Who the fuck calls this "progress?"

35  2017-03-22 by Zremoff


And Jeff Dunham's fan base keeps growing.

He's a good guy at least, I just don't like his comedy.

Despite this, he is still the funniest Dunham I can think of.

I can honestly say Lena Dunham has provided many more laughs than Jeff ever could. He wants to be funny, but isn't. She wants be be taken seriously and she's a clown. No comparison.

Lena's jogging outfit on its own is funnier than Jeff Dunham's entire career.

I can agree with that. I don't like Jeff Dunham, I just wanted to use that to say something hurtful about a person who may be (unintentionally) funnier, but is also a lot worse in every way.

I feels you, man.

I once spilled a drink on Lena Dunham at a party. I pretended it was by accident.

Maybe don't give them powertools

This makes me happy. Down syndrome people are awesome; they're all heart (literally, that's why they die younger than normal people, their hearts become enlarged). Not like those sneaky, blending-in autistics cunts.

I've loved downies ever since one went ape-shit and tried to grab a hot chicks tits when his wranglers brought him into my high school diversity class. He had good taste.

Autisitics and their MEEEEEE mentality. Ugh.

Hey potential parents, how would you like to raise a toddler for the rest of your life?

A toddler that could bench press you and cave your skull in with a single hamfist if you spill his chicken nuggets

Just adopt a black kid then.

Ewwww gross

And get shot and raped? I'd rather do a Willy Allen

Is it due to lead being used less in their favourite snack, paint?

That stock photo is really old. I remember it in a school textbook in like 2002.

Once resources start to get really scarce these things will fix themselves.

The total contribution remains at 0

Yes, but total gold medal count in penny eating contests: 41

I bet its because its harder to get rid of them. In 1912 you could drive them off the grid and leave them there without anybody knowing or caring.

That tables gonna be fucked up

I have this really hot friend who has a downy sister who she dotes on. Its why she is single. She's a strong 9 and can't get a dick. Because she hangs around with her retarded sister.

Biding my time.

Poison some nickles and scatter them around the lawn.

I'm not sure the hot one will fall for that.

Ask the dummy for a threesome.

The hot one will be outnumbered 2:1 and have to go along with it.

That's what she wants you to think!

Is your hot friends name Bonnie?

Rich vos?

Actually the average life expentancy is now -4 months. They're leaving out a lot of data.

Lotta trisomy flusharoos..

In unrelated news, the amount of loose change in households has plummeted unexpectedly by 600% in that same period of time

Good ol' 1912, it truly was the golden age of drowning your retarded child in a shallow puddle.

That and fancy hats. Everything was done through fancy hats.

My great-grandfather had a specific bowler hat he wore for drowning unwanted kittens and invalids in a sack.

This is good news for Erock.

Who would call that progress? Probably the guy that beat Charles Darwin to death with a brick.

Looks like a young Tim Taylor

Bet his parents wished they'd have thought of a use for that drill at 20 weeks.


Does that kid have Down Syndrome or is he just German? I can never tell between the two.

Progress would be a <9 month life expectancy