I dont know guys....I don't think Amy Schumer is all she's cracked up to be.

3  2017-03-21 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Don't mean to offend anyone around here; I know she's well liked...

It's just...well...I-I just don't find her FUNNY. I don't know why! And I don't think women are UN-funny! I absolutely agree with you guys 100% about women in comedy: They CAN be funny, and should be celebrated for being brave! Always!

I...All I know is that when I watch her specials; I don't laugh. That's it. Jokes about her vagina aren't really funny to me. Asking her boyfriend to shoot his cum on her is...OK? I guess? I know it keeps you guys in stitches, because your gf's and wives laugh their butts off at it, and of course you should value their opinions as you do with all women...

Maybe it's me! Maybe it's just my sense of humor? Or where I'm at in life right now? But I just don't get it...

Hope that's not a problem for anyone here...


Get out.

You type too much. Half of us cant even read anyway


Get over it

Her humor just isn't for everyone. It's ok to feel that way, comedy is subjective and we all respect each other's opinion. Maybe stinky vaginas just aren't your thing. Perhaps you would prefer the tranny comedy of up and comer Jim Norton.