no different than before. I read message boards where people say that Celexa numbs them out, or works, or they have tons of side effects.

Odd to me that they're even on the market when they're so unpredictable.


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Try LSD or DMT, realize what a weak faggot you are, then try quitting again.


Solid advice, Joe Rogan.

What was it about O&A that attracted so many loser alcoholics, fat asses, drug addicts and pedophiles?

Not sure. Which of the 4 options are you?

None. I can handle my alcohol and drugs like a big boy.

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic


I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic

Maybe you should post that a few dozen more times.

Also, it wasn't even really a knock on you. I am genuinely curious why. This sub is turning into some kind of support group where one of you messes is crying about your addictions or overdosing. I've never seen any other message board or sub or whatever where this happens nearly this often. If you are genuinely such a fuck up, then stop using this place to get better. Go get actual help and stop stinking up the sub with your drama.

My theory is that kale smoothie drinking, ironman attending yuppies don't enjoy the kind of self-deprecating/ball busting/mean yuma that O&A is about. Wholesome people don't seek out non-wholesome things so that leaves you with mostly human trainwrecks.

Take a look at my post history and see if I'm a typical cry baby. I was up, hungover, laying in bed and pontificating what my life is like. Sometimes shit happens.

I don't know what to say man....you're cool? And that's coming from a crippling alcoholic



Anthony clearly can't handle his alcohol like a big boy.


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Yeah and gangsters too, it attracted me and I'm a gangster...

You've said yourself that you have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism and that it's cost you a lot in your life. You're obviously not one of those people who can have a few drinks a couple of times a week or even one who can drink a lot frequently and function. It's not fair but there it is. You are effectively "allergic" to booze. If you want to quit, you could think of it in those terms.

If you really want to stop, you're the only person who can make it happen. The cold sweats and trouble sleeping will go after a couple of weeks of not drinking. The hardest thing will be finding something to replace it with. Good luck chum.

You're right. It's hard when your dad runs a liquor distro and most of you buddy's are bartenders though.

Don't know what to tell you mate. I'm a casual boozer who probably drinks too much at the weekend but hasn't been in your shoes.

A friend of mine was, his whole personality would change after a few and he'd turn from a funny, good guy into an overly aggressive then depressed prick quite quickly. Eventually he lost job/woman etc. He dumped the sauce a couple of years ago and is doing very well. He's not preachy about it, just says "it doesn't agree with me."

Your old man will understand, if he loves you. If your friends don't, fuck em find some new ones. If they're still feeding you drinks after what it's cost you, they're not your friends at all.

Worst part is my old man still drinks. My mom doesn't anymore, thank whatever imaginary person in the sky you believe in. He still gets drunk because he helped invent Fireball at Sazerac like 30 years ago and didn't put in enough equity. Complains he would be a millionaire all the time.

Don't take this the wrong way but your dad's full of shit. He probably wouldn't have got rich either way. He had a shot and he missed it. A real entrepreneur will fail many times but learns from his failures and eventually gets there. And if he had made a few mill, he'd have probably drank himself to death by now. Your mother sounds stronger.

This is going to sound super queer but you probably have some of both of them in you, so find your mother's strength and ignore your father's self-pity.

Does smoking weed instead make it easier?


How did you meet these friends? Was it through drinking? You'll meet new friends.

When I was smoking cigarettes everyone I hung out with smoked. So quitting seemed weird because everyone I knew would see me as the odd one out. But you eventually meet people who don't smoke and realize most of the ones who do are fucking freaks and weirdos for unrelated reasons. Dan Soder had a funny thing about it, he said when you go out for a smoke that small ember is a lighthouse for every creep in the area to come up to you. Same with booze. I gravitate towards people I know like to drink liquor.

All my friends drink. I'm a drunk currently on hour 6 of arguing against myself not to go buy a bottle of 50% "Bold" spiced rum tonight.

Here's how I look at it, and it's what helped me cut back significantly: there's millions and millions of people in my country that don't drink at all, even more that don't drink compulsively. Many of them lead great and successful and happy lives. They go on vacations, they go rock climbing, they have all this money to make memories instead of destroying them bit by bit inbetween blackouts. Most of them are no smarter than me or you, and a great number of them are stupider. How did they figure it out? What secret do they have? What significant lifestyle differences do we have, really?

They figured it out, why can't you?

