Why is Norton doing a live read for a tequila?

24  2017-03-22 by Wolosocu

Isn't he worried that it might trigger a relapse? They should probably get a man to read this ad so it doesn't sound ridiculous.


We should perfect a way into get some weed into those fucking almonds he's eternally munching on, or sneak it into a salad or some shit, and completely decimate his self-image as a "troubled, recovering addict."

Being responsible for torpedoing Jim Norton's 276 years of sobriety might end up being this sub's crowning achievement.

but how do we get weed equipment into the city?

Once our new studio's up and running it shouldn't be a problem.

Put a drop of liquid acid in his coffee.

Amazingly Ronnie B used to have drinking on his show and guests and staff were hammered. Jimmy runs away when he sees a donut.

He was barely an addict.


Oh wow, big deal. Did he once yell at his dad after drinking a wine cooler?

Was that Gail? He really must feel guilty for her being such a fuck up that he has to hand her a job she's obviously horrific at. If Ron is out she better pray Hicks continues to do a show with her.

She would be in the age range unless he has a daughter a year or two close to her.

Well, they were 3 and 5.

Yes, Ron once roofied Gail.

She didn't rat on him so he at least raised her well...

Ron also made a big deal out of declining narcotic pain killers after his appendix removal. He had lathroscopic surgery which isn't a big deal, mainly just waiting on the stitches to heal.

My friend had his appendix removed recently via that method and he was literally back to work the next day. That's how the regular joes do it.

I had gall bladder removed that way and wasn't traumatic at all either.

They kept me overnight for observation for some reason but, yeah, you're back at it almost instantly with the incisions shut with superglue and a dull, persistent pain on your right side.

What I remember from the show was that he declined anesthesia as well as the narcotics because of the anesthetics act on similar pathways and he didn't want to relapse.

He also described being high on heroin as "bathing in a bathtub of Jesus' warm cum."

Jimmy literally didn't want an empty Crystal Head vodka bottle in his house because he was afraid it would remind him of drinking.

The best tequilas need a worm.

They need to incorporate this into the read

Actually, tequila doesn't have worms. Mezcal has worms and usually only cheap Mezcal, targeted to tourists, has worms.

Didja learn this when ya were lookin for relics, dude?


He bought crack at 17 in the New Brunswick Housing Projects. Not sure why I always have to remind you guys.