it sucks that cumtown is the only left-wing scumbag/cringe comedy source

15  2017-03-22 by [deleted]



Is this Joe DeRossa?

No way, DeRosa would not be complaining about this. He's riding the wave of establishment SJW comedy all the way into Amy Schumer's gaping asshole.

leftism, socialism, communism are all fundamentally opposed "comedy" and speech in general ... they are also immoral and lack any efficacy

Not leftism, or even blended socialism. Comedy as we know it here is a 20th Century American phenomenon. When it was birthed, and especially after WW2, liberals were firmly on the side of free speech. And throughout the second half of the 20th Century, as comedy became known as an art form in American and western culture, on television, the radio, the movies, all corporate entities, the tax rates and other main economic indices were firmly more socialistic, less capitalistic than they are now.

the economic policies being more socialist during the rise of comedy in the US is irrelevant ... the comedy and speech existed because those principles had been entrenched for 100+ years; principles in direct conflict w Leftism ... furthermore that economic ideal shift marked the downswing in economic growth, prior to WW2 income tax did not exist and the country grew faster and became the most prosperous society in human history. Leftism, Socialism and communism is responsible for curbing free thought and speech and degrading peoples quality of life

ps . i never mentioned liberals in either post on purpose because what i am saying is not applicable to them

I respectfully disagree.

can you please give me specifics

ps . i never mentioned liberals in either post on purpose because what i am saying is not applicable to them

Could you stop making life all about yourself faggot??? u/Thomas_Daly just killed himself. Give him his moment.

I heard he ODd on kreytom and a xanny bar.

Chapo trap house is the gayest faggotiest commie podcast in existence but you'd probably like it you gay faggot commie

Paywall for a socialist podcast. Really makes me think

I know, right!?

Because socialists are opposed to generating wealth and owning property and think money itself is EEEEVIL! They're not about making functional societies by making sure people don't starve.

You're on the same level as an adolescent dipshit who posts "Capitali$m is EXACTLY the same thing as FA$CI$M!" you fucking spoonfed, unthinking mongoloid.

They still could've used a different method. Nice try with ad hom though

Sure. and your mother could have used a different, more effective method of contraception.

There's zero reason they should use a different method. There's just your kiddie opinion, which is based on nothing except your misunderstanding of their principles and socialism itself.

Nice try with salvaging your shitty attempt at making an argument, though.

Except when you feed people with money the state doesn't have, or run businesses out with high taxes, and use unions as your new voting platforms its kind of counterproductive.

Except every single civilized country on the face of the planet is socialist to significant degree. This includes the USA.

All the countries that aren't democratic socialist are shit-holes.

This difference is clear to anyone who hasn't been trained to bark and salivate on cue when 'socialismz' is mentioned.

The only way to keep driving down costs and increase profits is to train suggestible people to oppose the social(IST!!!!!!) improvements that brought their grandparents out of hardscrabble poverty.

As for unions in the US, you could just as easily say that Reagan fucking the unions in the 80s and reducing their importance in elections led to the Dems deserting actual working people in favour of big business.

Each side can get too powerful, so the flux of left to right is usually a good regulator. But the bottom line is that if you think commerce should be favored over people, you're going to have a shitty, angry, unstable country. It's basic math.

Hey kid I think you are misunderstanding the difference between social programs and socialism.

Socialism and socialist principles give us social programs. Where do you think they come from, otherwise?

How do you think they're paid for except by the evil of WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION?

Ever notice how social programs are routinely decried as SOCIALISM!! when they want to cut them?

Is the ACA a social program? Or socialism?

It's just not that objective. For Christ's sake the Romans had social programs. But I digress that's not the point you're hung up on the ism" part. I hate to break it to you but the majority of European countries are not considered socialism at least not in the way your understanding it. However the countries that are truly socialism are some of the biggest hell holes on Earth. But I digress even further Socialism or capitalism is not the measure of success for any country the stronger correlation four shitholes on Earth is directly correlated to how much of an oligarchy that government has that's at least true in most Western countries. No one saying mixed economies don't work and mixed economy certainly include social programs. But it sounds like your stuck in your freshman year of college with your black and white understanding of socialism and your crusade to defend anything that resembles it. You really need to find that sociology Professor who fuck you up and kill him.