Well the obvious reason is you're going through intense physical withdrawals and you should probably go see a doctor before you literally die from detoxing too fast. But aside from that, I find that everything gets easier after a week and a half. Your body adapts to everything remarkably easy, after not smoking for 2 weeks it just became the new normal. It sucked getting up at 6 to go to the gym before work, but after 2 weeks it's just a thing I do. It sucked for 2 weeks drinking fruit smoothies to start my day, but then that just becomes your life. It becomes mundane.

Where I'm at now is probably where you're at and a lot of people are: drinking is mundane. Drinking isn't fun, drinking doesn't make you feel good, drinking separates you from people. What I've been doing is taking good things and forcing them to become mundane, like going out and doing shit on weekends or reading. I never used to read books, but just do a chapter a night and now you're that guy who's read through half of Western literature in a year and you can clue into what everyone else is talking about. It takes awhile, but I find even reeling in alcohol consumption more and more over time helps you have control over it more than if you just flee from it. Force yourself to have just one beer and sit with that craving for a whole night and prove you can have one without 15. Anyway I'm wandering from my point. Go take your mind off everything by catching Rich Vos April 7 in Levittown, NY.

You sly motherfucker. But it all makes sense, and it's nothing I haven't known for a long time. It's easier to grab a bottle of Jack than to go camping for a weekend. My brother tries to get me to go, and I know I should, but I make excuses because I'm too hungover. Now that I'm living in fucking nowhere and working maybe 80hrs a month, I'm doing nothing to bide my time. There's a lake a block away that I own a boat. Don't do it. Trails all over. Don't do it. My grandmother is 3 blocks away, don't go and see her. I'm not sure what my fucking problem is outside of being severely anti-social. But that's not it, because when I was in Chicago I lived a block away from everything and went out daily.

I think in a lot of ways you're looking for an escape. You live in a city so there's shit you can do to take your mind off things, which is the same with movies and video games and all that. That's something I've scaled back on too, just bombarding my senses with entertainment and shit to fill the time. I like video games and movies but it's easy to end up like Patton Oswalt, or any of these nerds that just suck up pop culture.

You're stuck in the woods which means you're pretty much limited to activities that improve your life, like hiking and learning how to do outdoorsy shit. As corny and gay as this sounds, I think it's within the capabilities of everyone to pick activities and passtimes that strengthen themselves in some way. I'm definitely not there yet - I post on here like the massive 'mo I am - but I see people do it. My and my girlfriend and some friends went axe throwing recently, it's like darts but with hatchets. That's fun, you're out doing something, and drinking makes it less fun. That's a good side point that I've noticed recently, drinking makes shit less fun now. I used to love drinking and watching movies or TV. Now I just don't remember anything and it's a fucking waste of time.

You should start getting into guns, that's something tailor made for fucking around in the woods.

I don't know if the guy that's struggling with alcohol should be owning a gun until he gets things under control....maybe that's just me.

I had a whole thing written addressing that but I thought it would be better just to roll the dice on it.

That's another reason I can get away with drinking a lot.

I don't really have any friends and I don't want any either.

I have this ridiculous relationship with my wife, we basically finish each other's sentences and she's my favorite person to hang out with by far. Every time we hang out with other people we just annoy the fuck out of people, we have a hive mind.

But she rarely gives me shit about the copious amounts of booze I drink.

When I'm around anyone else I'm always very careful to obscure how much I've had to drink. For instance, I'll knock back a couple cocktails in the car before I'll enter a restaurant where I'm meeting friends or family. That way I won't be the one ordering four drinks at dinner.


That sucks man. Maybe you need to start small and set yourself a goal; x days sober, I don't know if you can do moderation. I've never been through that myself though.

If you don't want it enough to change, you need to either fix your shitty discipline or get to the root of your issue. Get past that instant gratification shit.

Or just get some kratom, make fun of amy Schumer and make another "I'm ded" thread.

