Re: The Leonard firing.

3  2017-03-21 by axeheadroad

I'm 99% sure it was real because I doubt they could all act that good together, but aren't prank calls illegal, or did they get away with it because they told him he was on the radio?


They disclosed that they were on the radio to his manager. The dumb old man had no clue about being on air tho

Yes, this is right. They had the back office guys working on it, then, they themselves mentioned it when they went live. This was after there had been a bunch of feel good stories about him on national media, so they probably had no clue that it was going to be anything but nice.

...what? who? -

In my estimation, probably the worst bit they did in terms of meanness.

I don't think he believed it. A person believing they're being fired for no reason isn't going to just accept it. Even a retard is going to say "What? Why?"

I still think the guy who called in about his dead kid in a car crash is meanest. And funnier.

Worst part was after the show.The fucker jumped in front of that bus,still wearing his McDonald's vest.

Fairly certain that's an FCC law and SXM isn't bound by it