Jason Ellis will fight you if you fart in the bathroom.

16  2017-03-23 by Scott_Farkus

What a fucktard. Who doesn't get a chuckle out of someone ripping ass in the bathroom?


Ron. Look it up. Bitched about guys who fart at urinals.

Ron probably reeks of cigar smoke and old man cologne.

Huh? I fucking hate when a dude comes in and violently sits down and then pushes as hard as he cans even when he knows other people are in stalls. Fuck that type of guy.

Those men are patriots

No they aren't.

Are too

Why don't you just do your little girly poo and get out then? A man's got work to do! Gotta show those turds who's boss!

If you're over 230 lbs then fine. If you're under then you should do it without making trumpet sounds and grunts for hours.

I'm a fairly small guy but my burps and farts are insane sometimes. Size doesn't really come into this.

If you still burp out loud often then you were born before '74.

There's a time and a place. If I'm sitting with my mates I won't try to hide it.

Didn't realize you were from Australia. Ignore everything I've said.

I'm Scottish.

Then we need to start over.

The only time I try to keep my shits quiet is when a woman I want to fuck is in the other room. Everything else is fair game.

Yet he'll voluntarily stick his tongue in a man's asshole.

Gotta draw the line somewhere

By "fight", I'm sure he meant "fuck"

I heard a few minutes of that shitty ass show yesterday when they discussed the tranny weightlifter and one of his dopey sidekicks said how he/she shouldn't be able to compete against women(a reasonable and logical viewpoint). Ellis of course took up the side of the tranny by citing some obscure MMA fighter with part of his arm missing.

His argument was that if the tranny should be banned, then the mma fighter without half his arm should be banned too because he doesn't have to wear a glove on the stump and he's beating up guys by using the stump to hit and submit guys. He absolutely meant it seriously. Just another instance of mushy gross Jason Ellis and his tough guy SJW routine not belonging on radio at all.

There's also a tranny MMA fighter named Falon Fox that same commission wouldn't license. I'm shocked he hasn't been on Jim & Sam.

They test their testosterone, the weightlifter is passing more tests than brock lesnar homie. I really have to say I hate the post trump cadence thats on the internet now, that breathless run on sentence style that has to be punctuated by blanket pronouncements like "his tough guy sjw routine not belonging on radio at all."

It doesn't matter if his testosterone is as low as a woman's now. Men will always have stronger ligaments, tendons and higher bone density. All those things matter in sports, especially weight lifting and MMA.

If some 5'10 170 pound tranny beat the shit out of your wife or daughter would you think "oh no, some lady just attacked them"? I fucking doubt it.

They dont measure the strength of ligaments, tendons, or bone density for any of the participants. Sports isn't fair, its contested between certain parameters and the ruling body determined that this athlete meets the parameters. The rest is irrelevant. All sports are artifice. And 5'10 170 is a big woman but not such a big woman I'd just be dumbfounded like how did this woman get so big? There are tough women and not tough women, there are tough men and not tough men, I dont understand where transexuality fits into your analogy.

the ruling body determined that this athlete meets the parameters. The rest is irrelevant.

Yea, that's the fucked up part dummy.

You and all the rest of the amateur womens powerlifting of new zealand fans should get together, start your own fed with your own rules and your own money and you can have anything you want. What other rule changes would you propose?

You're a faggot. Is that sentence short enough?

Too short.


The current amount of testosterone isnt the problem.

To simplify the chemistry its as if the muscles have been basting in testosterone for years and have already done its job.

Testosterone isnt like steroids.

I know its not a problem, they tested her and she's within the parameters they require. They could determine absolutely any eligibility requirements and they've agreed, and then the competitors agree when they sign up or if they have a players union and a CBE. A bunch of hens want to grouse about a sport they dont watch or understand and some people they couldnt pick out of a lineup is completely removed from the reality of the issue. You're not protecting the sanctity of anything here.

Sanctity of fair play.

Its not fair to the real women.

Lets talk about reality. Men.... are different from women. Fact.

If you asked an unemotional robot for a ruling on this it would say the same thing.

you KNOW its not fair to real-born women but you want the .05 percent of the population to be able to force others to join in this delusion

You must boo then, when your team is pitching and a ball gets called a strike. There's no such thing as fair in sports, in any sport. A ruling body determines the rules then everyone exists within the rules. This ruling body has determined that trans women can compete given certain conditions, by definition being a trans woman is not 'unfair' in the sport. If its that galling then no natural born women should compete, then the sport would be fucked and would self correct.

I would maybe find a different example....

Than lesnar?

Goddamn. Is the "Faction" like the Aussie version of their fellow queers the proud boys?

won't be the first time Ellis has taken a few fists in the men's room, nor the last

but Jason Ellis will pay you to shit in his mouth.

He gets mad because that is a virgin ass that he will not to fuck. See if it makes a sound when you fart= anal virgin. A rare thing

God this guy is a fag, he's not interesting enough for the hate machine, fuck him.

You got that right. It is not interesting even to make fun him. I do not get it: If you are going to replace Opie as the flagship (fagshit) of the channel, wouldn't you want someone who is better, not worse?

You don't fart while Jason Ellis is blowing you in a bathroom. This is known.

What a douche. Does Extreme Guy think the restroom is only for gay sex?

right after he sucks your cock...he's a real tough guy

That's the one appropriate place to fart.

but if u cum in his mouth he will buy u dinner

hes fuckin BADASS dude SHUT THE FUCK UP

If you're over 230 lbs then fine. If you're under then you should do it without making trumpet sounds and grunts for hours.