I Am, I Said. A Cumia Reflection.

239  2017-03-23 by wadall


The bitah!

Fuckin' A+

I could have used a "Where the Fuck is my gun?!?!?" Inserted somewhere, but top not h nonetheless

Yeah I wish some of those fade ins had audio come in... "You broke my fucking hand!"

The clip was there.


holy shit, good stuff

That was wonderful.

I did not want that to end. Wonderful work, sir.

Red Bar doesn't get a ton of love around here, but his Compound Media coverage has been amazing. This is based on something he did on the show last week, playing clips of Ant singing.

Tha Bitah

Absolutely beautiful. I laughed, I cried, I masturbated.


What a ghoulish man

"got lost...."

I said it once before and I'll say it again. O&A has some of the most despicable fans around, but are as talented as they come. I love you guys.

On a related note, 4chan tracked down Shia's stupid flag again.

The sperglords did it again...

The powers of Autism

We prefer the term "weaponized autism".

Please don't compare those foreskin-eaters to our beautiful hate-fest.

They didn't track down shit this time, Shia gave out the location in a press release thinking that "surely noone would climb on top of the roof of a privately owned building to get it". He was wrong.

This is from Red Bar Radio's fans

Well, the man was an O&A fan himself.

With Anth as front man they have a decent band going.


I'm not gonna lie, I gotta a little choked up

85 year old Anthony at the end.

Ant has to laugh at this, right?

Too real

A single tear will attempt to roll down that lunar surface of a face.

This is amazing.

I really do like when Anthony sings like Neil Diamond. Probably the thing I like most about him these days.

No one does it like Jordan K tho


Its really fucking good though

Quit peddling your wares here, Red Bar. We ain't buyin. Your show blows and your 3 homo fans will downvote this.


Who's we? This shit is great

Is this some guy that does a podcast about Anthony's podcast?

Red Bar on the brink

Pretty much, then he cons his dipshit fans into giving him money. Good on him but his show sucks dick.

Yeah the source material isn't good. How can derivative material be good?

Did you really say that with your outside voice?

Was Scorch good? If not then O&A covering Scorch sucked too by your equation..

Professionals goofing on things is different than a bunch of pissed off former fans yapping into gaming headsets.

Is Red Bar just a fan? I thought he had a show on Cumia's network.

I have no idea. The point is: do your own thing.

Whose pissed off?

Everyone that does podcasts. They always seem to be angry about something or other.

Anthony is older than the New York Mets

Wow, even a cameo by klaus kinski. My favorite bit was the "they're not people" tweets as hes looking down at his phone wearing his old man reading glasses. Bravo

E-rock fuckin army nigga!

Say what you will, the motherfucker can sing.

He can also play a mean tune on danis ribs

Lol I picture a xylophone number with that

Yeah he can.

"Joseph Cumia Show" what?

He had fucking posters made? Did anyone sit through an episode of that shit? I am curious to know what sorta topics were on the table. Brother Joe tells it how it is.

Brother Joe had open and honest conversations about race.

The nuance of "They aren't people".

Funniest part was Ant using some Art of War shit kept his mouth shut and let Joe try to impress us before eventually retreating back to facebook/twitter shitposting.

I'm impressed by his voice

Did you ever hear about the wop afraid of seeing nigs... and then became one...

The "miss you" tweet from Sue Lightning made me lol. Those tweets are a stark contrast....from raging racial hatred to tender sentiments from a young lady with a cock. She/he must love the bad boys with awful Bea Arthur hair who lose their guns.

She loves money.




He, Her, It

The upsetting part was having to read those racist tweets again..like...ugh..REALLY?

Keep preachin' the good word sista. Folks here just don't understand.

Sticky this fucking shit.


Whose tits are those?

The Red Bar mention makes this lesser.

This is obviously inspired by Redbar memes. Without him this masterpiece wouldn't exist.


It was literally made by Red Bar, so there's that.

This was made by the barmy

I don't know what that is, but fuck it.

