Ever since I started takin Kratom in 2012, I've been doing the toss and wash. Does boiling it really make that much of a difference or are there other ways of injesting?

0  2017-03-21 by [deleted]

Every time I boil it I seem to waste a lot of it or not do it right. Any tips?


Buttchug it like a man

mY aSs is Dryy

It works quite well as a tea. Just bring water to a boil, turn the heat off and put your dosage in the water. Let it steep for 15 minutes then strain out the Kratom leaf or powder.

Can what you strain out be boiled again?

You can if you want. Probably isn't worth it though.

And then what ? You drink it ? What does it feel like ?

Yes. You drink it. Then you get a mild pain relieving effect thats that of vicodin. Its a nice drug if you like opiates. Especially if you're an opiate addict. You can be an opiate addict that relapses on heroin and find solace in kratom. It really is a great heroin rehab drug. The withdrawals from it equals a bad night of sleep.

My withdrawals from kratom are usually feeling weak the next day. Low blood pressure type. But I tried the tea again, and it made a smaller dose feel like my regular dose. So it was worth it.

And making the tea made my usual nausea from kratom non existent.

Only certain alkaloids are water soluble. Making tea is kind of a waste.

remember that kratom can get you extra high in your dick too. so stir with your pecka

I've been doing it since 2011 so I'm cooler than you.

When did this become a fucking Kratom sub?