How does Vic Henley afford to live in New York?

12  2017-03-21 by Dennyislife

He has very few actual dates, and when he does he's opening for someone, and just does spots around new york. I'm guessing they don't pay well and he doesn't do tv. Outside of Opie paying him to bail him out how does he earn any money?


People buying up that Lou's Cruise album.

He is a meat delivery man on the side. No joke.

More like he accepts meat deliveries. Because he's a homosexual and a cock sucker, you see. Ah boo.

More like "meat me in Central Park after sundown"

Because he's gonna smack around some peckahs tsst tsst

Nothing screams Success! like supplementing your income with a second job.

Stop it. Seriously?

He syncs his personal calendar with comedy appearances and accidentally posted it on his site.

LOL holy shit

is this real? hahaha

He owns at least one "meat truck."

Maybe that's as innocent as a truck full of meat, but I highly doubt it.

It's slang for human trafficking.

In that case he must be making some big bucks.

I really don't know how anyone does, save for wall streeters, dudes who live 8 to a studio in Hell's kitchen and people like stinks who surf couches. I lived there in 2000-2003 and paid $1500 for a turn of the century walk up studio on 44th and 8th. I'm sure that building is not there anymore and has been replaced by luxury apartments. Everywhere is luxury apartments, next to a trendy coffee shop, next to a trendy bar, next to a YWCA opportunity house. It fucking sucks

44th and 10th

on top of that Dunkin Donuts? I was at 43 & 10 until like 2012.

That dunkin wasn't there when I was. It used to be a cuban coffee shop. I lived in that shithole above that convenience store next to a place called Mr. Biggs that was this gay ass bar but I knew a dude who sold coke out of there

Hah, yep, I lived right above the deli across from Biggs.

One time I was drinking in Mr. Biggs and some fag asked me for a cigarette, and then a second later asked me if I wanted to fuck. I said "no."

Haha weird that you say that. Used to be, I could walk home from getting the train station and round that corner to go into Biggs for a nightcap and there'd be this strange collection of puerto rican hookers just sitting at the bar. Sometimes they'd have a weird crowd in there late night. One time one of them came back to my place to smoke crack and suck my dick and stole my roommates purse. The roommate had just moved in and moved out a day later haha good times

Get a room, faggots.

Preferably one on 44th and 10th

I had a coworker, 5 people in an apt in Murray Hill - I think they told me they were paying like 1500 per person.

I work with a bunch of younger and older people who live in NYC, they are all too infatuated to admit that they can't afford it.

It's even sadder for the older people, being over 40 with literally zero net worth.

anyone want to follow him home and see where he lives. no homo/stalking

no homo no deal

Arent his opening dates for Ron White though? Thats got to pay out the ass. He's also lived in new york for a million years, he probably bought super cheap.

I'm pretty sure he's mentioned getting pretty lucky with stocks and such, along with owning his place for many years.

He got royalties from co-writing the You Might be a Redneck book with Foxworthy. That was a big hit. He's not a millionaire, but he probably has enough money to live on between gigs. He may still write with Foxworthy, and Louis CK made decent money writing with Chris Rock, where he was able to quit Conan and be a struggling stand up until he made it in the 2000s.

He moved there in the 80s and presumably bought property.

I seem to remember that he bought his apartment a few decades ago when New York was rougher and cheaper. Also, while I don't really follow him, he was getting steady work in the 90's, so maybe he saved well.

He replenishes meat.


Holy shit he is a dunderhead with a photographic memory.

Betting on Auburn

He probably lives on like 167th street

Across 110th Street

Pimps trying to catch a woman that's weak.

Across 110th Street.

Pushers won't let the junkie go free.

Across 110th Street

Woman trying to catch a trick on the street.

Across 110th Street.

You can find it all in the street.

Across 110th Street

Vic Henleys got a truck full of meat


Across 110th Street

Art exhibit at a lesbian café all week.

Across 110th Street

Douchy hipster offering hugs for free.

Across 110th Street

Another black family evicted on the street.

Across 110th Street

You can find it all in the street.

He lives on the Upper East Side/Yorkville, E 90th St between 2nd Ave & Lexington Ave. If he bought the co-op back in the day, that area was pre-gentrified and super cheap bc it was almost considered part of East Harlem, Now there's a Whole Foods there and wine bars and shit.

how do you know where he lives

Public property sale records, Google-able in 10 seconds

thats frightening

Don't those meat truck delivery guys make a mint?

I did that for a while. It sucks but if you got a good line of bullshit you can make almost 3-4 hundred a day. I can't believe people still buy that shit. It's basically usda select flank meat that you convince people are filet and you sell it to dudes and single moms with food stamps in and around trailer parks

Vos did that for awhile, too. Sold meat & seafood out of the trunk of his car.

Ahhhh, OK.

Just about everybody who does that job is a wiry, motormouth addict cause you get cash everyday and you're just driving around talking to people. I was with one dude one time who went back to his dealer 4 times during an 8-hour day.

I had one of those guys knock on my door once. He was definitely a wiry motormouth. I told him "maybe some other time" and the dude practically took that as invite into my house. Fucking creeps.

Yeah those dudes pull some shady shit. They'll ask to go to the bathroom and raid your med cabinet and steal shit to sell to get dope money. One dude was stealing copper wire from people when they weren't home

I hope Vic does these things and eventually is caught. He is a creep.

What a piece of shit... Proly slobbering everywhere

He has a wife i think? maybe shes FAWKIN loaded and shit.

I think he was kicked out of his co-op in NYNY actually

His chick is a doctor. I imagine that has something to do with it.

Ron White

It's not even that hard. I bought a co-op studio in one of Manhattan's more affluent neighborhoods, on an income of $175,000, and i'd be considered barely middle class. Even if Vic Henley made less than that doing occasional standup spots and getting royalty checks for writing gigs, he could afford to live in NYC.

You make 175 000 a year? That's alot

It's ok

It's not a lot in Manhattan

No it isn't.

I start sweating bullets when my household income drops below $200K.

It's un-fucking-believably expensive here. (California)

At one point I was making six figures and living in an apartment that was smaller than the place I lived in when I was in college, making minimum wage. ($16K a year)

I bet most of his money comes from opening for Ron White in middle America. Those tours make bank.

Vic Henley's Midnight Meat Train.

For real, he delivers meat to other dudes.

The name Vic Henley itself kinda grosses me out. That said, I will never mock a man for having a real job to supplement his entertainment career. The guy works just so that he can have a chance to start a career. He's not one of these bum children who wait for their siblings or parents to bail them out.

Guy has a real job and has fun on the side doing comedy. I'm not a fan of his whatsoever, but fuck any of you unloved and unemployed failures making fun of a guy who isn't that funny but works all day to support what I assume is a family, and doesn't let his visions of himself being a comic get in the way of doing what he needs to do to survive.

He's not scamming his fans out of thousands of dollars. He's delivering meat in a truck because he doesn't wanna hurt anybody or waste other people's resources. If you're mocking the guy for having a true job, let me know how much you send to Jimmy in your next GoFundMe payment, you fucking buffoon.

The working man is a sucker

Just another cog in the machine, whatta ya want from me?

Vic knows where the bodies are buried.