Is it possible for comedians to do a radio show without talking about the "craft of comedy"?

110  2017-03-23 by Wolosocu

I'm listening to this morning's Sam & Jim Show and holy fuck. The Legion of Skanks guys are in and they're going on and on about how dating other comedians is great because they "get it" and dating someone "not in the industry" is difficult. Of course, creepy-I-can't-see-a-tequila-bottle-Jimmy is sitting there agreeing with everything and relating "yeah man, it's hard."

Holy fucking christ, how far up their own asses are these people?


you will never get it you fucking civilian. You can't understand how difficult it is for an emo haired faggot to ramble about black dicks 5 nights a week.

Thank god someone else said it!! Kurt Metzger said it best when he analogized that trying to judge a comedian is like how difficult it is to critique a Doctor if you are not one. You know, because equating a doctor and their education and expertise is the same as telling dick jokes. We are all civilians and I hope everyone can recognize that.

Speak for yourself brah! I stopped being a 'civilian' 6 months ago when I signed up for twitter. Now I hit the twitter comedy 'gym' 7 days a week. I'm working out daily and seeing constant gainz! I'm a comedy Goodfella now... People don't find you funny? Fuck You! Pay me! People don't laugh at your jokes? Fuck you! Pay me! You don't think my podcast is worth the cost of admission? Fuck you! Pay me!

Comedy shop tall is annoying as it is, but I can't fucking stand when they start casually throwing around terms like "feature act." As if us civilians know what that means.

As if us civilians know what that means.

Or care what it means.

I personally enjoy hearing an in depth analysis of some obscure comedy club in some shit city on the other side of the continent. Keeps me on the edge of my seat as its fantastically relevant to my life.

"oh man I love the room setup at the chucklehut in hoboken new jersey, you are going to love it there" - some comedian to another comedian

Comedians really are shitty people. As far as the entertainment industry goes, most of them are a step above the usher. Actually, the ushers at really fancy places probably garner more respect than your average comedian.

They think because they're funny and "quick" they must be smart, and that they need to share their unique ideas with the world. I don't think any comedian ever has made an "observation" that has mattered one bit. Recent blogosphere (can't believe I just that shitty word) has convinced everyone that comedians are some of the smartest, deepest people ever. They're often actually the shallowest and least informed.

Couple that with the fact that they're the first to criticize others, but they have skin thinner than tissue paper.

Short version? Get up there and dance for your coins, monkey.

I blame Carlin for some of this, especially in the last decade or so of his life. He became a kind of counterculture professor emeritus with his gray ponytail and virulent misanthropy. His routines were more lectures than standup, and his audience bought into it like he was a font of wisdom. He wasn't. The newest generation of comedians have run with this. In their minds they're social commentators and modern-day jesters who can humble the king, but in reality they are mostly dropouts on the same entertainment spectrum as rodeo clowns.

I blame your mom for being raped by a gang of ((((those people)))).

Jesus christ, the echos meme is for jews. It was a way of identifying jews in the media who promote anti-white shit, not as a blanket indicator of minorities. So unless you're saying his mom was raped by a pack of jews - which, let's be honest, jews are nowhere near the top of the rape ladder - then you used the echos wrong and you should stop.

Found the faggot!


Jews are the rapiest rapists of them all.

Don't shit yourself there yarmulke boy.

He became a kind of counterculture professor emeritus with his gray ponytail and virulent misanthropy. His routines were more lectures than standup, and his audience bought into it like he was a font of wisdom.

I blame Carlin for this entire "the court jester was the only one who could speak truth to the king" shit you hear whenever someone talks comedy outside of this barn of shame and treachery.

yeah this barns not so noble lol

I blame comedy fans for it.

If crowds of people pay to hear you speak and you hear people literally calling you brilliant and profound every 4 seconds and relistening to your content again and again, why wouldnt you start you think it?