You should mix in some of the actual dialogue from those vids above the music.

not mine

I'm not here for excuses, get back to work on this.

You in the BBG?


A modern masterpiece.

SO did anyone tweet this to Cumia, and if so; what did he say? Or did he block ya like a faggotito?

Better to tweet it to every member of Compound.

I've watched this about 10 times

The destruction of this whole sub-culture has been such an agonizing, hilarious, O&A style event for the ages.

They created monsters. Hilarious monsters.

Anthony should give up his alleged radio career and compound. Start a Neil Diamond tribute band with his brother. They split a duplex, Joe lives on one side with the mother, Anthony lives on the other side with the daughter.

That right there is a real compound.

What's that picture with the girl who is a tranny? I'm completely out of the loop on that. More importantly, does he completely deny it?

It's a picture of him in the same hotel bathroom as her. It's an NYC hotel, lots of rooms, plausible deniability.

It started with Melissa Stetten alleging Ant bought Sue's Frankenstein tits. Then everyone started digging around and we realized they were friends and she regularly visited and probably shot guns with him.

There's no "allegedly" about her having a penis, we've seen it. What's alleged is their sexual relationship. She looks good from some angles, and with enough beer, why wouldn't you let her pop your dick in her mouth? Ant said he'd fuck a 13 year old if she looked good, why not an adult tranny?

Admittedly, it's pretty big dick. But those awful nipple whisker donuts, man. Ain't nobody got time for that.

That's a pretty cute little feminine penis. I'd suck it.

Shit, that's not the photo I was thinking of. There was a strategically-placed dick pic camera back when this story was posted here on reddit.

I stand corrected.

An adult tranny that looks like a 14 year old girl.

why not an adult tranny?

It would literally be healthier at this point.


Allegedly? Don't pretend you didn't search on Bing

I didn't. Who the fuck uses bing anyways

That Nosferatu clip got my ribs hurtin'!

If someone can get me to laugh and cry within 3 minutes, a job has been well done.

The worst part of this video? All that expensive shit Joe has in that room that was bought by Anthony.

Joe: Remember when we were kids and we said whoever becomes a millionaire would take care of the other one and buy them a new studio?

Ant: Uhhh, not real-

Nigger Joe punching and kicking his little brother

Nigger Joe 101st Airborne: REMEMBER? HUH? DO YOU REMEMBER NOW?

I hate how Joseph Cumia plays his guitar down low between his legs because of how fucking fat he is.

The is the best production any fan of any iteration of the show has done. I'm responsible for at least 10 views so far

amazing , got my up vote

Man put in a Sue Lightning tranny titty and bulge shot.

That was depressing as fuck

I am, Al-Said

You should mix in some of the loop on that.

Anthony can not sing.

Wow, Ant bought his brother a lot of guitars.

Y'all niggas need to use more violent videos for these. They're still out there. Like this.


The sad thing is outside of a very small pocket of people you can't really share this genius with anyone. It's like a modern art critic who has a passion but can't share it with the general population without getting shrugs or laughed at.

The deepdiscountdvd.com was the icing on my face.

Joe's gut is so big it pushes the guitar out to his knees while he's sitting down playing, fucking slob.

inaudible struggling

That sums up O&A's careers pretty well

The vid already has 2.4k+ views. Anthony might see it eventually and comment.

Holy shit the ending had my laughing so hard. Glad i saved this till now. Starting my morning off right :)

Who was the person with him in the last shot? I don't know the context of that one.

Joe materese.

I fucking lost it at the deep discount banner at the end...... great job!

"They aren't people." -@AnthonyCumia

And that, ladies and gents, is the exact moment when the gravy train died.

Why isn't this the top post?

He had fucking posters made? Did anyone sit through an episode of that shit? I am curious to know what sorta topics were on the table. Brother Joe tells it how it is.

The nuance of "They aren't people".

Better to tweet it to every member of Compound.


Well, the man was an O&A fan himself.