When is the comedian bubble gonna pop?

16  2017-03-21 by turtlewink

I've heard Marc Maron describe the comedy boom and soon after the bubble popped and comedy clubs started closing up everywhere turning into disco clubs or whatever. Are we due for another fall in the demand for comedians? Will the current crop of comedians over saturate the field causing the pop where only the tough make it through the grind or has the youtube era eliminated the need for the toughing it out experience therefore a pop is never coming?


hopefully a bullet pops ur fukkin skull

The problem is there really is no shitty comedy boom. The money is gone. The most you will maybe make is a few thousands dollars a year from Netflix specials. The bubble will burst when the aspiring comedians realize there will be no sitcoms coming. Amy Poehler will not magically descend from the heavens and pitch your sketch team. The Comedy Store does nothing for you nor do the Improvs. The UCB theaters will close. The shitty house party shows will stop. A bunch of fucking people will leave Los Angeles and peace will return to the land of debauchery.

You really thought this through didn't you?

That's the scenario we have to pull for







are the mods protecting patton?

The difference is people made lots of money in the 80s and nobody but the top tiers make money now. So there's no bubble. Comics are working for free and for chump change.

The money is there for youtube/podcast comedy...unfortunately its a completely different art form than stand up

Podcasts aren't the same thing at all, mediocre stand ups usually have the best podcasts.

You could make ad money on YouTube posting stand up clips. But to make a living you've got to be a fairly well known name. Not Kevin Hart level, but not the level of a guy who is getting screwed over by club owners.

As long as Trump is in office white people will always feel the need to go on stage and make obvious social commentary.

(((white comedian))) - "Don't you hate white people?" crowd shits pants with laughter

I laughed at your comment then let out a sigh of extreme depression.

"At first we were like 'we are gonna kill you', but now we are like 'yeah, you colored guys might be alright alright alright..." -White Comic

You are going to learn what a long penis looks like before the morrow!

The YouTube era has made it worse for them actually. Nobody 20 or younger gives a fuck about stand up unless it's a quick snippet to post on Tumblr or 4chan. Joe Rogan is the only "comedian" that has had any real YouTube success and that's only because he got all the ayy lmao 420 teens to watch.

A completely retarded video like "The bee movie but every time they say bee it speeds up" gets more YouTube views in 2 days than 99% of comedian's get in their life.

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Dongers Raised: 21851

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info

Fuck off.

Jesus fuck that is the shittiest bot I've ever seen

Joe has an audience because he was one of the first guys to do a "vlog" type of show. The video he made exposing Mencia set him up for life. He and Carolla we're involved online before any other "comedian"

Patrice had some success on Youtube too. It was just regurgitated by another guy.

I think Maron is probably just full of shit. Liberals always like to create narratives about the past that are usually very different from living in them. "I lived through the comedy boom and bust guys. I saw it all maaaan".

It's different now. People can make podcasts and youtube videos and never even need to go to a club. Some of these youtubers are millionaires and they SUCK. The bubble will probably pop with the next tech bubble.

Well I went looking for more information on the boom, bust cycle after I made this thread and found this:


J.D.'s pro comedy debut in McAllen, Tex., paid $500 plus travel expenses. Six years later, the same one-nighter pays $175, and you get there yourself. So long-distance travel, at least by plane, doesn't make sense anymore. Which is why not long ago, J.D. found herself alone and crying in the middle of the night, white-knuckling the steering wheel, headed for a Reno gig and crawling through the mountains in a blizzard.

"It wasn't pretty," says J.D., real name Jannette Frazier of Santa Paula. "I'm crying and I'm thinking, if there's a Waffle House anywhere near here, I'm going to pull over, get a job and be a waffle waitress for the rest of my life."

Sure Maron's full of shit, but be fair, conservatives have been defined by narratives about the past. 'Make America Great Again' being the latest incarnation.

Was America not great in the past?


I honestly think comedy will be OK as soon as it gets back to being objective. What's killing comedy in the long run is AGENDA. Agenda jokes are like Rape Jokes: it's easy to make jokes around, and even easier to sell. But when that bubble pops, a lot of people are going to be shit out of luck. People like Rye Silverman will either have to transition back to looking like a young male plumber again, or fade away somewhere else. The agenda comedy is reaching critical mass, and has been since before Trump. Every comic thinks they're revolutionary for being against Trump and pro-SJW, but they're only adding more voices to an already over-saturated market place of ideas. The public at large are WORN OUT from being told -BY COMICS- to hate certain things, to hate themselves, being hated for what they are or by proxy of ideas, and assuming that EVERYTHING is a construct of something else. It's paranoia and conspiracy theory, not comedy.

Youtube at least provides ad revenue that YOU get to make, without being held to advertisers' standards. Thats a big incentive to keep creating for the channel while generating a living. After YT gets more strict with its content and content policing, by then Vid.me will have reconfigured its interface. You'll see a mass exodus transferring over to that page. The future is still the internet, because content creators want their cake (not bowing down to advertisers) and to eat it too (ad money). Comedy clubs still need a reformatting of their structure, but I dont think they're going anywhere.

YouTube has advertising standards now. There are basically three tiers, preferred advertising(most money), regular monetization and demonetized. If YouTube finds your video to deal with "sensitive issues" they will not allow ads to be on it.

That's why vimeo is better. I want to switch to vimeo, but there's more content on youtube so I reluctantly stay there. And because there's more viewers on youtube, content creators reluctantly stay there too.

It's a vicious cycle.

Do you make a living off digital videos?

No, I'm saying that, as a viewer, I want to make the switch.