It's pretty funny that your cartoon visualization of 'college' is on par with your understanding of socialism and capitalism.

Actually, come to think of it, that makes perfect sense.

Word of advice for future discourse. Try not to let you are over zealous Passions or biased show through it reveals your singular plane of thinking but I'm guessing this probably works well for you on Reddit.

Ha. English isn't your first language, is it? Did you put your last comment through Google translate?

Even if your ideas made sense, your words would make you seem like an idiot.

As it is, your syntax and your comprehension match each other perfectly.

If, somehow, English is your mother tongue, my advice for future discourse would be: kill yourself. You literally can't string a sentence together.

Yay! There's a retarded line drawing to express every single thought you'll ever have! No need for typing!

"Try not to let you are over zealous Passions or biased show through it reveals your singular plane of thinking"

Is not a typo. It's Romanian that's been machine translated, or indicative of a non functioning brain.

Mad because retard line drawing hit home? Yep.

Not even you believe that.

I think you're confusing basic civic government with socialism.

it was the coolest moment of my life.

It's all downhill from here bud.

Christ 2 suicides in 1 night

Kill yourself.

i blame the michael richards incident for scaring comedians into avoiding subjects

That had nothing to do with it.

You had the popularity of "Comics call Bush evil" 2 or 3 years before that.

And then your side turned from political ideology to near religion about their beliefs.

So if you hate this shit, work to get your side from being so dogmatic about everything. Then you'll stop seeing hacks supported just because they make social statements and claim it's a comedy act.

Both sides are just as dogmatic as the other. When have you ever seen someone concede a good point when arguing politics in public. The fact that you are even saying "your side" is very cringey.

Not at all. The right wing, and particularly Trump supporters, have a huge sense of humor about themselves and their politics, and can be very self deprecating.

Now imagine Amy Schumer making a legitimately funny Hillary Clinton joke. Right, you can't.

If the right wing had a sense of humor themselves they wouldn't have filled the phone lines all lining up to unironically call Anthony a libtard when he strayed from conservative viewpoints. Nick Dipaolo also couldn't take a joke whenever Jimmy would make fun of his politics.

The right wing, and particularly Trump supporters, have a huge sense of humor about themselves and their politics, and can be very self deprecating

Depends on the geography. Throw a couple of rust belt jokes or opiate/heroin jokes their way and see how they react. A lot of them are no better than thick rimmed glasses fat white women from New York who will lecture you on microaggressions.

That's the old right wing who took abortion and Christianity seriously. Younger people give a fuck about neither. Ted Cruz would have won if they did.

My experience mostly draws from guys in their 20's and 30's and happened at a few different places. The women strangely didn't give a shit.

Sensitive Snowflakes knows no age or politics.

Uhhgg give it a rest would you

Yes, there's Jesus Freaks who are young. But they don't have the power in the GOP they did Reagan through GWB. Trump never would have been nominated if they did. They're down to be thrown a bone as VP. If you don't think the party has changed you're not paying attention.

Yes, the party has changed towards uneducated, reality tv obsessed zilches

So angry.

I don't know what right wing ppl you're speaking of but those social issues like abortion & gay marriage are still major concerns for conservatives basically because the evangelicals hijacked the party. Evangelicals & rednecks became a force within the Republican Party which is why many long time republicans abandoned the party, especially in the northeastern part of the country. Manhattan used to have a lot of republicans in places like the upper east side but many no longer identify or want be associated with what it's become. Those people who came from generations of republicans, their ideology didn't change, it was the partys ideology that changed & it became less about common sense economics & more in common Sarah Palin & idiots like her personal philosophies. I equally hate sjw & intolerant liberals who preach their ideology with religious fervor. They're both shit that's why I'm an independent slightly left of center.

lol Sarah Palin.

Trumpers can't even admit that Trump is an idiot.

Is Trump an idiot? People keep calling him an idiot. But he keeps manipulating the media, and get's whatever the fuck he wants at all times. I've never seen a guy who is as good at manipulating the media as Trump is. What he just did to Rachael Maddow was genius.

He's an idiot. Idiots manipulate and "win" all the time. It doesn't make them any less of idiots.

And this anger from the left will see him beat Elizabeth Warren in 2020. 4 years of laughing at you faggots isn't enough. We need 8.

