BREAKING: Joe Cumia is a talentless leech

17  2017-03-23 by Crownenberg

I also have it on good authority that he's fucking kids now. Monster


Maybe 2 u, but 2 me he's a great guy tssss




Breaking? News? Boooooooo be more funny.

With posts like this you will get on the wrong side of his internet motorcycle gang.

Be careful!

He's talented, he's a really good guitar player.

I say that in the same sense that Clint Eastwood tells the guys to give their shot/dying friend a drink of water in Unforgiven, out of some modicum of dignity. Dig-na-tee.

And in other recent developments, Gregg Hughes isn't funny. Plus this just in, Amy Schumer isn't thin.

BREAKING: Erock's chair