im ded

42  2017-03-22 by Thomas_Daly

aPrEHl FahLS


Well, there goes my erection.

sorry to disappoint but I really will kill myself eventually. I wanted to make this post on April first but a man who shall not be named is quite the sleuth.

We'll all kill ourselves eventually, friend.

I'm doing it slowly with alcohol and cigarettes this very moment.

You guys are grody and so terribly un-Karl Farbman-like. Sad!

Seinfeld? Very funny. I was told you were some kind of comedian.

I'm doing it slowly with alcohol and cigarettes this very moment.

Being in the sun. Eating. Breathing. It'll happen sooner or later and technically it'll be your fault.

Stick around and do something cool

Griz fucked this up for you I bet. That guy is just terrible with secrets. Welcome back you attention seeking douche.

Fuck you, now my flair doesn't make sense.

It was faggot flair anyway.

What ev's faggot

I bet you buy those pussy 12oz rolls, queer

You should've let the bit go on for a couple more hours atleast...

The jig was up. I fucked up by watching people talk about in cytube

Sorry I ruined the bit. :(

You're nameless?


Well you're a goddamn super sleuth I'll give you that. I wish I could have made this post on actual aprehl fahls though.

Rich Vos will be at the Taj Mahaha in Poughkeepsie this weekend.

Now I wish I was dead!

Jesus that's sadder than the news of your demise

...We had a pact motherfucker. I just drank a quart of antifreeze.

Can anything on this fucking sub be true? I'm so goddamn sick of being tricked day after day, I'm just about to kratom myself to death to give this shit hole some material.

daaaaaaaay after daaaayyyyyyyy

Don't even joke about that. They say a fatal kratom overdose is one of the cruellest way to die

Thank god. I was worried there, mate. ;)



I'm actually so happy even though I was very suspicious of this due to the dad's non-chalant facebook post about the hanging. It was bumming me out man. Well done.

You don't think that's what a father would do? I needed to make that post to fool someone here. It was set to only show to him. It worked enough apparently hahahaha I didn't think someone would post about my deaths so fast nevermind the legendary Cbanks420lol of all people.

Good job overall

Yeah fuck me for being such a sweetie pie. :(

Gladly ;)

In the general population I'm a 6 but I've seen what Gilgore and bickerson look like so as far as I know I'm a 10 on this sub.

Excuse me but I'm much cuter than you at a solid 7. But yeah brian and bic are monsters.

Thank you I was fishing for that

This is hilarious

Don't forget my other hits such as the chip email or the bam roll at


My level of apathy remains unchanged

That you had any -pathy before makes you deserve hot pokers in your eyes.

You damn dirty dog!

so where we at with this bit guys? we liking it or what?

I'm getting tired of these threads where I have to downvote every single post.

i hate the circle jerk

You don't like being a community of misfits who refer to each other by their first name?


so do i, its been getting smaller every year


Ya got me again, Edgar!

Kratom? I been eatin bath salts

I'm glad you're alive, /u/Thomas_Daly.

sorry to disappoint but I really will kill myself eventually. I wanted to make this post on April first but a man who shall not be named is quite the sleuth.

Thank you I was fishing for that