33  2017-03-21 by TangerineReam


Apparently Leo Fong is a comedian. Who knew?

For the next couple of weeks, the majority of comics featured around here are also in this show: https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/calendar/event/brooklyn_comedy_marathon_march_2017.

Have fun, just DON'T go over the line, like JOCKTOBER: RANDY AND ALANA style. Among other things, we don't need the sub shutting down...

EDIT: More links of hers(/they?/zer?/Zatarain's?). Each one a bullet of smug idiocy, from someone who thinks they're on the "right side" of history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-u4fcxsYoc&ab_channel=NYCAASC




I wanna decapitate her in front of her tied up parents, like some deranged jihadist.

She'd probably feel compelled to accept it as reverence to your eastern religion.

I didn't even catch that...

How Patrice performs his gender identity is his business, sir.

'Marthon' - you will have to endure this, and it will be painful.

'Fierce'- "you're a fucking white maaalllleeee"

'Funny' - "muh vagina"

'Feminist' - "we have such minimal problems surviving within this harsh realm of nature, so now we have time to nitpick, refuse to consider perspectives, and delusion ourselves on Facebook and Twitter every day!"


Even as far as SJW shit goes, most of these tweets aren't even complete thoughts

It's just... so stupid.

I can't believe I ever thought all human life was precious.

Real wordsmith, aren't you?

Oh I try to spin a yarn or two, why'd ya ask!

Didn't this "weekly sjw comedian" stuff almost get us shut down for brigading?

No, standup and stanupshots subreddit tried to make it a thing, but there's no brigading here that conflicts with reddits general rules, since no other subs are being linked or mentioned, AND no personal fb accounts are being posted: Just whatever vids people use for their own public exposure, and of course their twitter.

This is the most informative post ever on the /r/opieandanthony subreddit.

I think someone once posted that Opie was a talentless large breated hack.

Changed my whole worldview.

Whats this cruise director guided play shit?

covering bases

I like it. Sure, it's not funny. But it's relateable. But not to me because that would be cultural appropriation. But it is to all the gender trans queer non cis POCs of Asian decent and that's the market of the future.

It seems like most every "creative" type who lives in NYC these days are trust fund kids with rich parents. I don't know how she can "work in a sex shop", do comedy for peanuts and live anywhere near Manhattan. This is why so much shit sucks nowadays, because these people have led mostly tension-free, smooth lives devoid of challenge and have not had the world kick their ass at all. The result is dull mediocre "art" produced by empty shells of human beings who only have their sexual orientation to desperately co-opt as the central part of their identity.

Yep. That it

Yes, they are all artists living the dream in one of the most expensive cities in the world, yet most of them don't have jobs because it would interfere with their craft. Good thing mom and dad are rich.

Their undeserved ego is matched only by their undeserved bank account

This was beautiful. When everything is too easy and you have no real troubles affecting your life, you invent problems like the wage gap, cultural appropriation, Halloween costumes, 85 genders, pronoun shaming, fat shaming, basically anything hilarious_ shaming.

Hey, I have rich parents, but that doesn't mean I don't know pain. I'm in pain every time I read this dumb sub.

I share your same pain.

SAMO as an alternative 2 playing art with the ‘radical chic' sect on Daddy's $ funds

A lot of it is a "fuck you" to their dads.

A lot of millionaires are Republicans, and what better way to say "fuck you" than to become a communist cum dumpster in SoHo.

I think the correct pronoun is "it"

I'm just thrilled there's at least one thing in this world that no Asian person is good at.

I'm waiting for the first funny Asian stand-up.

Remember Dat Phan? Man he sucked.


This guy Leo isn't funny.

I tried to give a keynote at the queer gender & sexuality conference but apparently no one wants to hear a man talk about cartoon pony fucking. DOUBLE STANDARDS.

SJWs only argue through "comedy" because you don't need to back up your points with legitimate logic and people will cheer for you no matter what in a shitty, isolated comedy club.


What an ayshun fhaygot...

Nobody pays attention to me so I guess Ill be sexually ambiguous...


So is this gook a tranny? and if so is it f2m or m2f?

why give these open mic'ers any fucking pub at all? They're zilches playing to 8 people a night.

Just so you can reach out to them and tell them what you think.

Nathanthesnake is a faggot

They're saying the things black comedians have been saying about white people for 40 years, but they've made it their own by adding a cunty sense of moral superiority.


Why are they always shaking with/or upset?

Remember, you're not a comedian if you're not taking pictures of strangers and publicly humiliating them on your social networks.

Technology has really let this business bring the psychopaths to the front of the line.

Thing have really taken a turn since Low Blow.


I was thinking more Kill Point. That has some rad scenes too.

She'll be appearing at this Anti-Male, Anti-Alex Jones event that is comprised exclusively of chicks who are bitter that dudes are stronger than them.


Remember fellas, She'll be thinking about your comments the next time she takes the stage, so be sure to leave out the predictable words she can ignore and just chalk up to racism. Really critique her in a way that she can't just write off as you being an oppressor.


He sucks

covering bases