AAAAAAAND Shia LaBeouf's little art project is down again....

25  2017-03-23 by TangerineReam


It'll be stolen even if he'll put it inside a bank's vault.

It opened March 22nd -YESTERDAY- and it closed down again.

It's over.

And they said exactly where it was last night and just couldn't figure out a way on the roof.

HA were they really going to break in to the gallery from the roof?

Only saw their twitter post about it closing, not the whole thing. HAHA Jesus

They will find a way to get to the moon if they put it there.

Weaponized autism indeed.


I thought this would have gotten old by now, it hasnt.

When you unintentionally issue a challenge like this to the internet, it doesn't end until you either give up or admit defeat. Some people however just want to destroy Shia mentally, and have taken this up as a personal mission to do so.

Especially when it's a board full of who knows how many aspies. It's like hiding a pie from Big Amy.

the funny thing is, the boards going after him aren't even people.

This is a cia psy-op project to see to what measures it would take to drive hollywood types insane. Only some normal autists are involved

Weaponized autism. You cannot escape it once you're in its clutches.

The world may be collectively turning into a fag, but at least it's interesting and fun to watch. Strange days..

This makes me so happy.

To be fair.. Faggotry is all over the political spectrum.

This is the best display of autism in a long time

This nigga thought Europe would be a safe space

Who cares

I don't know what any of this means

'dangerous, illegal trespassing'

...could these faggots sound any more like 'butthurt' little faggots? Haha!

I don't know Chandler, could they?

Its funny because I think everyone forgot how gay people are and just even someone walking on the roof was enough to get it removed.

/pol/ -4 Shia -0

These are alternative facts! REEEE

How's that assault charge ,character.

They will find a way to get to the moon if they put it there.