Patrice is on the front page of r/videos and people are aware this racist sub is cancer.

64  2017-03-22 by cbanks420lol


They're not wrong.

well cancer is a lot more faster at killing you than this sub

We are the cancer.

And also the cure

Unless people get mixed up with kratom.

That shits a death sentence

At least they'll learn the truth about Patton Oswalt and his drug den

bunch of bullies over at r/videos

One of them even used our lords name in vain in his username. Fucking bigots



Allah Trackbar

We dindu nuffin

We was thinking bout going back to school!

We goot boys!

You guys really are a bunch of racisms.

Those comments are basically a thousand Opies stepping on Patrice's jokes simultaneously.

Gotta love those internet liberals. Everything that isn't 100% on the same page as me is alt-right/nazi/whatever other fucking buzzword label they use.

Did they ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? I would imagine the story of the boy who cried "noble wolf" ends just the same.

Especially when we're praising a black Muslim for having a good special. Try saying "man, Dave Chappelle was great" on Stormfront.

much like islam, we believe women shouldn't be seen or heard (especially on the radio). Hell, since we have so much in common we're practically radical progressive feminists too!

Much like a cookie...

god i miss him

Please don't slander a whole race like that.

Try saying "man, Dave Chappelle was great"

that was you that did that shit?

This place IS genuinely full of alt-right(nazi) edgelords and people too autistic even for T_D though.

yeah, you should probably stop coming here because of how awful it is.

Theres one now!

I heard you're really clever, witty and sarcastic, that's funny and really pushes people's buttons. Upvoted!


i know we're not the regular bunch of typical-reddit liberals but this sub isn't even close to the amount of autism that seeps from t_d. that whole sub is a shit show where "cuck" is still a fresh new insult, like it's 2013 again.

What's worse, being obsessed with Donald Trump or Gregg "Opie" Hughes?

at least our faggot has tits.


Probably being obsessed with Opie. But it's just so much fun.

but this sub is funny and T_F is corny

tell the folks at home about the boy who cried wolf

This exact reason is why I rape liberals. Men, women, dyslexics....don't matter to me, my fluid organ is touching bottom.

I don't think the issue is that you're not 100% on the same page. It's more that you believe dumb shit.

Explain how in 8000 words or more.


You're dumb.

No, you are. I win.

No, seriously, you are dumb.

No, you.

No, I mean it, you are retarded.

No, you are.

No, I am telling that you're a retard.

It's you.

You are just a dumb motherfucker.

No, you are.

You are dumb as shit and therefore conservative. Thoughts?

You are calling me names that do not fit without doing the least to refute my claims. I will not dignify those statements with anything but a statement on what I actually am, which is rubber. And you, my friend, are glue.

Please, don't be so angry, this is a comedy subreddit. You've already used ableist language, the r word of all things, to try to insult me, as if being mentally disabled is an insult. I have neglected to inform the moderation of this subreddit as I see that you are new. Please, take this in good faith.

Let's be clear: you're a conservative and most of your ideas are shit. Refute what? Your dumb ideas in general? Your retarded self in particular?

I've never seen anyone get as mad as you are right now, about nothing. From someone you called a conservative retard. Is there something in your life that is causing you grief, my friend?

Nice try, faggot.

You're using homophobic and ableist slurs, and you're calling other people conservatives. I guess some people come to this nice, comedic subreddit to try and troll. Sad!

Wow, that's a lot of faggotry.

But seriously, I said that progressive cocksuckers from reddit can't stand any political dissent and try to shut it down with namecalling and labels like "nazi", and you proceeded to do exactly that. Thank you, for making my point.

Also, if you're looking for work, I'm developing an iOS/Android app for anonymous gay oral sex and Rich Vos tourdates, it's called ShareBlow. I think you might be interested.

Thank you for taking the past 4 days out of your busy schedule to completely and totally validate everything I said.

No, you said that people called you Nazi because you support a racist candidate and a racist party. Go figure. I didn't validate shit by calling you a retarded faggot. That's what you are.

I hate to sound like Mr. Edgelord but there's a difference between saying nigger because it's shocking and taboo and actually being a racist dirtbag.

In the case of this sub, we're both.

We don't hate niggers we just hate kikes.

Hey there, guy. No need to get nasty.

Speak for yourself, nigger lover.

All I'm saying is Worldstar brings more comedy than Jews have been able to do in the past 20 years.

That don't mean we like or respect niggers, we just use them for our amusement.

But don't they own the media? Therefore, they own Worldstar? Heebie Kikeburger probably writes their checks at their HQ.

I think a black guy who died recently owned it. But his family will probably sell to Heebie Kikeberger.

were praising chapelles special though? fuck em. patton will murder your wives next

Right, a fucking black Muslim gets love here when he's funny.

And Dave Chappelle too.

pattons not black sir

And he's rarely gotten praise here since his last good special was 10 years ago.

stop getting frustrated with me. I fucked up yesterday, not today


Exactly, people here love Patrice. And we love Anthony, who behaves like a black person.

those tabs

I hate the alt right comparisons

The alt-right is gay.