I take great pleasure in how upset comedians get that the internet is a level playing field. They can't fucking stand that a clueless 19 year old blogger has the same reach/voice as them. They'll always say stuff like "Well at least I have the balls to say this stuff on stage." Yeah, well we're not on stage right now, faggot.

I get what you're saying, but currently which "internet comedians" are funnier than the guys you know and love who actually go on stage?

I'm actually not referring to them being funny, more when they get in big arguments about social justice, joke thievery, etc. Metzger in particular goes nuts about it.



Its always funny when their tech jokes are 5 years out of date because it took them so long to "perfect" the joke.

Wow. Speaking in generalizations much? I know comics that have masters degrees from ivy league schools and I know comics that are addicted to heroin that dropped out of high school. Black, white, old, young, poor, every ethnic background, and social class. The reason people want to hear comedians make these observations is because they do it in a funny way. And if you think making people laugh is dancing for coins like a monkey, what do you think having 9-5 is? Most comics had 9-5s that they gave up.

Most comics had 9-5s

GameStop is more like a 2-10

what do you think having 9-5 is?

Contributing to society in a meaningful way? Nah those nurses are basically organ grinders. Software developers? I mean come on, all technology really does is make people smile for a few seconds, totally the same thing.

And remember fellas, nothing says funny like an MS from Dartmouth.

Separate conversation. I am not saying that "real jobs" are not more meaningful than being in entertainment. Fuck no. Most people in entertainment are fairly narcissistic and are only doing so for selfish reasons. I was responding specifically to the notion of "dancing like a monkey for change." Most of the comics you hear on these shows are somewhat successful at least. Say what you will but working for myself and talking shit with my friends for a living is better than any day job I've ever had. That's just my experience though.

I'm sure its definitely more fun the any other job. My point is just that the pomposity of most comedians (Metzger notably) to act like what they do is so deep the "civilians" don't get it and comparing it to being a doctor is retarded. Hearing about the "craft of comedy" like its some esoteric concept gets grating fast.

But comedians are fighting for the right to yell niggers without any backlash, what is liter without feeedom?

Wow. I really struck a note with you, didn't I? Did that one hit too close to home?

Does this seem like I'm upset? I feel like it was a pretty matter of fact.

Does this seem like I'm upset?

Yeah, very.

Luis this sub is trash, don't bother, they're almost like sjws but instead of trying to police comedy they take it too seriously

What did it for me was listening to Big Jay and Dan Soder talk for 20 fucking minutes at how important a good MC is at making a good show, they talked about it like it's some surgical artform.

Was that the one where Jay was going out on a limb saying a comedian should be coherent on stage and not have extreme muscular dystrophy?

Yeah, being able to stand and talk and hold a microphone is apparently the level of skill required to make it in comedy. They talked about it for the entire fucking show.

They really are just dick joke strippers.

Comedians and war veterans share the burden of finding it difficult to relate to people who don't know what they've been through. The few, the happy few, the band of brothers...

I wasn't a faggot...I was in the company of faggots.

"No, I wasn't in Bastogne, but I had a few bad sets in Pennsylvania I could tell you about."

After you live through being heckled by a table full of fat bridesmaids, there's no going home again.

You're a civilian. You wouldnt understand

Also why is it always the shitty comedians that do it the most? I like LOS but Luis and Dave on their own are fucking terrible and will never make it. Why should I care how they think? I don't wanna hear about the "craft of football" from a third stringer on the JV team.

Hey, Dave is a political pundit too. Haven't you seen him on TV? He finished high school and has watched most of the canonical libertarian videos on YouTube, so he's fully qualified.

The only time he's qualified is in a room with characters like the Real Ass Dude, "Big" Jay Oakerson, and Ding Dong, the Asian intern. Christ what an over-inflated ego he must have.

Whenever I listen to The Bonfire, if they don't have something specific to talk about within 10 minutes, the show is going to be about gigs, crowds, other comedians, etc.