I really wish i could give you some sound advice; I'm 34yo and have been drinking since i was 18 and really only recently thought about cutting down or out completely. I've been with the same girl for 13+ years, married for almost 6, and have a steady job so I guess I'm considered a functioning alcoholic?? The thing is I've got a son who will be two in May and as he's becoming more active and aware of the world and i want to make sure I'm good to keep up with him. I have always been thin but due to the beer (and my desk job) I've been packing on a few extra lbs. than I'd like. It's really not obvious to anyone as the only one that see's me with my shirt off is my wife and she claims she doesn't really see the gain. Granted my intake is probably considered pussy to most, in the course of a week it's maybe the equivalent of a 30 pack of light beer (a few a night scattered throughout the week) and i always have a few airplane shooters of whiskey handy to go along with it. A far cry from my 12-15 beers, weed, whiskey back in my early 20's so i guess i have cut back but there is plenty of research that shows daily drinking will lead to further complications down the line if its more than 2 drinks a day. After reading below I downloaded the book "This Naked Mind" and plan on trying to do things like a new routine at night like reading, Netflix, the gym, etc....anything to stop me from cracking more than a beer or two like i typically do after little man goes to sleep and i have a few hours before bedtime. I know everyone reacts to withdraw differently, when i do take a few days off my body is fine i don't get the shakes or withdraws luckily, if you have in fact gotten that bad you'd be best to check yourself in somewhere where professionals can assist you. Trying to cut alcohol cold turkey can actually kill you so I don't know if I'd recommend it. If you need any feedback or just someone to talk to about it feel free to message me privately.

I'm 34 man. I don't punch down a 30 pack, but I knock down at least 3 liters of vodka a week. I tell my clients I don't work Mondays because I get drunk on Sundays. Not a way to live life.

I'd be a lot more concerned with myself if it was a 30 pack a night instead of over a course of 7 days lol, but it's still not a good thing. Yeah that's a lot of vodka, and when you start rearranging your schedule for the purpose of getting too drunk to function that's a no-no. Do you have the option of re-locating yourself away from the friends and family where there's such a heavy presence of alcohol?? Maybe not permanently but maybe short term so you have time get yourself together before putting yourself around all of that again??

I wanna give you good advice, I can't, but I feel your struggle. I've ruined a few long-term relationships, with pretty/nice girls (she's a 6 at best! judging the hate here, fuck those guys). I've crashed cars into trees, I've had my face broken/jaw wired shut for 8 weeks from talking shit, I just spent 6 months in jail. All directly from bein a drunk. As far as most people are concerned, I hit "rock bottom" about 6 times. The reason I drink though, is to drown my mental illness, which is a tougher thing to deal with than the problem you created to solve it. So if you really want help, try to fix the actual root, then address the drinking

I can't find my goddamn motherfuckin lighter so I gotta light my smokes off the stove. Beer did this, beer made my lighter disappear. now I'm gonna go buy some beer and a lighter but I'll probably forget to buy the lighter.

Go to the hospital and detox if you need to. Alcohol is one of 2 things that can literally kill you by withdrawing from. If you don't think you need to, you obviously don't have to, but you shouldn't brush off the thought of going just because it may sound lame to you or something.

If you're going to do it by yourself which I don't recommend. At least try and get some legally obtained benzodiazepines such as Xanax or Ativan. Benzodiazepines work on Gaba receptors the same receptor that alcohol works on, This is important because it significantly reduces symptoms of acute withdrawal and eliminates the possibility of having a grand mal seizure during withdrawal which is possible. The best way to do this is under the care of professionals at a facility. That will significantly reduce how bad the withdrawal is but please be mindful that withdrawal is not easy.

After you get through the acute phase which is the worst part physically (1 to 3 weeks some only a few days) you will be faced with protracted withdrawal syndrome. The majority of long-term alcoholics will have protracted withdrawal syndrome. In my opinion this is one of the most underplayed but important parts in withdrawal that doctors never actually address with their patients. Protracted withdrawal syndrome is indeed a biochemical response to your body addiction and not and not a psychological response to the demons that originally cause you to drink. This typically causes anxiety depression and a plethora of minor physical symptoms. The important thing to remember in protracted withdrawal is that it will go away and get better in time. The problem with most rehab facilities as they stick you right into therapy and they tell you all of the depression and anxiety your feeling is from your reasons for being addicted in the first place. This is simply not true! Those factors may be playing into or amplify the psychological symptoms of protracted withdrawal but are not the sole cause at the moment. In my opinion it is best to start long-term therapy at least a year after your acute withdrawal. I would suggest you definitely get into some form of counseling just to get through day by day stuff but don't start tackling the big monsters on till your biochemistry balances itself out. During the protracted withdrawal phase it is best to avoid all Psych medications despite the fact that doctors may push them on you.

I am not speaking from personal experience I used to work at a rehab center in the pharmacy. I worked under a great physician who took protracted withdrawal syndrome seriously and guided his patients accordingly. His success rate was much better than his counterparts and his patients had a much easier time tackling the initial beasts that cause them to drink in the first place after all of there biochemistry returned to a nominal state.