8 years of being ruled by an idiot will be enough damage for you Americans. But "we is winning".

You don't even live here and he still makes you mad. We don't give a fuck about whoever your leader is. See why we like him?

Lol, he doesn't make me mad. I love that the US is turning into a third world shit hole now with its politics. That you can't even recognize that because you're "winning" all the time is pretty funny.

And did you just try to pretend that the US doesn't care who leads other countries? Lol.

Honestly, the US is a shithole now that they elected a proper manchild into office.

But hey, if worthless rural white males want to tear down the US in the name of "anti-globalism," that's fine with me. Globalists can move to countries that have been measurably better than the US for 30 years. Toothless white male hicks can turn the entire US into Appalachia.


Aww, you a rural white male?

Honestly, the US is a shithole now that they elected a proper manchild into office.

But hey, if worthless rural white males want to tear down the US in the name of "anti-globalism," that's fine with me. Globalists can move to countries that have been measurably better than the US for 30 years. Toothless white male hicks can turn the entire US into Appalachia.

Nobody is stopping you from leaving, babydoll.

I'm here to show the low value white males that they are not actually victims.

Are ya.

Your racist username and comments remind me that race truly doesn't matter, because all human beings are self-centered, egotistic, cruel beings who are ultimately incapable of treating one another with dignity or respect unless forced to do so.

To a retard, even an idiot looks smart.

He literally just turned Rachael Maddow into his propaganda minister for a day. The person who is arguably the most far left of anybody on tv. And he has been doing stuff like that for the last year, all while everybody calls him dumb

An educated person can tell he's dumb by listening to any of the presidential debates. He has the vocabulary of a 5th grader, can't argue a point effectively, and has an extremely basic grasp of both the US government and world events.

I don't know if that is dumb. He is just lazy, and goes off the cuff. All of the other Presidential candidates sound so smart because they have teams of writers, and memorize and practice these debate speeches for weeks.

Dude, your vocabulary and manner of speaking isn't memorized or practiced. He really is that much of a dunce that he has to say things are going to be 'great' and 'terrific' for 90 minutes straight, without using any supporting evidence to back up his points.

But he was intentionally doing that as well. That was part of his strategy.

Ok so even if your strategy is to appear dumb and uninformed, you should be prepared to have everyone call you dumb and uninformed.

If you nominated Bernie Sanders he would have split the angry vote and he would have won. But you chose a woman people don't like because you wanted back to back historical presidencies. Don't be mad at us about it. You should have learned your lesson with Kerry.

You say 'us' like you had anything to do with it, LOL.

Us as in Republicans, genius. Your side has never accepted Hillary was just terrible. It's Russia's fault right?


The right wing, and particularly Trump supporters, have a huge sense of humor about themselves and their politics, and can be very self deprecating.

No, you have that fucked up. The right nominated a clown candidate, but they take him very theriously.

They squeal like fucking pod people whenever anyone reminds them they voted for joke, or that they were fooled by President Hamburglar.

All we wanted was someone who sends progressives into a rage. And apparently it's working beautifully.

Wow, if that's all you wanted, that makes you a cunt, doesn't it?

It's nice that you can admit this to yourself, though.

lol you have ideals still.

lol you think feigning cynical detachment is going to dull the pain of being you.

I'm not the one going through life all

I think life is a sweet peach.

you sound like a hack making social statements as a comedy act, the very type of person you were trashing above.

Go try to make a joke on r the donald and see how fast they ban you...

Let me know when conservatives riot and shoot a woman with mace while she's talking to a news reporter.

I love it when people try to take the scum of the left, and try to claim they're the voice of the left. Now try the same thing with the Westboro Baptist Church and the right. See?

They hate Republicans too. They protested at Nancy Reagan's funeral because she was "into sorcery". They say politicians in general are against what "god" wants. If they were republican they wouldn't protest military funerals.

There's lots of Republicans who do bad shit, they aren't ones. Here, I'll help you: Timothy McVeigh, registered Republican.

The Trump supporters in Atlanta that just got convicted of criminal menacing. Using your own logic, they are the voice of the right.

Yeah, and they punched that guy at the rally.

I would punch a commie blocking my path on the sidewalk, now why would I punch 'the voice of the left'???

