This is really Funny!!!!

4  2017-03-21 by sarahemmingway


I would never disgrace a country like that.

Wales is not a country. It's like the Texas of the UK.

100% is a country. Bawby, you would know that if you went anywhere other than Aruba.

I don't even consider the UK a real country. So no way in hell is Wales making the list all by itself.

Nope, it's a principality, not a country. Source - grew up there.

Where? I grew up in pembs

The Vale. Back when it was more cow shit than Chartered Accountants. I'll give you a clue - the village name starts with Llan..

I audibly exhaled through my nose.

Word play yuma

Hey that's where I live gang 😀

I was on a UK tour and we stopped for a few hours in some quaint tourist trap called Llangollen. You people sound like Klingons.

Yes that's the best way to describe the Welsh accent and language.. I don't really have it cuz I'm from the south west and I know about 5 Welsh words..

West Wales?! It turns out calling you a dozy Valley boy was a massive compliment...

what the fuck were you doing there?

Did you miss the words 'tour' and then 'tourist trap'? It was a group tour so it was a fully planned-out itinerary by the travel agency.

All being an asshole aside I kind of liked how the steeply sloping valley looked from the mountain road, with all its sheep farms and ... whatever those little tan and brown ball bushes are called dotting the countryside.

The town itself was pretty shitty though. Literally. They have public toilets with no seats, savages.

Geographical yuma.