Either way best of luck to you sounds like you're making great choices.

Also to stick with the spirit of his sub you're a tremendous fogget that needs to just suck it up and go die of AIDS fucker!

I read most of that in Dr. Steve's voice.

I'm not sure how severe my alcoholism is. 3liters a week, is that crazy? I think it is, but I don't wake up and drink every day, or even every night.

The amount one drinks is really relative to their biochemistry and how their body processes it. That said if you're having the withdrawal response that you stated above I would say that you have a level of physical withdrawal that really should be dealt with in a medical situation. I'm not so much worried about the seizures or dying that's actually more unlikely than people think. Rather this is something you really only want to go through once so to be successful your odds are tremendously better in the hands of professionals that can calculate doses properly for you. Make sure you're eating enough and give you a comfortable bed to sleep in so all you have to do is keep yourself occupied for the uncomfortable stuff. Remember after you get to the physical stuff you can always walk away and try to do it on your own. Remember unless it's court-mandated rehab is not a prison it's a voluntary Act that you can walk away from it anytime. Talk to your physician and tell them your wishes on how you want to proceed with this. Any practitioner worth their weight in pharmaceutical drugs will not hinder anyone attempts to get rid of physical addiction.

Severity is relative. The fact that you've lost a lot in your life means you're really in the shit. The good news is that you CAN get out of it and ultimately you hold the cure. Very few diseases are out there where we can cure ourselves. It won't be easy...but man it's so worth it. Relapses happen but shouldn't be used as a crutch.

Others have said to find a distraction during your early sobriety...you'll need to learn how to live a completely different life. The whole "oh I can still go out with my friends and I won't drink" mentality rarely works. Eventually you'll pick up again if you try to live the same lifestyle minus the booze.

It more than normal. But I doubt you'll have seizures

I feel ya man, I used to live in Minneapolis with some pals and drank pretty much every night. Moved to rural northern MN and gained a bunch of weight over the winter by working at a place with expensive craft beers and an open bar every night. Shit runs in my family and it sucks. If I had a choice I'd definitely rather just smoke a bunch of pot. Have you considered trying that out?

I don't even know where to score weed in this podunk town. On the positive side, I don't go to bars because they're not in walking distance and there's no Uber. On the negative side, I buy a bottle of booze and end up watching Big Trouble in Little China alone. Although, that's not really that bad.


I don't want to be a judgemental josh, but I am sure you know you only drink because of other problems in your life. I did the same thing. If you don't fix the problems that make you drink, you dun goofed

If you try to quit cold turkey, yes. This is what you can expect. But if you hang in there and get past 5 days or so, you start coming back to normal quickly. You run risks quitting abruptly, however.

Another way to quit that works remarkably well and is a lot safer is to taper off your drinking. Count your drinks, then reduce them, and knock out a drink or two each day. If this doesn't work, if you just keep drinking hardcore, either go cold turkey or check yourself into a hospital or other detox and strap in.

It's too late. Should've quit when you were 10 like Jimmy

"runs in my family, cant quit it! :)" how fucking enraging

Quiting alcohol cold turkey is super dangerous, check out detox facilities. Seriously


The audiobook "This Naked Mind" is free to users of /r/stopdrinking.

Oops, nevermind, all she sent me was an email with the link to purchase it for $50.

Psych Dr. here...if you can afford to take time off (there's no reason you can't) then find a good treatment facility and do inpatient. Take the time 3-6 months to really work on getting yourself sober and learning how to live sober. 28 days won't do it so skip those programs. They give you a good start but it often takes 3 weeks just to get started which leaves you with one week to completely change your entire life...almost impossible.

OR...go to AA meetings...if you don't like the God angle then pick and choose what you like and take those parts from it. Try different meetings to see what fits. If your excuse is "I hate sitting in meetings hearing people complain" then that doesn't carry any weight. I'd much rather someone be sitting in a meeting for an hour hating life instead of spending that hour drinking and feeling sorry for themselves.

Is it normal? Well you're a part of the 10-11% of Americans suffering from addiction/alcoholism.

As some others have said...quitting drinking will be a start...a great start...but you probably have other issues as well that you can start working on...if you dry out.

How the fuck did a scumbag like you land a six figure job!? I assumed everyone on this sub was impoverished. I know I am.

It sucks, but I've noticed a correlation between insane levels of boozing and success.