I mean it's better than Bennington at this point, where if a celebrity hasn't died in the past week, it turns into shit on Chris Stanley for 3 hours.

that borington fella is terrible

I think it's great. Let us know how that craft goes when you're in your 60s and still working the same stupid clubs for $50 a night and you don't have a penny to your name.


I've found that i hate LOS collectively, but on there own i actually like most of them. All except that obnoxious, no talent douche Louis.

C'mon bro...

Ahh, you may be my least fav... but you're likable in that hateable kind of way.

knew you'd come around dog.

Back-peddling faggot.


I haven't listened to it much, but Cum Town seems to be the least pretentious comedy show.

Hehehheehheheheheheehehehe. Dude! Do you fuck?

I just started started the new one this week and been going backwards its really good especially for all the shit everyone talks on it its proves how much jerks people are.

which skank tho? i would bet that pig jay oinkerson was the one on and on about the craft the most?

Says the guys who belong to a subreddit that goes on and on about the craft of comedy. That's all you fuckers post about. Which comics are good and which one's stink. Which radio host has fallen farthest from grace. You gossipy queefs. We are doing what you do.

You're better off not responding to this one. Yikes. Next time you get emotional about reddit posts, just walk away and forget about it because rarely is your reply going to make you look better.


i think it does, instead of coming in here and calling us losers in all caps like most people would, he tries to have a normal back and forth.

big jay would probably come in here and brag about all the 7s he fucks and how many fingerless gloves he can afford, luis seems like a cool guy without a huge ego.

No. Big Jay would be too busy being unfunny somewhere to come on here.


Big Jay is too stupid to operate a computer. The only sites he knows are world star and porn.

Im sorry your phone crapped out, can you repeat that?

Classic funny bit! Fuck that boring ton of fattie fat

Big Jay is too stupid to operate a computer. The only sites he knows are world star and porn.

Im sorry your phone crapped out, can you repeat that?

Big Jay is too stupid to operate a computer. The only sites he knows are world star and porn.

Im sorry your phone crapped out, can you repeat that?

Big Jay is too stupid to operate a computer. The only sites he knows are world star and porn.

Im sorry your phone crapped out, can you repeat that?

It wasn't a joke.

7s isnt out yet

No one should ever aspire to be like this place.

Ha touche

You were much funnier than i expected when you opened for Attell at the mall

Thanks dog


None of us talk about the craft of comedy. It's mostly shitting on people. No one ever breaks down a joke here, or talks about the road, or discusses the difference between clubs and theatres, or mentions "the industry", or anything else you boring faggots trod over time and again.

Eh, it's just the same subject matter from your perspective. Big Topics this week: the Schumer special, Chappelle special, Artie being arrested. You got 4 stand ups in a room, we're bound to talk about stand up. Kind of a small section of the show too. Most of the shit we talked was about Nikki's terrifying feet and that dude grabbing that chick's pussy on dancing with the stars. You hear what you want to hear though.

i dont think people care about you guys talking about stories or people in comedy, i think people get annoyed when you talk about the inside baseball shit and talk about a set like it was a painting.

even you guys shit on actors for talking about their "craft" and taking themselves too seriously.

Yeah I get the point your making. I consciously try not to get too inside baseball-y on my shows. Like I said before, I felt like it was a pretty funny show today. I know I was genuinely laughing almost the whole time.

Don't listen to these fuck bois, everybody loves to hear about that missy person from the comedy store, and love that sick impression!

If you come to LA again im getting my civilian friends and we're taking you to task you pussy.

May 22-27 :)

No head shots and no potty mouth ok?

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how bout the velveeta of comedy then or sumthin TSSSSSS i dunno jus riffin

I wish Instead of talking about the craft, they'd craft a knife and stab themselves like Artie.

This is why Colin Quinn doesn't do podcasts. He said he's sick of sitting around with other comedians talking about 'the craft'.

"Enough about the fuckin' process!"

Makes me want to bite my knuckle.

