"There was too much respect given to the office of the President anyways" -Anthony Cumia

5  2017-03-22 by harriswill

I've also died from cringing too hard


I mean he's right. It's not a fucking dictatorship. The courts are embarrassing trump because he has no real power like a putin

I thought he was Literally Hitler though. That's why I voted for him. Where's my Night of the Long Knives you Orange faggot?

As an objectively minded person its funny to see the extent that trump leans on everything that was called an unconstitutional abuse of power under obama while the slack jaws crow 'getting more done in his first 50 days than any other president ever'

As an objectively minded person


you dont think he sees things as they truly are?

I'm sure his analysis of that WWE kids show for faggots is objective and spot on.

Politics, not so much.

Silly. There's a difference between not agreeing with your politics and being prone to subjectivity. I'm not objective about wrestling at all, either, I'm totally subjective with that.

Then who is a Republican you like?

Its not a matter of there's a republican I like but there are pet liberal policies I dont agree with. Gun control efforts, for example, are largely a waste of time. I dont think we should have zero gun control legislation and I dont like the power the pro gun lobby has, but a ton of gun control efforts are groan worthy. I would not have run Clinton against anyone, if they werent running against trump I probably wouldn't have voted.

So out of 17 republicans who ran last year, you didn't like one?

Even Rachel Maddow had an answer for that one.

Well I dont watch Maddow believe it or not. To my current knowledge no I didn't like one enough to vote for them at all let alone above a democrat. I would've appreciated most of them more than Trump. You tell me, educate me, was there a candidate not pledging to appoint a justice that would help overturn roe v wade, wasnt against the EPA, had a plan to improve on the ACA (which I dont love as legislation although I see a lot of good in it), supports expanded legalization of pot, and wasnt touting deregulation as a catch all fix.

Dude, Roe v Wade is safe. Bush had a majority conservative bench and they didn't want to do it. You guys do the same shit with abortion we get blamed for being paranoid about Gun Grabbers.

Trump ran on making individual state EPAs as opposed to the government bureaucracy of a centralized one.

I doubt any want what you want for healthcare.

Rand Paul wants marijuana decriminalization. And most said they wanted it left up to the state's except Chris Christie and Marco Rubio.

To respond to both things there is no such thing as purely objective decision making and thats not what I'm claiming I do. I also started posting here way before it was such a nest of political crybabies who despise being challenged in any idea. The gun grabbers thing is a perfect example. I dont carry, I dont hunt, I dont feel people need guns for personal protection, I dont particularly like guns. But on gun control issues I look at it and I say hey the stuff you (liberals) want to do isn't going to solve any of the problems you have and it's an active barrier to stopping more common sense laws and alienating voters who feel super strongly about guns. The more liberal laws are inline with my subject opinion but objectively I feel they arent going to work for the country and should be shuttled.

It's not some mind bending 'gotcha' that I dont like GOP nominees. They're guided in principle by the same entity and appealing to the same voter base, none of them are iconoclasts and both parties cannibalize anyone who falls 'too far' outside of the party line. I also dont care what a candidate will realistically accomplish compared to what they say their goals are. You know what would impress me in a republican? If he told the religious right that their moral sensibilities cant control policy for the entire country.

At the core I believe federal protection is appropriate for certain issues, which makes me pretty liberal and is a very subjective view. But those laws also have to work and make sense objectively. The healthcare penalty, for example, was a terrible idea even though high participation was essential to the ACA.

You know what would impress me in a republican? If he told the religious right that their moral sensibilities cant control policy for the entire country.

I'd love that too. But neither has a Democratic nominee. Obama did several interviews with the top Christian magazine talking about how his Christianity made him a better person after being a little wild as a teen. And atheist Bernie Sanders downplayed his dislike of organized religion. Because you can't win otherwise unfortunately. They all have to give church speeches talking about how faith makes America strong.

I dont like it for democrats either but you cant compare the level of influence over each party. This is me being pragmatic, I'll ignore a leader soft selling his piousness but I cant accept Trump, for example, saying he's born again and has done a 180 on abortion, plus the entire GOP very happily slipping out the back door that striking down DOMA made for them on gay marriage.

I dont like it for democrats either but you cant compare the level of influence over each party

Of course not. They dominated the party for 30 years. But like I said before, if they still did we would be talking about President Ted Cruz right now.

I cant accept Trump, for example, saying he's born again and has done a 180 on abortion

Republicans aren't as dumb as you think. Very few believed Trump worships anything but himself. Him misquoting the bible would have sunk him if they did. Instead the reaction was mostly "there's a shocker."

I dont think Republicans are dumb, I think most of them arent posting on the internet though and I think the democrats criminally undersold how Republicans wouldnt be left behind had they won the election. I dont find value in the amount either candidate pandered.

And I can do the same thing. I'm pro choice and want religion left out of politics.

But you know what? I'm not objective. And neither are you.

Thats not what I mean by objective. Of course I have opinions but I can understand how someone else disagrees with me. I can look at data and understand it without crying that it's fake news.

ob·jec·tive adjective (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts

Oh you're objective now? I thought you were just a contrarian douchebag with shitty opinions.

[The president was given too much respect because] it's not a fucking dictatorship.

The president has no real power



"People are finally realizing that he's bullshitting, which means he's now a real politician"

I loved getting Ant's takes on all things Trump related because he's the only conservative voice in my life, but it's so fucking hard now to hear a guy who would spin a logical epcot ball to defend his stereotypes or his drinking, blindly parrot other people's moronic rhetoric

If Ant is the only Conservative voice in your life you're doing it wrong. Anthony is literally a racist high school drop out. He's only conservative because he hates paying taxes. That's the extent of his motivation.

If you're looking for some insight into the other side read Thomas Sowell, Buckley, "The Road to Serfdom" by Friedrich von Hayek, hell listen to the Bryan Callen Show podcast.

While I fundamentally disagree with many of the conclusions these works come up at least they're coming from a place of education, history, economics and science instead of from the basement of a McMansion in Long Island.

Brian callen is conservative?

He's a Hollywood Conservative. So he's cool with abortion and free school lunches but he constantly brings up his love of the free market and the dangerous of Socialism.

He's a fucking moron who has picked up a couple of "libertarian" ideas from 4'11" political scientist Joe Rogan.

His dad was a banker, he's always been fairly libertarian and against excessive govt from what I've heard him say

Don't listen to anyone. Become informed and educate yourself. History is easy, and usually can point to the right direction.

Listening does not mean brainwashing. How do good ideas overtake bad ideas if you plug your ears and scream "you won't influence me"? Sounds a lot like the modern day Muslim world, actually. And when has history has ever been written without a bias?

Says a guy suggesting a book he's never read and Bryan Callen.

I strictly get my politics from Gavin, Jack Buckby, and 4chan pepes

All people the world would 100% be better off without

He's also conservative on guns, police, immigration and on Republicans being more honest about Muslims. Anthony only disagrees with them on morality needing to be political and he's done a lot of drugs.

Pro-tip: Thomas Sowell and Friedrich von Hayek are really terrible, so just read them to realize how horribly wrong conservatives are.

He's apparently not conservative, just hate liberals

I have no problem with this quote.

Did he actually say "anyways" instead of "anyway" like a 12 year old girl?

I think ant will change his tune when he's dying alone and meals on wheels isnt knocking on that door.