Someone made a better cut of Sam Hyde vs. AIDS BJORN

4  2017-03-22 by TangerineReam


Sam "Hide"

I don't get the joke, fella..

The uploader spelled his name wrong. That's the bit.

He's my favorite school shooter

What did the worse cut look like? What is this shit

(funny stuff)

is it?

give us a little background info here reamer

Sam Hyde of Million Dollar Extreme went to HWNDU to smoke cigars and hang. Possibly for shenanigans. AIDS Bjorn is some ANTIFA fag, happened to be there, tried antagonizing Sam, it got heated, and then there's what you see in the vid.

4chan fags

Sam handled himself well and is funny but his fans are embarrassing and he couldn't really hide his contempt for them.

I agree actually