Cumtown is pretty good at avoiding that shit

Cumtown will suck until it puts Stav at the door. He's a completely unfunny hack. Ya fuck?

Mullen is so good it makes up for adam and stav not being funny

Cum Town had Nick bitching about his stand up once if I recall but also after that he immediately said he hated talking about it and also had an episode that had everyone trashing the whole civilians shit. They good in my book.

Most comics are only funny or interesting if they manicure a set for years.

Thats why they suck at radio, because most of them have no respect for it and think it's just talking.

Comics suck as people with no artistic integrity for the most part

I too can't believe that people with the same profession and interests are able to relate with each other.

Most comedians think they're edgy fuckers who have a hot take on all the current events, but they're really just a bunch of middle of the road Jims who'd rather talk shop than put their necks on the line. Talking about the "craft of comedy" is their safe space.

Wow! Civilian much brah?

I can't stomach anymore of these podcasts. I just wanna drive to work and I get stuck listening to another craft of comedy or boston/LA scene with some unknown comedian. I try these non-comedy host podcasts but they can be boring as fuck with their delivery.

which non-comedy ones?

Have you tried "The Dollop" with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds? It's a bi-weekly American history podcast. Every week, Dave Anthony reads a story to his friend, Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what the topic is ...

Consistently funny and informative. Very little bitching about their regular gigs.

They landed on Ohama beach and took back western civ. better show respect.

Even Otto Petersen who I consider the best obscure / most underrated comedian ever said: "You guys are professional entertainers, you're dealing with commoners" when Ant bitched about the callers.

That's coming from the most soft spoken least shilling comedian ever on O&A. It's in their nature: comedians are so fucked up mentally that simply being a comedian is most of their identity. Same as academics who identify with their Phd's.

To be fair, a comedian's work schedule is kinda enough to put a lot of people off dating them seriously.

We wouldn't understand.

podcasts have really made me hate inside baseball comedy talk, i shouldn't know what a check spot is and dumb shit like that but all they do is talk about it.

No. They're all a bunch of self-important drips.

Pardon your French!

What, you don't think that people who tell dick jokes should have the same gravitas in their voices as a conference of emergency surgeons?

Maybe the fact that your work schedule is shit and thats why its hard to have relationships. Also dating a comedian can be on the par with dating some wanna be rock star and can get very old quick.

There's a few Rogan episodes with boston comics where they just share crazy old stories

To answer your question. No it isn't.

If you sit any two or more people in the same industry down in the same room they're going to pontificate about some shitty mundane facet of their work. They're also going to glorify whatever shit thing they do.

Piss be with you

I generally agree with this sentiment, but today's episode wasn't a good example of that. They touched on dating other comedians pretty briefly and moved on.

And believe me, no one loves waxing poetic about the craft of comedy more than Luis J Gomez.

ugh the ol' "it's actually really similar to the comedic process" routine

Comedians believe comedy is important and enough fans enable them to continue this behavior. Imagine sports radio jocks talking about pull ups and sprints for hours and their fans just eat it up.

There is a huge crop of comedians like Joe Rogan that took the internet content they read for a decade and converted into "material". Now there is no more material for them to plunder in the mobile internet age. So now its a big gay reality show. True Life: My Comedic Journey.

It is irritating. We don't want to hear you faggots "talk shop."

Was it metzger that compared comedians to doctors in the amount of studying they had to do?

i would put anybody who thinks that into a freight train to poland

This is why I like Nick Mullen. He's hilarious but his lack of real respect for comedy is great.

Same with a lot of professions. My wife has a lot of friends in education, it's been their whole career, they have tunnel vision and can't see a world beyond it and feel that no one can understand their struggle.

Civilians just won't get it.

This is like saying plumbers should never date non plumbers because they don't understand their struggle


Yeah I get the point your making. I consciously try not to get too inside baseball-y on my shows. Like I said before, I felt like it was a pretty funny show today. I know I was genuinely laughing almost the whole time.

May 22-27 :)

We wouldn't understand.