Any one else notice the website for Brother Joe Entertainment?

2  2017-03-20 by Wolosocu

Odd choice of content for a company that wants to make money and expand. I guess they only cater to a certain crowd.


Oh.. that's a nifty trick. You'll have to teach me that one day.

When you add the link text just make it a website, ez

He actually registered the domain. Type the URL into a browser.

Thanks, stinks. I'm not totally fucking retarded, just in that sweet spot of about 95%.

I'm assuming you meant like typing out one URL in the text and using the target URL in the link?

I assumed this was the case at first, but then I tried typing in the URL directly into other browsers. This is when I discovered that apparently some good Samaritan took it upon themselves to set up a 301 redirect taking Brother Joe Entertainment directly to Stormfront.

I thought you were serious. Guess you would gave to be a dumb retard to not be able to figure that out


This must be the secret hangout for Joe and his biker gang.