Joseph Cumia molesting his sister

16  2017-03-21 by CompoundMediaPR


There was definitely a multi-layered incesteous relationship in the Cumia house. Which still isn't as disgusting as their shower drain must have been.

Confirmed sexual entanglements in the Cumia household:

Joe Sr on Anthony.

Joe Jr on Dawn.

Mother Cumia on negro lawn maintenance man.

Ant on Joesephina

Tss next generation? what is he captin John Luke PRICK HARD or sumthin?

I'm so glad only one of them became moderately successful and went to jail for beating a woman.

Downvote all you want but Dawn Cumia was a dish. I'd have her in my harem any day.

Yeah she wasn't bad at all.

Jesus Joe!

fuck her and her horseteeth

He can't keep getting away with it

Typical Jihadist piece of shit.

Anthony looks like some kind of retard Rocky Balboa in that shot.

they look like spice thieves

Every time I hear a new version of a reference to their terrible muslim lineage such as "Rug-merchants" or "Spice thieves" it gives me a good chuckle, thank you sir!

Me too. I saw "sand dune coon" for the first time yesterday which I thought was pretty good.

I'm sure they doubleteamed Dawn right after the photo was taken.


Hoo hoo, I was fucking my sister before anyone ever did, Robin. Hoo hoo, tell 'em Fred.

the ol' north african hug-tit-grab

runs in the family

looky at that big black peckah

She rooks rike Commander Tloy flom Star Tlek

Boy those Cumia's sure love touching each other.

Well.. she is kinda molestable

Joe looks like Rambo's schlep buddy, Nam-blo.

Ant looks like a retarded Paul Stanley

Anyone with some photoshop skills can turn that mic-stand into an anti-tank rifle?

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