Fuck kratom, hit this ranch brotendo?

1  2017-03-22 by [deleted]


You're such a narc, you're being so narcoleptic

You're bending it like Beckham

I gotta admit, I'm out of the loop with Kratom, because I just do real opiates/opioids... When I was in jail there was a few guys in there who had done "spice" and committed robberies, whatever. It confused the fuck out of me though, wait "Fake weed" makes you crazy and you just rob people/start stealing shit? That's nothing like real weed

I smoked K2 a few years ago on accident, it was in a blunt that I thought was weed.

30 minutes later I was pacing outside and all I could think about was that the cops were gonna shoot my dog. I don't have a dog.

So it's like a meth-thing and you assume the shadow-people are coming to get you? I've done every other drug imaginable, I've been in awful places, I'm still trying to figure it out...

More than one person in my life has compared K2 to meth, so you aren't far off in your assumption.

I'm looking to set up a Scrabble game, where we spray-paint letters on half-sheets of plywood, and use an open field to play

I've never done crystal but I go on Adderall binges from time to time.

With spice you basically just get a weed like high but you get the paranoia and delusions of a couple day Adderall or coke bender. At least from my one experience that is.

You could snort so many better drugs! It's foolish to me

Yeah it's dumb. When I was in highschool it was super popular and my friend cleared a 4 foot bong at this party, it had this "spice" called hammerhead. He exhaled and instantly blacked out for like an hour.

A lot of the spice has ethylphenidate in it. A research chem similar to Ritalin.

God knows what else is in that shit. It's all a trade secret. It's not just cannabinoids anymore.

I used to hit the spice hard when I couldn't find pot. It doesn't do anything like that, at least not to me.. for me it was just like dirt weed that tastes like smoking potpourri and burned your mouth and gave you a headache immediately. Supposedly it's very addictive which is what made me stop buying it, but I don't know anyone IRL who got addicted, only read faggots online who tell fake sounding stories like the one above

that's fucked up

so cops shot your dog and you were so fucked up they got rid of it without you knowing?


Yeah, that shit is unknown chemicals you're trusting someone to be honest with you about. I wouldn't fuck with that or that powder they sell online they claim is stronger than fentanyl. I'll just get legit drugs from someone I've met before.

Kratom is a legal, non-lethal tea. If you don't have a tolerance you can get a small buzz...but it's great for kicking when you have nothing else to get you through

It actually helps with pain too. Not like a delicious oxy or anything but enough to feel pain subside or go away after taking

Kratom is a legal, non-lethal tea.

It's killing a lot of good men around here. Stop loying.

Making it into a tea is wasteful since only certain alkaloids are water soluble.
