Kelsey Cook presents this "minority" night at the cellar. 4 whites and a black dude. One of the organisers blocked me on twitter for pointing out that women were not a minority.

32  2017-03-21 by Ant_Sucks


Kelsey has great tits, that's about it.

Using the Patrice scale, she's like a 28. A very pretty average chick because she's young with blue eyes and tits. Give her about five years and she'll be a 22. There's a troll face coming out in 10 pounds.

Using the Patrice scale, she's like a 28

You mean 18. 28 would be near perfect, 20-30 is for beautiful women.

Yeah, what you said.

By the way, 11-20 is known as the "Anth Zone" in a few different contexts.

Also sometimes referred to as a school zone.

I'm just commenting on the tits, which are wrote quite good. The rest of her is shockingly average.

Ehhhhh. Normally she's pretty hot actually. Although when she's on tour with the Worm, maybe she looks better by default?

Christ. They both look like they should expect a booty call from Jim Norton.

She looks like she always has a herpe on her lip.

Whatever it is she needs to get it sawed off.

Kelsey Cook is a perfect example of how low the comedy bar is for attractive people.

More and more clubs have this, there's a dozen "minority" and specialty whatever nights a week. Casting calls for comedians all you see is "diverse, diverse, diverse." Could you imagine if you had a whites only night at a fuckin show?

But whites are evil. Why do all you Alt-right nazis have a problem with this?

You like equality so much, well we owe white males 4000 years of oppresdion to make them equal to everyone else

What just happened.

Only 4000 years?

I'd love to give her a minority colored gift in her mouth

How dare you fail to realize the patriarchal oppression woman have in western society!

Women are only a minority if you go by value to society.

this seems pretty patronizing. like the coub is saying "you're not good enough to perform here under nornal circumstances, but we'll make a special night just for you and your kind"

Wait, are you saying that affirmative action ISN'T beneficial and empowering? Racist.

how many other female willing to endure jim norton for their career?

I didn't know Private Pyle was an open micer.

It's Mona Shaikh's show, she's Muslim. Kelsey is just hosting. It wasn't Rich Voss "presents" the O&A Virus Tour.

How is Muslim a minority? They have over a billion of themselves in the world.

Well there's 7.1 Billion people so my math says who gives a fuck. This thread is full of fake outrage. If it makes you feel better, here was her last tweet:

@MonasComedy: You know you're a genius when you can make #rape funny! #davechapelle #NetflixBinge #DaveChapelleSpecial

What just happened.

Only 4000 years?

How is Muslim a minority? They have over a billion of themselves in the world.