These will never get old.

16  2017-03-23 by ricswrangler


Deformed little Krusty the Clown looking fuck

Looks more like Sideshow Bob with AIDS

He really looks malnourished and unhealthy.

That's what happens when you've been eating fish sticks and chicken nuggets for 30+ years

He has the diet of a toddler. It's easily the most infuriating thing about him, and frankly I hope he dies of malnutrition.

Sam looks like he gets his haircut with a fork and knife

There is no earthly reason he should've been able to attract a mate and reproduce.

I cant believe a woman lets that thing put its dick in her.....

That hair is fake right?

He went to Howard's wig shop.

He should wear hats

how many

Only that ghoul could cast that kind of a shadow

His forehead is troubling.

Sam Roberts make the Carl "The Fag Cuban" Ruiz look like Paul Newman. He's the ugliest, dumbest Jew in the world.

Oh I think it's actually "The Mad Cuban"

oh literal ropers.

Is that an umbrella?

his hair is running from his ugly face


Just cover his hair with your fingers in the image. He would look like a normal man without that thing on his head.

"get your black pussy hair away from me", Rich Vos.

Jess must have less than zero self esteem to have allegedly chosen to rut with that thing.

Look at his expression. I think the comments are starting to get to him.

A product of a Chicken & Popcorn diet. This twink should be dipped in a tub of acid.

You know what does get old? People who don't know how to properly link to images.

You could land the space shuttle on that forehead.

He's a flaming homo habilis

Sam has blue eyes? Everything about him seems like a genetic impossibility

Please be an inoperable tumor...

Who is the giant between worm and sambo?