It's more the overall entertainment bubble which is popping currently. As far as comics are concerned, the model of "stand up and TV exposure leads to comedy special" will soon be obsolete because the potential audience has too many options (both in how and what they view) to count on making a game-changing impact with a special.

In today's landscape, it's much more DIY and the comics who make an effort to carve out and cater to their niche audience through multiple forms of media will have the most success. Currently, podcasting is the #1 way to do this. But even then, unless you magically discover the perfect format which captivates listeners, you won't find success as a podcaster without coming to the table with a fanbase. Therefore, first you have to make a noticeable impact on other podcasts which already cater to a niche audience similar to the one you hope to develop in order to get their attention and sell them on you so that they want to hear more.

Eventually podcasts will be replaced by some other type of media but right now it's the method of choice.

Of course, since this change is occurring in real time, it's the comics who are blending the old with the new who are finding the most success, especially those who were the early adopters.

Comedy is doing just fine. Podcasts are making it easier for a comedian to control how their content is distributed.

I don't understand the "question".

Easy, are they Jews?



Are there Jews? If there are, I may have a solution for you.

I think it's much more likely that Amy Schumer or Bob Kelly will pop.

I would like to be a stand-up comic one day! I already have a few minutes of material! Would anyone care to hear it?

Needs even more exclamation marks.

I would certainly care to hear a few minutes of material. As long as that material is being coiled around your throat and squeezing out your life-force.

I would certainly care to hear a few minutes of material.

Well, if you're gonna twist my arm ....

**Heyyyy! How's everyone doin', OK? Good, good ....

Say, I just saw on the news the other day that scientists have discovered at the center of our galaxy a large dense mass that sucks away all the energy from everything around it. Yeah, astronomers are calling it "The Rich Vos Effect".

Speaking of dense holes, I see the Playboy "Playmate of the Year" has been announced! Yep, she has listed as her turn-ons: "Eating peanut butter straight from the jar ....", "Snuggling in front of a warm roaring fire on a cold rainy day ...." and "Repeatadly fondling 89-year old publishing magnate yambag ...."

And how about that Joan Rivers, huh? She sure did have a lot of plastic surgery! In fact, Joan had so much work done, every time she sneezed, she had to wipe her schuv' ....

Welp, they're givin' me the wrap-up sign, so I'll leave you guys with this other piece of science news. Computer experts at MIT have perfected what they're calling the world's first comedy AI ! The software not only writes it's own material, but performs it as well! Yep, as a matter of fact, the project's been so successful, it's already got it's first gig: hosting The Porno Awards. It'll be replacing Bobby Slayton! Too inside ...?

Hey, you folks've been great. I'm Jackie Giggles, I'll be here all week. Enjoy the pepper steak!**

Well ...?

I would so pay to see this routine live!!!!!!More Jackie Giggles pls!

Alright, alright. So it stank. WE GOT IT. No need for the sarcasm!

Impressively boring. Those words held less value to me than a pre-Hitler Deutschmark.

Those words held less value to me than a pre-Hitler Deutschmark.

You mean I didn't deliver a wheelbarrowful o' laughs?

That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

Throw in an Ovaltine bit and you'll be on your way!

Skoove made me laugh

If anything, comedy will grow due to great comedy content being readily available for anyone to stumble upon or become inspired. Making people want to give it a shot. Unless people become completely consumed online to the point where they don't interact on a personal level with anybody. But I still think we're a generation or two away from that.

The market is saturated. Goes for music, art, games, sports, news/politics/opinion, info. It all stems from the internet boom. No time in history has given everyone access to so much content and choice that it's overwhelming and it's something new to humanity to absorb. We're seeing the effects of this already.

I have a friend who drove out to LA to become a comedian. The only reason why I am no unfollowing him on twitter iss because he's my friend. He is cringy and unfunny. I bet there is million "comics" just like him.

I bet your friend would appreciate exposing him to this sub for constructive criticism

I'm too big a faggot to do that to him.

You can never be a big enough faggot. Shoot for the moon, cmon.

LA will probably love him.

awwww shit

I hope soon. Most of them belong in HR jobs.

Not too long before GameStop goes under too

GameStop has been "dying" for years but it keeps chugging along...impressive.

I think Louis had a big part of this- the boom was also in every comedian trying to do a new special every single year, and the quality of them going down.

There's too much fucking comedy being producted. Netflix is literally releasing 52 fucking specials this year- one per year. What the fuck?

That's 1 per week if my calculations are correct.

Whoopsy daisy!

It's different than it was back then and it's only part of a larger problem where this is the new way for uninteresting shitheads to say they're employed, plus the standards are lower. These people are content with their podcast and its 250 listeners like these bloggers are content doing unpaid work for shitty knockoff sites. Being a comedian, like many others, is just a step on the path to what they really want to do which is why so many of these fucking hacks also do music and won't shut up about politics.

I wonder what the ROI on Roast Battle appearances is

Everybody jacking they little dicks 24/7 and forgot the laughter

I haven't seen a comedian on TV for years

Who gives a fuck you faggot

Geez that was a bit harsh, yes?

I fucking hope so

Think we can all agree there's too many pretenders polluting the ranks. It's too outdated and inessential a profession to be this diluted. We need a "Battle Royale," with all non-essential comedians thrown on an island, and forced to kill each other until they're whittled down to one "winner" (who we can agree to ignore afterwards). Stand-up jumped the shark when it became a viable platform for effete, PC fairies.

Needs even more exclamation marks.

I would certainly care to hear a few minutes of material. As long as that material is being coiled around your throat and squeezing out your life-force.