Sure, there are people that drink every day that wind up on the streets. But consider my story:

I've held down multiple jobs for 44 years continuously. The longest I've ever been unemployed, in my entire life, was one week. I hustle harder than anyone I know, and I'm afraid booze plays a part in that. It's a lot easier to put up with sixty hour work weeks when you're boozing the second you step out of the office. I see my friends take a week off to go boozing in Mexico, and think to myself, "that's just a normal week for me."

I'm not quite a one percenter, but I make way way more than $100K

And, yeah, I know I sound hate-able, I'm way too arrogant for my own good.


I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. I drink 4 pints and about 3-4 shots everyday (usually by myself!). I've never experienced DTs or cold sweats or any physical symptoms. I read somewhere that a lot of 'alcoholics' are 'heavy drinkers'. If I go a day or two without drinking I don't have any symptoms.

Sometimes sx don't show up until day 3.

Well, I must say I can't remember the last time I went 3 days without drinking so you may be right.

I think you should mull it over with a couple of beers

It's easy to quit drinking when the doctor tells you that you need both your hips replaced cause of it. Or if you swallow some buckshot.

Man, your story is typical. It brings back some memories of my struggles and so far the feed back I've seen is good, with the exception of the dickhead who claims he takes his drugs and drink like a big boy. I'd love to see how the big boy is doing in 5 years. The consumption is never that using less is better. The more you take, the more you need, at least that was what my experience was.

I started drinking a beer after work with some buddies, then later after hanging out, I needed more drinks by myself. When the friends were no longer around, then it was a drink on the way home, in the car. I couldn't wait to get drunk. I enjoyed being drunk. I had anxiety thinking about not having enough. I ran out of money and anxiety would creep in on how I would get my next drink. I'm sure it's the same with drug addicts. Unfortunately anxiety leads to more drinking, higher tolerance, dangerous behaviors, and loss of work, money and being a total cunt to be around, the loss of loved ones. It's an endless cycle. My mornings finally lead to taking two or three shots of vodka just to get rid of my hangover and get the kids to school, most importantly it would get me to my next fix

Here's what I suggest, when you're finally tired of the shit and really want to try and get help, check yourself into a detox, in a in-treatment facility. It could be posh and luxurious or it can be a hell hole, either way the goal is usually the same. The difference is your comfort. I stayed in a place where my cot was next to someone getting off the H. It was brutal, but I would always compare the shit I had already gone through and I stayed. I stayed in treatment facility after for 30 days that introduced some new behaviors and AA. I can only tell you what helped me and I wish you the best. Peckas.


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Well, pretty much anywhere in the civilized world there are resources available to you. Most are useless. What I do when shit gets bad is "half plus 2" which is... drink half of what you drank the night before, plus 2-3 drinks until you're stable enough to function at 100% on 4 drinks a day for a week or so. After that going sober is painless, but very boring. I'm just kidding, I don't drink, I'm Muslim.

Quitting cold turkey can kill you. Go to a rehab, you cheap fuck.

Drunk here. Slow it down over time. Don't allow yourself to drink before a certain time of day. Try keeping a bottle of water nearby and slam some down in between drinks. Never stock up. Buy a smaller bottle and don't go back to the store or wait and drink it after the store is closed so you have to wait til next day. I dunno, just slow it down I guess.

Edit: Weed is a great buffer in between drinking days.

If he's trying to get sober this is one of the worst pieces of advice that I've ever heard. No offense.

He wants advice on how to cut down not go cold turkey. If he has money then he can go the fuck to rehab otherwise do the poor man's rehab like I did.

Someone please help this poor rich guy.

Get some more hobbys, go to the Gym, get into sports.

Get a weeks worth of opiates. You will feel great and sleep like a baby.

It's a disease, maaaaaaan!

Stack up on water, food and something to kill the time. Takes about a day or two to get the worst part over with.

Talk with ur doctor and they can help u find a program, and or there is a pill they can give u that makes u throw up when u intake alcohol if u really can't stop

Go to AA meeting.It's free.


I don't even know where to score weed in this podunk town. On the positive side, I don't go to bars because they're not in walking distance and there's no Uber. On the negative side, I buy a bottle of booze and end up watching Big Trouble in Little China alone. Although, that's not really that bad.


Hook me up with the site. A nigga needs some valiums

Just go to the doctor, you fucking idiot. You can't buy prescription drugs in or from Canada without a prescription any more than you can in America. You are being scammed.

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I had a whole thing written addressing that but I thought it would be better just to roll the dice on it.