Cumtown is the most horrid shit I've ever heard

7  2017-03-22 by TonyFromLongIsland

Go back to your job at the warehouse, you bunch of unfunny queers.



cumtown, thats what the niggers on your street call your moms bedroom.

Its not for faggot italian meatball boys from long island

You are not allowed to call anyone a faggot when you look like you do or have a band as terrible as yours

Bob kelly liked my band

Bob Kelly will leave his young son fatherless because he can't stop eating snack cakes. So his opinion holds no water with me. And we are not in highschool so idgac how many ugly skanks allowed you to enter them while they were in a dope blackout on your couch.

Lighten up on poor Stinks. If you catch a junky before theyre completely deteriorated, youve got some prime fucking, on the cheap.

A bit of the ol' tough love

Shit what can i say to that

No one else does which is why you beg for money online instead of actually making money on your shitty music

Yeah it's for unfunny Philly faggots who try too hard.

Norton was the one who worked at a warehouse.

So cool it with the hate speech.


go listen to the jersey jerks you lug head.

Settle down there.

It is not good. It's amateur hour, bush-league bullshit masquerading as punk rock podcasting.

It's not great but fuck me...theres literally nothing else out there.

What episode did you listen to? When I started the first one the first topic they talked about was foods that made them shit or whatever and I thought it was typical and boring....but I kept it on and went a few more, and thought it was the funniest talk style thing since classic o&a