Yeah, and they punched that guy at the rally.

I called into O&A once. That was the high point of my life

I called them TWICE. And one of those times I got off a good Erock joke and they laughed and everything. I'm basically part of the show now.

I actually remember hearing that bit, it was impressive and gave me a good laugh and for a brief moment I thought if more callers could be so witty I wouldn't mind so much Opie's tendency to fill the show with them. Then your mother said "hey that's my kid on the radio!" and I said "wow what are the odds?" and went back to fucking her in the armpit.

My source of left-wing cringe comedy is Wait Wait don't Tell Me... and Pod Save America. Mostly politics and dad jokes.

Tosh is the only one with balls to do such comedy in the mainstream. He doesn't shy away from racial jokes.

Pod Save America is trash. Chapo Trap House is better but still honestly i just want a porno about marching billionaires into gulags or something

wow, what a hot take. Thanks for breaking it down for us, you fucking queer/

Okay, terrific!

I met and hung out with Patrice. I just want everyone to know that.

The fashy right is making great content if you can just get past the racism (and I mean come on).

Chapo copied these guys anyway.

Youtube is down now so fuck me and go to

Why get past the racism? That's the best part.

True. I was drunk and people were talking about left wing bullshit so I threw that disclaimer in there.

"I'm a fucking commie leftist kike"

Fuck off, you redundant nationwrecker.

Commie leftist kikes kind of invented modern comedy.

Be fair, they were kikes, but not commies. You couldn't get away with being a commie in those days in america without serious ostracism. (As it should be)

Lenny Bruce was liberal but not a communist.

This is some u/WierdFellas level of cringe

The communists killed at least 10 times as many people as the Nazis in the 20th century, and they mostly did it out of stupidity. Your political and economic views were so bad they killed more than 100 million Chinese, more than 60 million in the Soviet Union. You want sane people to think your world view is just like any other opinion? Your views are so bad, you accidentally are worse than Nazis.

Translation: Comedy sucks because I bombed at an open mic tonight and no one knew who Patrice was. Also I'm very drunk.

Comedy truly is a revolutionary act my commie kike associate. But no society could be based upon revolt. That's just kike garbage. The second your commie kike ancestors started mocking the foundation of American society they began to deconstruct their ethnic enemies. Now they're in charge and we're -- the right -- realizing that it's now the revolutionaries that need to be mocked because they're in charge.

But again, no society that wants any kind of stability can be based around comedy and deconstruction so, sooner or later, the laughter will eventually end. A dominant ethos, idea or ruler can accept many things but not to be mocked. Comedy can exist in the future but I think the 'edgy' days you long for are an unwise thing to long for -- not that it has ever stopped you kikes before. :)

Rambling. tl;dr Careful what you wish for.

i blame the michael richards incident for scaring comedians into avoiding subjects for fear of being filmed and ostracized.

Lol that's the dumbest shit I ever read.

It really is. That was 2006 right? This faggot missed 4 years of political comics calling Bush Hitler.

"fires up helicopter" Lets go for a sightseeing tour commie, I mean friend.

Let's get off the wider political discussion. We're talking specifically about politicised comedians. Nobody can argue successfully that the current lack of real comedic quality is down to a dogmatic left entrenched in identity politics. Sure, the right are just as bad but they don't make up the overwhelming majority of the comedic community. The OP talked about liberalism in comedy. That's it. And the left have fucking ruined it.

Why do you fucks keep constantly shilling for cumtown on here? I'm sure it's actually somewhere between average and bad like every other "comedian" podcast out there, but we don't need a post about this dumb fucking podcast every single day.

Idiotic stupid podcast name for no reason except attention. Fuck that guy.

No way, DeRosa would not be complaining about this. He's riding the wave of establishment SJW comedy all the way into Amy Schumer's gaping asshole.

Uhhgg give it a rest would you

Yes, there's Jesus Freaks who are young. But they don't have the power in the GOP they did Reagan through GWB. Trump never would have been nominated if they did. They're down to be thrown a bone as VP. If you don't think the party has changed you're not paying attention.

Dude, your vocabulary and manner of speaking isn't memorized or practiced. He really is that much of a dunce that he has to say things are going to be 'great' and 'terrific' for 90 minutes straight, without using any supporting evidence to back up his points.