So Chuck Zito's entire shtick is that he has to one up everyone and remind you constantly of what a badass he is?

2  2017-03-21 by [deleted]



well yeah. If that's all you got.

Bit off topic, but Zito's self defense tape - .

Some unintentionally funny stuff in it, especially the first few minutes.

does he actually have a move where he apparently rips off men's penises through their pants and throws it in the air, or was that some improv?

is he on Jim and Sam? Wow, he's still a thing? This is the dude who was on Stern like 20 years ago, right?

Brother Joe has a Chuck Zito poster above his bed.

Nice to know Opie isn't the only one who has a home for old Stern associates.

Yeah he was horrible. I'd love to see how he acted in a room with someone like Bas Rutten who would beat the ever living shit out of him.

And it's funny Bas Rutten is a real badass and he isn't like chuck at all.