It's just the newest insult buzz word when you don't have a legit argument. All they have to do is add -ist to the end of it and they will be fully there. Racist, Misogynist, Alt-Rightist...

No it's actually a gay culture that breeds things like proud boys.

Funny tab meme never not funny, am I right gang?


Someone put up a link to The Natalie Holloway bit and i rewatched it for the first time in years.

Man, if that isnt one of the best bits ever recorded from a special. That and the "ladies what would you do if u lost your pussy in a train accident" bit should be showed to beggining standups clockwork orange style as either an inspiration to not suck or the reason why they should quit because theyll never approach being that funny

both of those bits are turning the audience's words against themselves, which is hilarious. "i gave you a chance to say anything and you defined yourselves as a series of holes"

the alt-right racist misogynist sub who's #1 target is a blond frat-boy white male named Opie

gregory hughes is the whitest man to ever live

His homeless shaming white privilege must be stopped. This is the only place that's trying.

He's "bbq sauce on a steak" white.

just got tired of his mansplaining

We are misogynistic: our #1 target has big, meaty, chest fruit.

Still has a cock (presumably) no wonder Jim hung in there so long.

Whose, dumb cunt.

And our second target is a pedophile who was fired for racist remarks and pled guilty to domestic violence.

nice tabs :)

Alt right? tsk why not control alt delete or sumpting

Im waiting for the libs to try to start a #CTRLRight meme.

...can you copyright a hashtag?

Ctrl left is already a thing

I thought this was a joke I didn't get, but it's real

wew that title

Fawkin home run chris

Cuz, they're mac users and worship Jobs' cock.

Yeah, but is our cancer.

They say that, but they know we're Reddit's underdogs, soon-to-champs.

haha carlton's looking up kratom overdoses

Rude and uncalled for.

I love how you were also researching Kratom Overdose and Anthony Cumia Tranny.

Kratom overdose just leads to vomiting/nausea. The more you know.

Things need to get straightened out if this sub is turning off comedic minds such as "WanyeKest" and "RoboZombieJesus". How do they come up with names like that? LOL, I love Reddit

I do love that

There was once a black woman named Henrietta Lacks who was being treated for cervical cancer. Her doctors took a sample of her cancer cells and gave them to a researcher. Henrietta died in 1951, but the immortal cell line of Henrietta Lacks still exists to this day. This sub is like that line of cancer cells, still proliferating long after the original patient has died. Except that Henrietta's cell line is used in extremely useful scientific research and does a lot of good for humanity. So we're not like that at all really.


I love that this sub is called both alt-right nazis and cuck libtard sjw fags, all depending solely on the political beliefs of the person in question who does not like us. Funny how that works.

Fuck you, you nazi libtard alt-cuck fag.

It depends on who we are hating on during the month. If the Cumia boys do something outrageous, we become leftists who hate white cracka devil racist redneck ignorant flyover drumpfkins xD. If it's Amy schumer or some other identity the left decided to be the master of, we become alt rightists who hate <nigger/fag/jew> loving <kikes/cucks>.

Any actual leftist would know liberals are garbage people who maintain the corporate status quo and capitalism, comrade.

/r/opieandanthony is a sub of peace.

and peace is hated by those who profit from war and death.

What the fuck is the Dailystormer?

I googled it earlier at work. It's some kind of "jews are really bad"-site I believe.

Vause were not giant pc faggots were immediately thrown in with the alt right crowd? Fuck that shit. Shouts to my nigga /u/babydinosaurhead

luv u bb :)

Wrong wrong wrong.

This sub is full-blown AIDS, and don't you forget it.

Haha you faggots

I bet you also go incognito mode when you're blowing vagrants in bus stations, you cum guzzling spunk junky.

That's the filthiest thing anyone has ever said to me.

You're fucking delusional if you're seriously denying that there is a racist, misogynist, alt-right tinge to this place.

No one cares faggot

Impeachment's a' comin!

In all fairness, the user thinks we're fucking cancer, like maybe we have a weird fetish or something.

thanks for leaving in your tabs

Those no good Kratom Boys.

Palaverus Idolgazer, now there's a username for a cool confident sociable Patrice fan.

What's worse, being obsessed with Donald Trump or Gregg "Opie" Hughes?

luv u bb :)

Fuck you, you nazi libtard alt-cuck fag.

It depends on who we are hating on during the month. If the Cumia boys do something outrageous, we become leftists who hate white cracka devil racist redneck ignorant flyover drumpfkins xD. If it's Amy schumer or some other identity the left decided to be the master of, we become alt rightists who hate <nigger/fag/jew> loving <kikes/cucks>.

Any actual leftist would know liberals are garbage people who maintain the corporate status quo and capitalism, comrade.

I think a black guy who died recently owned it. But his family will probably sell to Heebie Kikeberger.

It's you.

I've never seen anyone get as mad as you are right now, about nothing. From someone you called a conservative retard. Is there something in your life that is causing you grief, my friend?

You're using homophobic and ableist slurs, and you're calling other people conservatives. I guess some people come to this nice, comedic subreddit to try and troll. Sad!