The Mad Cuban and Opie have great chemistry

2  2017-03-20 by unclepaul84

Has any seen the "jazz it up" bit? It's so funny. It's Opie's unconventional cooking ideas against a celebrity chef's ideas. The YouTube videos are hilarious. Best bit since O&A! They always make me chuckle. Anyone who is 18-35 male would love this show.


Yeah chemistry, like Draino and sewage.

I tuned in for 30 seconds today and they were all cheering for pancakes. I don't think they actually had pancakes, but we're cheering the idea of having pancakes.


I didn't think it was possible but the mad cuban is worse than fat tongue.

What the fuck is Opie thinking having this cunt in almost every day? The dude makes Opie's show unlistenable (it wasn't always this terrible, for a time it was better than the morning show). Sadly Opie's show has become a poor ripoff of Roland's Food Court.

All he wants is to believe he's contributing to the humor for the first time in his life. He found three guys who know their job is to make him believe that.

Its mind boggling, there were some days the show was good but since he's decided to rip off Roland's Food Court with a group of guys who must have been told to laugh at everything Opie says; it's a fucking trainwreck.

celebrity chef



I like the one where Vic Henley and the gang is dancing to some raptune.

Still better than Jim and Sam...

Spic & Mick in the ha ha ha afternoons.